Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 2, Week 2 - 12 week Half IM training

woke at 5:30 AM.

Interval bike
5x5'TT with 2' rest
interval, watts, distance
1 - 257, 1.72
2 - 258, 1.78
3 - 265, 1.85
4 - 280, 1.93
5 - 303, 2.03
Total time was 43'
Distance was 12 miles

I thought I was going hard on those first two but they ended up being much less than what I probably could have gone...that's why I love the power meter.

 Before that last one I said to myself, "this is going to hurt...but get 2 miles in"...and I did.
Had my bike pointed toward the east and watched the sun come up over the field by our house. Cool scene.

3 x
10 squat clean with 105#
10 push jerk with 105#
30 DBUs
Total time 20'
Got the first set unbroken then the last two were 6-4 on the cleans and 5-5 on the jerks...

post bike - smoothie (lots of spinach, 1c blueberries, 1c ice, 1c water, 1 scoop vega protein, spoonful of chia, ginger)
post-WOD - smoothie (lots of spinach, 1c blueberries, 1c ice, 1c water, 1 tbsp spirulina, 1/2 tsp maca root powder, ginger)
Dinner - large salad, cooked veggies in no salt canned tomatoes, pinto beans
Dessert - 16oz strawberries, LARA bar, handful of carob raisins, frozen bananas and cashews
Stuffed...but stopped eating at 8 and wasn't full when I went to bed.

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