Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 7 Week 7 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 6:30 AM.

LB (2:00 PM)
44.58 miles
19.3 mph
When I left the house, the wind was blowing out of the illusion, no joke, when I got home it was blowing out of the NW. So basically had a head wind the whole way. That's always frustrating.
I had initially planned to ride 40 but I felt so good at the 1 hour mark and was only about 2.4 miles from the top of Old Coleman Hwy "mountain", that I decided to go to the top. Glad I did.
After researching Warrior Diet (, I didn't eat anything for breakfast and had some fresh carrot/squash/tomato juice and a handful of almonds and blueberries for lunch. I went out on my ride with only that in my stomach over the previous 18 hours. I took a couple of extra gel packs with me in case I bonked.
My legs felt a little weak right out of the gate, but I got some energy around 2 miles and felt great for the rest of  the ride. My only explanation is that I never turned off my sympathetic nervous system by eating a big meal and my body was still functioning in that realm when I took off on the bike.
So from 8 PM on Saturday night until the end of the ride (a little after 4:15), I had consumed around 200 calories...WAY LESS than I burned during the first hour of the bike ride - not to mention the calories burned to keep other bodily functions going which is around 85 an hour (85 cals/hour * 18 hours = 1,530 + what I burned on the ride: roughly 2,300 total). That proves to me that the human body can find other energy sources than what you put in your mouth prior to needing energy (aka training/working out).
I never felt exhausted or like I needed some more energy. I took one gel pack around 1 hour and had water on the ride...that was it.
Very interesting. My hope is that my body tapped into the fat energy reserves (something critical for an Ironman-distance race). I'm going to continue training my body to use those fat reserves rather than relying on quick assimilating foods like dates or other fruits immediately preceding workouts, while I'm training.

CF (8 PM - Monday night)
Row 20 calories
30 burpees
40 ground to overhead (40 lb dumbbells)
50 toes to bar
100' walking lunge with 45# plate overhead
150' sprint
Tough WOD. Enjoyed it immensely.
(25' total)

Breakfast - water
Lunch - 1/2 c almond milk, handful of berries; glass of veggie juice (carrots, tomato, squash)
Dinner - large salad (spinach, raw veggies, legume sprouts, tahini dressing), bowl of homemade soup (vegetable stock, water, celery, carrots, squash, 1 c barley, 1/2c split peas, onion, garlic, ginger...really good!!)
Dessert - carob cubes, dried mangos, unsweetened carob almonds, 2 bean/cheese burritos

Week 7 Totals
CF - 2:22:01
Swim - 1:36:51
Bike - 3:08:27
Run - 2:54:46
Total - 10:02:05

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