Monday, April 23, 2012

Week 12, Day 7 - 16 week full IM training

Bed at 10:30 PM. Woke at 6 AM.

20' As many rounds as possible
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats
12 rounds plus 5 pulls

Took it fairly PR on this one is in the 20s so I was focused on technique and being very deliberate through my range of motions.

Key Long run
2 hours
14 miles and a few dozen meters

The last thing on earth I wanted to do at 3 PM today was run for 2 hours. But I got a quick hour nap in and hit the road. Took me a few miles to get going. Right hip started hurting about mile 9 but it wasn't terrible. Haven't had that pain since a 12 miler I did in week 1 or 2.

A tendon in my left foot began hurting right when I stopped's on the top of my foot. Hope it's nothing. Going to ice this week but have to get some miles in.

Really felt drained this morning...volume caught up with me.

see below for my post CF meal
celery/almond butter, cashews, almond butter sandwich, beans, 2 zucchini with hot sauce (at Los Arcos)...all before or at lunch.
post-run - recovery pudding with spinach included
dinner - 2 cheese-less bean burritos, 1 bean burrito with sour cream, olives, "sauce", tomatoes
dessert - almond "fudge"
1/2 frozen banana

Probably the fewest amount of calories I've had on a Sunday in a long time.

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