Friday, December 30, 2011

Last two days...

Friday, December 30

woke at 5:30 AM. 30' before alarm. Bed after midnight. Got little sleep last night, too. Guess I'm caught up on my sleep.

CF Long Island City
5x5 dead lift
last rep of last set pictured above
Happy with this considering my one rep max two weeks ago was 300

the coach of LIC helped me with my hand stand pushups, gave me some drills to do to get stronger in my shoulders, planning to start implementing during warmup every day that I do CF warmup

Ran 2.5 miles both ways to box this morning from my brothers in Astoria. So about 5 miles total plus the deadlift

probably won't be great...livin' it up in NYC before juice fast!!
had veggie juice in Queens
veggie burger at cafe in Soho, fries, lager, hummus-tomato-zucchini sandwich on whole wheat bread
some truffles late night...

Thursday, December 29

woke at 6 AM
CFE short interval run
10' warmup
7x 90:60
probably averaged little more than 400m per interval
cold...38 degrees

travel day. Left for AUS at 8:30 AM. Arrived ATL 2:15. Left for LGA at 3:40 PM.
Arrived NYC 6 PM.

L'Ecole (french culinary institute restaurant). Had butternut squash soup, halibut, lamb, dessert was chocolate walnut cake. Then I had some truffles that my sister in law made. I got extremely sick to my stomach...way to much sugar after not having dessert since December 31 of 2010. I have no desire to ever go through that again...I thought I was going to puke. Truffles were absolutely amazing but my body did not take well to the onslaught. Had red wine with dinner, too.

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