Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Protein Myth - thought for the day


What is a "complete protein"? You hear that all time. Meat, milk, eggs...all "complete."

That means that the protein in those sources is made up of all 9 essential amino acids. There are 20 total, 11 are made by your body, you need 9 from food.

The belief used to be that you had to get all 9 essential amino acids (what protein is essentially made up of) into your belly all at once or it was no good.

The belief also used to be that the North American continent didn't exist.

What studies have found in recent years (which have yet to break through the animal protein juggernaut) is that your body is a lot smarter than we think.

It doesn't need all 9 amino acids. There doesn't have to be food combining at every meal.
Your body will store the amino acids and as long as it gets them all, it will still make protein.

So all you need to do is eat a wide variety of plant-based, whole foods, and you won't need to worry about "complete" protein because your body will make it complete when it has all the parts.

The only trick is to get it all the parts. So if you eat donut sticks all day, you won't be getting the complete protein you need.

Lots of green leafys, lots of legumes, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, spirulina, chia seeds...you know, the usual stuff.

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