Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday food

Quinoa, hemp protein and flax for breakfast.
Raw zucchini and hot sauce at Abuelo's. Then had some of Jenn's leftover beans.
Dessert was carob cubes, dried mangos, coconut dates, frozen bananas and mangos with honey.

Dinner was curry lentil crackers and black bean lime salsa (Thrive diet recipes).
Dessert was Julie Morris' no-bake brownies, and a few of the leftover carob cubes from lunch dessert.

Feel good for Half IM training which starts tomorrow.
Got some naps in this weekend and feel nice and rested.
Still need to lose about 10 pounds.

I think the last time I had consecutive, complete rest days was in December.
My plan is to take at least one complete rest day per week.
When I get to the Half IM I'll only have seven weeks before Whiterock.

Mark Rogers

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday - Sunday

Planning on taking a couple of rest days this weekend.
12 week Half IM training starts Monday. It'll be a hybrid of a traditional training plan and CF/CFE.
I'll do 10 or 11 workouts per week...3 of them will be traditional, long training sessions, the rest will be CF/CFE.

Pizza night

Crust from Natural Grocers (minimal ingredients, no sugar or any other weird stuff, tomato sauce (tom. sauce, tom. paste and some seasoning), sesame seeds, rosemary, chili pepper, sweet potato, banana pepper, onion, tomato, bell pepper, dulse, olive oil, spinach). LOVE this pizza...

Thursday - CF Hub City (Lubbock)

Absolute killer on Thursday.
20' AMRAP:
30 lunges with 25# overhead
20 clean with 20# med ball
10 hand stand pushup

I did 5 rounds plus 30 lunges and 10 cleans. Writing this Saturday, I am still extremely sore...could hardly move around yesterday.

Oatmeal and celery for breakfast.
Lunch was quinoa and a salad.
Dinner was the same.
Snack was celery/almond butter and popped amaranth.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Breakfast salad

Spinach, kale, grated sweet potato, squash, dulse, nori, dressing (nutritional yeast, dill, cayenne, balsamic vinegar), alfalfa sprouts. Also had a bowl of quinoa with flax and hemp protein. And a glass of water with chlorella mixed in.

This after RPM this morning: HR averaged 129 for 60 minutes. Had six in class.
Lunch was two trips through Jason's Deli with the girls.
Dinner was pizza night...picture to follow. Had a piece of Jenn's side...had some cheese on it. So the only animal products I've had since May 31 have been cheese on pizza.
Snack was popped amaranth and some sweet potato chips.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

CF Hub City and intervals

CF HubCity this morning...
DT with 135# instead of 155# in 9:52. Killer.
Breakfast afterwards was oatmeal and celery.
Lunch was a garden salad at McAlister's then I went to Sprouts and got a handful of unsalted sesame sticks since the salad had very little on it.
Had some celery before intervals.

5 x 3:3
Went to Lubbock High track and planned to run 800s. Ran the first one in just under 3. On second one, about 200 meters in, I got this really weird pain in my left thigh/groin/quad. It was like where the muscle meets the bone. Couldn't pinpoint it but I had to stop. Really hurt. I walked the remainder of the interval and took it easy on #3 (about 725 meters). Continued walking and stretching and hit the last two 800s in under 3 minutes. Really weird. Never experienced anything like that before. Wonder if the heat had anything to do with it. Plus I'm still pretty sore from 10K yesterday and DT this morning.

Snack is going to be celery and almond butter and maybe some red wine.

Mark Rogers

Dinner- Market Street

10K in the heat - Tuesday

Ran an 10K at 5 PM in Lubbock...100+ degrees.
I started having some GI issues about 2 miles in and had to slow the pace to ensure an emergency situation didn't take place.
I had to completely stop about 300 yards from the end and slowly/urgently walk to my room...almost had a terrible experience.
So I ran about a 46 minute pace...really hot.
Legs feel good.

Mark Rogers

Tuesday - July 26

Lunch and dinner in Lubbock. Market street salad bar.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday - July 25

Breakfast was oatmeal and celery/hummus.
Lunch was red lentils with flax and hemp protein and a couple of "kale burritos" with my tahini-cayenne salad dressing.
Dinner was a couple of kale burritos and lots of vegetables (hamburger veggies from Supper Club). Had a couple of homemade energy bars before and after workout.
Popped amaranth, celery/almond butter for snack.

CFE WOD was 12x1:30". HR averaged 149. Did on trainer in garage. Completely drenched at the end.
First 6 phases were between 76-79 RPMs...last six were all 80+ and the last one was 87.

Mark Rogers

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sunday - July 24

Oatmeal for breakfast.
Minestrone and dressing-less salad at Olive Garden for lunch.
Red lentils and a couple of kale wraps for dinner.
Fun stuff: 2 bags of carob cubes, dried mangos, frozen bananas, coconut and regular dates, carob bar. I like all that stuff more than ice cream and chocolate!!!

Mark Rogers

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tour de Gap

Came in 21st place at Tour de Gap coming in just over 3:42:00. My best TDG time by about five minutes.

Oatmeal and celery for bfast. Jason's for lunch. Lentils and celery/hummus for dinner. Snack was popped amaranth, bread, goldfish, sweet potato chips, and a few frozen mangos.

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, July 22, 2011


RPM this morning. Breakfast was oatmeal and celery.
Lunch pictured below.
Jenn made pizza for dinner. Made our own halves. Hers had cheese and veggies. Mine had no cheese, sesame seeds, sweet potato, other veggies. Really good. Almond butter and celery for snack. Tour de Gap in the morning.


Red lentils with hummus and pecans. Salad is spinach, cilantro, bell pepper, Anaheim pepper, squash, dulse, pecans, and cayenne tahini dressing (pictured on the right). Hemp oil, balsamic vinegar, dill, cayenne, tahini, garlic, water, agave nectar.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Kale wraps with hummus, pepper, squash and salad drsng from this morning. Bowl of millet with hemp and flax.

Dinner was red lentils and a big salad.
WOD was "JT". 21-15-9 hand stand push, ring dips, pushup. Did HSPU as rx'd and pushups with pause at bottom of motion. Just under 15'.

RPM and breakfast

RPM this morning. 60 minutes. 133 HR.

Oatmeal with hemp and flax.
Salad with peppers, squash, avocado, spinach and dressing (balsamic vinegar, nutritional yeast, dill and cayenne pepper). Also had some soaked almonds, an energy bar and a carrot.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hill Repeats and C&J

Woke at 5:30 AM. Had an energy bar.
10' CFE warmup.
Set treadmill at 7.0 incline and speed at 7.7

4x 1/2 mile intervals
First two in 3:54, third in 3:52, last one in 3:53. HR averaged 151 including 6' of total rest.
HR was in the 170s for most of the working phases. Tough. Drenched.

Breakfast was quinoa with hemp and flax and my last chard leaf with the last of my hummus.
Lunch was a salad at Humphrey Pete's in  Brownwood and a side of black beans.
Dinner was two trips through salad bar at Jason's.
Had another energy bar then did 5' of 165# clean and jerk for reps. Goal was 30. Ha!
I did 4. Failed on the fifth. Then got two more. That is a lot of weight for a wimp like me. Cleaning it up wasn't so bad, it was the jerk that got me.
Snack was 2 tbsp almond butter and celery. May pop some amaranth in a few minutes if I get too hungry.

Teaching RPM in the morning so I gotsta go to bed soon.

Mark Rogers

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Dinner was millet with hemp and ground flax. Chard wrap with hummus, sliced veggies, balsamic vinegar.
Had an energy bar before WOD

"Michael" 3x:
800m run
50 back extensions
50 sit ups

HR averaged 141.

Snack was celery and carrots with 2 tbsp almond butter and some hummus. Bowl of oatmeal.
1 tsp chlorella in water and about 1.5 c of popped amaranth.

Mark Rogers

Fun Indoor Bike intervals

I made this up about 15 minutes into this workout in my garage. But I was absolutely drenched by the end and my HR averaged 143 for the hour:

10' of 5:5 (that's translated as "ten minutes of 5 minutes of moderate work followed by 5 minutes of hard, high intense work)
10' 2.5:2.5
10' 1:40; 1:40
10' 1:15; 1:15
10' 1:1
10' 50":50"

So the first ten minutes you do 1 interval of hard's a long five minute interval at peak HR...after a sort of five minute warmup (HR around the 120-130 range)
The second ten minutes is two hard phases of work (moderate work 2:30, 2:30 high intense work, 2:30 moderate work, 2:30 high intense work)
The third ten minute section is three phases of work (1:40 each)
The fourth is four phases (at 1:15)
The fifth is five phases (1:00)
And the last ten minute section is 6 phases (00:50).

It's a 1:1 interval pattern. So for each phase of slow, easy pedaling, you do the same amount of peak effort.
It goes by pretty fast. I will definitely be doing that again. I could even see doing it twice in a row in my shed to get ready for the full IM in Houston next May.

Had a homemade energy bar before the bike workout and drank an entire quart of water during the hour...super hot in my garage even at 5:30 AM.
Breakfast was millet with hemp protein and ground flax and a chard wrap (hummus spread out on one half of chard, sliced tomatoes, squash, pepper inside chard...wrap it up and eat like a burrito).
Lunch was exactly the same thing.

Mark Rogers

Monday - July 18

Was planning on getting up and riding indoor bike but was just too tired. Slept until 7 AM.
Breakfast was millet and some celery with hummus.
Lunch was the rest of the pecan, sunflower "burger" I made yesterday with hummus spread on top and some veggies.
Dinner was millet and a salad (spinach, tomatoes, squash, pepper, dulse, dried lily pedals, dressing - nutritional yeast, cayenne pepper, balsamic vinegar).

CFE WOD was Tabata nemesis.
Did 9.3 mph and actually felt pretty I could've gone faster.

Had an energy bar right before I ran.
Snack was celery and 1 tbsp of almond butter and some hummus.
Not happy about my weight on Saturday...cracking down this week.

Mark Rogers

Sunday - July 17

Rest day.

Made peanut, sunflower "burger" for dinner.
Black beans and salad at Sharon's for lunch.
Ate a couple bags of carob energy cubes...LOVE those.
Dates, too.
Made some no bake brownies from Julie Morris' website.
They were REALLY good. All the non-vegan people at dinner liked them. I'm going to make them more often.
1 c walnuts
8 large, Medjool dates
1/2 c carob powder (toasted or raw)
cacao nibs

Also made some ginger pear energy bars for the week.
And a hummus recipe from the same website (chickpeas, garlic, hemp seeds, lemon juice, tahini). Very tasty.
Haven't had cashews in a while because I'm trying to save the 3,000 calories which I ingest on Sundays with every 1 pound bag.
Mark Rogers

Saturday - July 16

Weight was WAY up today...hopefully it's all that stinking salt I ate all week.
No salt or fruit at all next week...race week.

Taught RPM this morning...launched new music.
Breakfast was oatmeal and veggies.
Lunch was a big salad and some quinoa.

Dinner was the same.

Before workouts this week, I've been eating those apple cinnamon energy bars I made on Sunday.
Another great snack is popped amaranth. I'm getting really good at not making a mess while cooking it.
Had that tonight and last night, too.

Mark Rogers

Friday - July 15

Taught RPM in the morning.
Breakfast was oatmeal and some raw veggies.

Lunch was Cypress Street. Got a salad with a side of black beans.
Went to Natural Grocers on my way back from getting insecticide for stinking, noisy crickets in my yard and picked up a bag of wild rice, sesame sticks (kind of like a cracker - same sort of thing I ate Monday and Tuesday in Amarillo).
Ended up eating the whole bag before the day was over...and only then did I realize how much stinking salt was in it. Sea salt and table salt. Ugh...stupid.

Dinner was a vegan pizza that Jenn made. She put tomato paste and sauce on an organic, whole wheat, store bought pizza crust and topped it with onions, spinach, bell pepper on my half. Her half added mozzarella cheese and some ham. It was very good.
Did 30 Muscle Ups for my CF WOD tonight.
Time was 7:52. Slower than my PR by about a minute. Chest is really sore from ring dips on Monday and pushups yesterday.

Mark Rogers

Friday, July 15, 2011

Thursday - July 14

Could NOT find energy this morning.
Oatmeal for breakfast.
Lunch was one trip to salad bar at Jason's (I usually get mixed greens. carrots, hummus, onions, bell pepper, broccoli, sprouts, balsamic vinegar, jalapenos and peperoncinis).
Dinner was red lentils and large salad.

CF WOD tonight:
15' AMRAP:
155# DL x 9
push up x12 (did "man" pushups - hands off the ground at the bottom and full extension at the top)
24" box jump x15

Did 7 rounds.
Celery, almond butter and a couple of carob cubes for snack.

Mark Rogers

Wednesday - July 13

Rode 20 miles this morning in Amarillo. Averaged 21.6. HR was around 137. Good ride out the access road of I-40.
Oatmeal for breakfast.
Lunch was salad and veggie chips from United in Lubbock.
Dinner was two salad bar trips at Jason's.

Mark Rogers

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Crossfit806 and 400m intervals

Visited Crossfit806 this morning.
WOD was 7x:
5 x 135# clean and jerk
100m spring

Did in 8:54.

Breakfast was oatmeal and celery.
Lunch was one round of Jason's Deli salad bar.
Had a raw revolution bar and four non-gluten crackers I found at Natural grocers. Tasted like something I've made out of the Thrive book.

Ran 10 400m sprints on a 1:1 rest ratio (rest as long as the previous interval takes)
Total time was 26:28. Hit them all right around 1:24 (1:21 and 1:20 on the last two).
Huge dust storm blew up...ran on Amarillo High track.

Dinner was salad, carob cubes, wild rice crackers, celery almond butter. Same as last night.

Mark Rogers

Monday - July 11

Woke at 5 AM. CF WOD:
75 air squats, 50 pull ups, 20 ring dips, 50 squats, 35 pulls, 15 ring dips, 35 squats, 20 pulls, 10 dips
in 8:18. Tough.

Breakfast was red lentils and a large salad with the normal fixins.
Lunch was the other half of the popped amaranth pizza I made yesterday. Ate in the car on the way to Amarillo.
Had 2 raw revolution bars before long ride.
Rode 51.5 miles in Amarillo from 5-7:39 PM. Hot and windy. 19.3 mph. HR averaged 140. Body felt good, though.
Dinner was large salad, pumpkin seeds, celery, almond butter, 2 carob cubes, some wild rice crackers.

Mark Rogers

Sunday - July 10

rest day...

Mark Rogers

Saturday, July 9, 2011

50 mile ride

Woke at 5 AM.
Bowl of oatmeal and a couple celery stalks.

Rode 50.17 miles in 2:30:46. 19.9 average. 135 average HR. 10-12 mph winds...not too bad.
Rode a new route for the end of Old Coleman Hwy and back. Pretty substantial hill. Great ride...really fun.

Made some "recovery pudding" last night and had it when I finished (banana, blueberries, raspberries, almonds, ground flax, hemp protein, carob powder, rooibos, lemon juice). Amazingly good.
Lunch was red lentils (with nutritional yeast sauce on top) and a large salad (spinach, onion, sprouted quinoa, tomato, carrot, cucumber, peppers, dulse, dried lily, dressing - balsamic vinegar, nutritional yeast, dill, cayenne pepper). Spicy salad...loved it.

Done for the week. Back at it Monday.

Mark Rogers

Friday - July 8

Woke at 4:15AM. Had my last apple cinnamon energy bar and taught RPM at 5:35AM.
Breakfast was oatmeal and some celery. Put hemp protein and ground flax seed in the oatmeal.

Lunch was at Chili's. I asked the waitress if she had anything vegan. They brought me a salad topped with avocado, chopped red pepper, and a black bean "burger" pattie. It was actually pretty good.
Dinner was my last serving of barley flakes and a large salad (spinach, romaine, squash, tomato, onion, dulse flakes, dried lily pedals, balsamic vinegar).

CF WOD was 21-15-9 of 225# deadlift and 95# overhead squat in 9:18. Did DL on back porch and OHS in back yard. Pretty gassed.
Snack was some unsalted pistachios, celery and a bowl of plain oatmeal.

Mark Rogers

Friday, July 8, 2011

Thursday - July 7

Barley flakes for breakfast.
A couple of homemade energy bars before a lunchtime WOD:
5x of 15 med. ball cleans, 15 wall ball shots (both with 20# ball) in 7:50.

Then had some barley flakes (nutritional yeast sauce, hemp oil and ground flax seed on top) and a large salad (lettuce, black fungus, arame, tomato, squash, onion, dulse flakes, balsamic vinegar).
Had some brazil nuts and a homemade fruit Popsicle before time trial tonight.

Rode 10 miles in 24:14 (24.8 mph average).
Had same thing for dinner that I had for lunch.
Also had a few tortilla chips and a couple of slices of H's whole wheat, flax bread. Celery and almond butter before bed, too.

Mark Rogers

Wednesday - July 6

Have a lot of drainage right now for some reason...couldn't be because both daughters are sneezing out snot wads left and right.

Oatmeal for breakfast.
Jason's Deli salad bar for lunch and dinner. Had some of the granola/raisin mixture for "dessert."

Came home and fell asleep on the couch. Toyed with the idea of going to bed around 8 PM and not running, but I decided against it.
Despite feeling like junk, I ran 10x30" hill sprints on a hill a few miles north of us on EastLake road. Tried to get 100 steps in per 30 seconds.

Mark Rogers

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tuesday - July 5

Breakfast: oatmeal with hemp protein and ground flax & celery
Lunch: Barley flakes
Dinner: popped amaranth, lentil pizza (see below)
Snack: celery and almond butter
Also had about three homemade energy bars before my workouts.

70 burpees
60 situps
50 kettle bell swing (1.5 pood)
40 pullups
30 hand stand push up (did with my feet up on glute-ham developer)

18 mile time trial on bike
49:07, 22.0 mph
HR averaged 146

Mark Rogers

Just before cooking

Topping: tomatoes, onion, squash, grated sweet potato, bell pepper

Crust w sauce

Sun dried tomatoes, fresh tomatoes, garlic, hemp oil, cucumber, oregano, thyme

Pizza crust

Popped amaranth, sprouted red lentils, coconut oil, ground rooibos

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Monday - July 4

Stayed up late. Could NOT wake up this morning.
Ran a 10K in 41:53 (HR avg 154) at 7:30 PM.

Breakfast was oatmeal and veggies.
Lunch was carob energy cubes, hemp walnut burger and salad.
Dinner was barley flakes.
Had an energy bar before run.
Celery and almonds for snack.

Mark Rogers

Sunday - July 3

Rest day.

Breakfast - buckwheat and veggies.
Lunch - veggies at Abuelos and dried mangos. Dessert was mangos, frozen banana, honey, carob cubes, coconut dates.
Dinner: made apple cinnamon energy bars (enough to last all week), creamy nutritional yeast sauce, walnut hemp burger, cucumber, dill salad. All recipes out of "Thrive".
Dessert was same as lunch. LOVE those energy cubes.

Mark Rogers

Saturday - July 2

Woke at 6 AM. CFE was Hill Repeats. Set treadmill at 7.0 incline. Ran 1 mile in 7:52, rested 2', then ran another mile in 7:46. Best time on Hill Repeats I've ever had.
Breakfast was oatmeal and vegetables.

Lunch was buckwheat and a large salad (greens, dulse flakes, tomatoes, squash, cilantro, ginger dressing).
"Weaver" at 2 PM:
4 x -
10 L-pullups
15 pushups
15 chest to bar pulls
15 pushups
20 pulls
15 pushups 20:52. Did all pushups with hands coming off floor at the bottom of the rep. Really tough.
Smoothie afterwards: ice, water, hemp protein, ground flaxseed, apple, frozen banana.

Dinner was same as lunch.

Mark Rogers

Friday, July 1, 2011


Weighted 177.6 this morning!
Haven't been that low since last June.

Ran a 5K in 20:15. HR averaged 158. That's all I'm doing today.
Planning on hill repeats in the morning and "Weaver" tomorrow afternoon while my buddy Tyrrell does "Fran".

Mark Rogers