Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 3, Week 2 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 5:30 AM.

For time:
135# back squat x 50
40 pullups
135# shoulder to overhead x 30
85# front squat x 50
40 pullups
85# shoulder to overhead x 30
65# overhead squat x 50
40 pullups
65# shoulder to overhead x 30
Total time 45'

This was pretty tough although not as tough as I had imagined.
I did the first set of squats in sets of 10, pullups were 15-15-10, S2O was 10-5-5-5-5...took 11:20.
Second set was 15-15-10-10 on squats, 20-15-5 on pulls, 10-10-10 on S2O...took 9:57.
Last set was 15-15-10-10 on squats, 15-15-10 on pulls, 15-15 on S2O...took 9:51.

Interval Run
8x200m with 45" rest
1 - 35.08
2 - 35.01
3 - 33.99
4 - 35.36
5 - 34.52
6 - 37.45 (even numbers were into a head wind...that and the short recovery finally caught up to me)
7 - 35.52
8 - 37.27
Good run. Ran on ACU Track at lunch.
Total time was 21:09
Total distance = 1.5 miles

Post WOD - smoothie (2c spinach/kale, 1c blueberries, 1.5  water, 1c ice cubes, 1/2 tsp maca powder, 1/2 tbsp spirulina, 1 scoop vega protein, small piece of ginger, 1/2 tbsp chia seeds)...that one was really good.

Dinner - large raw salad, Cauliflower Bisque, pinto beans
Dessert - carrots and celery with almond butter and tahini, handful of cashews

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