Wednesday, November 30, 2011


As you can see...Bradley was a beast and the cold didn't help.
Supposed to be resting my right knee, 100 burpees and 2,000m run didn't do much good.

I iced when I got home, then drank an icy shake, then took an ice cold shower...I'm cold.

CFE swim
6x 200y on 4'
First was was 3:32, then 3:39, 3:45, 3:35, 3:39, 3:48
Decent swim. Focused on 14-15 strokes per length.

Cold shower after swim.

post WOD blueberry shake
dinner - large salad, cooked veggies, wild rice, salmon
snack - bananas, mangos, Ezekial burritos
basically same day as yesterday...



Tuesday, November 29

CF rest day...pretty sore from yesterday, hands need a day to heal up

Was going to do CFE bike inside (intervals are much better to do inside where the environment is more controlled), but my indoor trainer shed a vital part during transport last I did:

6x1K on 2' rest
Each interval took about 1:35-1:40
HR only averaged 131 due to the turns in the road I had to make each phase...rode around neighborhood.

Not a great workout, but better than nothing I guess.

Here was my menu from yesterday:
blueberry shake after WOD
dinner was large salad, cooked veggies, wild rice and steamed salmon
snack was frozen bananas/mangos, 2 ezekial burritos

1,812 total cals
P - 17%
C - 59%
F - 24%

Evening Snack

Calories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbs (g) Fiber (g)
2 x tortilla 
300 12 7 48 0

1 x 130g
100 6 0 17 0

Total: 400 18 7 65 0

Post WOD shake

Calories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbs (g) Fiber (g)
Hemp powder
0.25 x 4 tbsp 
32 4 2 1 0

Blueberries, raw, edible portion
85 x g 
48 1 0 12 2

almond milk
1 x cup 
35 1 3 1 0

ground flaxseed
1 x 1 tsp 
15 1 1 1 0

Total: 130 6 5 16 2

Dinner - main course

Calories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbs (g) Fiber (g)
wild rice
2 x 46g or 1/4 c 
300 6 3 24 0

2.68 x ounce 
117 19 5 0 0

Total: 417 25 8 24 0

Dinner - salad/cooked veggies

Calories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbs (g) Fiber (g)
Squash, summer, zucchini, raw, edible portion
417 x g 
67 5 1 14 5

Carrots, raw, edible portion
263 x g 
108 2 1 25 7

Broccoli, raw, edible portion
123 x g
42 3 0 8 3

Flavorful Whole Baby Blends, Spring Mix
103 x g 
18 1 0 4 2

aBalsamic vinegar
1 x 1 tbsp 
24 0 0 5 0

Peppers, bell or sweet, green, raw, edible portion
140 x g @ 1:00 PM
28 1 0 6 2

Kale, raw, edible portion
67 x g 
34 2 0 7 1

Avocados, average all types, raw, edible portion
116 x g 
186 2 17 10 8

aFire roasted can tom.
1 x 130g 1/2c 
30 1 0 5 0

apumpkin seeds
0.25 x oz 
38 2 3 1 0

Total: 575 21 23 85 29


Calories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbs (g) Fiber (g)
Banana, edible portion
194 x g
173 2 1 44 5

Mangos, raw, edible portion
180 x g 
117 1 0 31 3

Total: 290 3 1 75 8

Calories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbs (g) Fiber (g)

Total: 1812 74 47 268 39

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Monday, November 28

Ran 8 miles
HR averaged 151
Time: 57:32
Feel great except for right patella. Going to ice and rest it for the rest of the week. Half marathon is this weekend. Would have finished with sub-7 min pace but had to stop and "unload" about the 4.5 mile mark...per usual.

Death by HSPU/Pullups
continuously running clock, each minute add 1 HSPU and 1 pullup. I got to the 10th minute and only did 5 HSPU, but continued the pullups until 19th minute. Did 18 rounds with 14 pulls.
Think that makes my score 27 (9+18). Right index and pinky fingers had small tears. Tough...

blueberry shake after run
dinner was large salad, cooked veggies, egg/oatmeal "pancake"
Snack was Ezekial burrito, mangos/bananas, oatmeal
1,500 calories.

Catch up...

Sunday, November 27

rest day

Double Dave's for lunch
Spinach veggie wrap from JD for dinner, carob almonds, Nana's cookie, Lara bars for "treats"

Saturday, November 26

HSPU, abmat, squat, DBU with 115m run in between each set

Indoor trainer
middle gear up front, B-3 during first round, B-2 the final four rounds
HR averaged 142, RPM stayed at 90 during working phases

Made it home tonight. Had a bean burrito and some leftover pizza tonight...also a bunch of carob almonds.

Friday, November 25

Travel WOD
Run 800
100 burpees
Run 800
getting better at burpee endurance

no CFE today

Didn't go crazy on food but didn't track it tonight. Big salad, cooked veggies, eggs, chips/salsa, granola bars, fruit, biscuits/honey...felt like I needed the calories.
Worked at farm today (fed cows) and played outside with cousins in Lometa.

Thursday, November 24

Travel WOD
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
10-8-6-4-2 HSPU

no CFE

Good eating day. Didn't eat with everyone during lunch (watched/fed girls). Had normal meal at night. Lots of veggies, eggs, some frozen fruit

Wednesday, November 23

Did WOD from 11/20
20 WBS with 20#
30 toes 2 bar
40 power clean with 135#
50 burpees
60 SDHP with 75#
cleans took me the longest...tough WOD

Indoor trainer in Georgetown tonight
6x2:2 with RPMs at 90
HR averaged 146
middle gear up front then B-2 on the back during work phases

Good eating day...1,800 cals
berries, large salad, eggs, refried beans, oatmeal, mangos

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Woke at 7A...needed the sleep. Feeling much better though.
Swam at lunch.
20x25y with 50y active recovery
Took me 35 minutes after warmup. Most 25y took me 20-22 seconds.

CF at night
5x3 back squat
After timed standard CF warmup (6:24)
155, 175, 185, 195, 200
focused on form and technique. Slow, deliberate movements.

blueberries for breakfast
post swim shake of blueberries, raspberries, hemp protein, flaxseed, carob powder
Salad and cooked veggies for dinner (mostly squash, all i have), 3 eggs
Bananas, Ezekial burritos, miso soup, celery, mangos, oatmeal for snack
1,500 calories

Good eating day. Thanksgiving week will not deter me. I've gained some LBs. Goal is 28 straight prescribed "good" eating days, which means I eat good (Warrior Diet) six days then have a "loose" Sunday. Only animal products I'm eating now are the eggs we get from the farm north of town.

Still no dairy (except cheese on Sunday if we have pizza), and very little wheat.

Monday, November 21

Jenn's birthday.
Sick. Sinus infection. No doubt because of all the crap I've eaten the last three days. Body has no fuel to fight anything. Started feeling it in my throat Saturday night. Could hardly sleep my throat hurt so bad.

Cold and rainy today. Ended up getting in a CFE run before birthday dinner.

6x400m on 1' rest
3x 1:20
always feel better after a run.

Had a salad, some cooked veggies, eggs, walnut-flaxseed "burger" for dinner. 1,500 calories.

Catching up...

Wednesday, November 16

CF Midland
warm up:
500m row
100 beast jump rope
4x side plank walk with band
then for time...
100 sit up
100 reverse beast jump rope
50 squat clean with 35# dumbbell

4 x 300m shuttle on 3'
all were under 1 minute

Swam in afternoon
5 x 200y on 4'
all were in the 3:41-3:44 range

Good eating day...Jason's Deli for dinner

Thursday, November 17

as many reps in 3' of
20 calorie row
30 WBS with 20#
30 box jump at 24"
20 SDHP with 100#
30 burpees
20 shoulder to overhead with 135#
did 97 reps, made it to rep 27 of box jump

Indoor trainer
9x 2:45 on, rest 1'
HR averaged 148
focused on cadence (90 rpm) not so much big gear...

Good eating day until after dinner...carob almonds, carob cubes, dried fruit...way too much

Friday, November 18

Thurdays sequence for time
Did it in 14:54 I think. Stop watch stopped during row and I didn't notice until box jumps.
Yesterday I got to the end of box jumps in 6ish minutes, I went faster this morning through the beginning reps, started stopwatch after box jumps and added 6' to the end.

Didn't get my swim in. Jenn was out of town, I was home with girls.

Terrible eating day...

Saturday, November 19

Ran 12 miles in the afternoon in 1:24:55, HR averaged 153. Great run. No pain.
Another terrible eating day. Loogi burrito night...long story.

Sunday, November 20

rest day...not my typical number of calories on Sunday. Took it easy. Look and feel bloated. Need to buckle down.

9 workouts on the week...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


CF Midland
warmup (pictured above) brutal

3 rounds of:
135# power clean
gorilla pull ups (strict with hands close together)
So a total of 72 cleans and 72 pullups
Did it in 22:22, pretty brutal but feel good.

Left calf felt weird during 400m warm up run. REALLY tight.

Ran 10 miles this afternoon.
HR averaged 158.
Hips never started hurting. Focused on taking short, fast steps...staying out of hips. And keeping feet from running too close on the same line...feet separated on each step. Calf felt tight but that was the least of my worries. Basically ran the same time as last week in Lubbock and had no weird pain...good sign.

Another good eating day. Jason's Deli for dinner.
Snacks from Natural Grocers, but tracked everything.
Probably burned 3,500 cals today with that 10 miler.

Total cals was 1,847
14% protein
65% carb
21% fat

Goal is to hit 24 of next 28 days as "good" eating days. So far...two for two.

Monday, 11/14

Indoor trainer this morning.

CFE Long Intervals
5x 5' effort with 3' recovery.
HR averaged 140. Put bike on biggest gear and rode as hard as I could...trying to work off the weekend of food.
Last night I had pizza, muffins, carob cubes, carob almonds, bean burritos....almost puked.

CF rest day.

1,312 calories today.
17% protein
61% carb
22% fat

good day.


Saturday 11/12 and Sunday 11/13

Planned on running 10 when I got to G'town this afternoon, but we got off late and I forgot my suit so I had to go buy an outfit for the wedding. Decided to take a rest day and workout tomorrow, do my long run in Midland next week.

Made it back home at end of Cowboys game on Sunday.

CF WOD was 12' AMRAP:
6 x double squat burpee
6 x HSPU
hated that. Did 8 rounds.

Had two more "bad" eating days. That makes 9 of the last 10 since I hit 175.0 last Friday. I've probably gained five stinking pounds this week. Idiot.

Friday, November 11, 2011


RPM this morning...
Woke at 4:15 AM. Moved 30 bikes into fitness room. No one showed up. I decided to go ahead and get a workout in since I was already up there...rode on stage by myself.

Total time was 46:45
HR averaged 141 (started watch after warmup)
Did tracks 1,2,3,4, then 2 track 5s and 2 track 7s

Swam at lunch
10 x 100 on 2:00
First one was 1:41, the next few were 1:43, then kept them right around 1:46 the rest of the time...focused on stroke count per length which I tried to keep around 14/15.

Played basketball for 1.5 hours after swim.
Went and saw Dr. Nick this morning...I wasn't as out of alignment as usual...think it's the way I've been crossing my legs...seriously.
Left hip felt a little funny while playing hoops...hope it's nothing.

blueberry milkshake (hemp protein, flax, blueberries, almond milk, water, ice). Had 1/2 after RPM and 1/2 after swim and hoops.
Large salad, cooked veggies, eggs/oatmeal
organic bean burrito and frozen bananas for snack

Thursday, November 10

Hub City CF this morning...
7 Muscle ups
21 SDHP with 95#
Finished in 19:39. Traps are killing me from last two days.

Was going to swim tonight but decided to wait until tomorrow.

Eating wasn't great tonight. Had a bag of blueberries on the way home. Large salad, cooked veggies, Nikki's, sweet potato chips, dates...bad eating week.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Warrior WOD at Hub City Cross Fit this morning...

10x 115# push press
10x 50# KBS
10x 24" box jump

Did 10 rounds plus 8 box jumps

Ran 10 miles in 1:13:18
HR averaged 160
Hips feeling weird. Pretty windy.

Recording my food hopefully I won't have a fat day. Hoping to be <175.0 on Friday/Saturday.
Ate right around 3,200 cals (which is probably how much I burned today).
Jason's Deli, then burritos then United (mangos, cashews, carob almonds)...yummy.

Tuesday, November 8

Jackie this morning

1000m row
50 thrusters with 45#
30 pulls

Was going to run 10 this afternoon but it was too stinkin' windy. Also...still very sore from Thursday.

Had a blueberry shake after Jackie. Dinner was two trips through Jason's salad bar. 7...yes, flax crackers from Jason's.
Then went to United and got cashews, carob almonds, dried mangos, 2 LARA bars. Then went and got 2 fresca bean burritos from Taco Bell. Fat day...blah.

Because I didn't record anything...

Monday, November 7

Did "Helen" this morning.
3 rounds
400m run
21 KBS with 1.5 pood
12 pulls

CFE swim
21 x 50 yards
where RBI goes 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5
Took me 21:46

Had a good eating day. Right around 1,500 calories. Basically same day as every weekday last week.
Still sore from Thursday...

Monday, November 7, 2011


Didn't do jack because I was so incredibly sore. I could barely sit and stand. Acute pain from knee to hip (in muscle) to the touch...crazy miserable sore.
Note to self: don't do a WOD that's going to sideline you for an entire weekend because then you can't workout during the weekend. I was supposed to run 10 Saturday. Gonna have to do that on Tuesday.

Probably for the best...Jenn was sick this weekend anyway.

Ezekial tortillas and Bearitos on Saturday night. Then some big, incredible baked pretzels.
Terrible heartburn all day Sunday.
Some chip pieces around lunch time. Then had some carob almonds, carob cubes, dried mangos, an Amy's Organic spinach pizza, Nana's sugarless cookie, 3 LARA bars, most of the Subway pizza I got Jenn for dinner. Less food than I normally eat on Sunday but had horrible heartburn from Saturday night.

Friday, November 4, 2011


I don't think my legs have ever been this sore. I can barely walk because of Manion yesterday. Miserable.
Weighed 175.0 before FFN tonight...awesome!!

RPM this morning
HR averaged 142
Started watch after Track 1 (warm up)

Blueberry shake after RPM (blueberries, ground flax, almond milk, coconut milk, water/ice
Dinner was large salad, cooked veggies, egg omelet
Snack was bean burritos (2), bananas, blueberries

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Woke at 5:40 AM
Lowest I've been all year.
Keeping detailed caloric intake records ALWAYS seems to work.

7 rounds:
400m run
135# back squat x 29
41' even

Easily one of the top 5 toughest WODs I've ever done. Felt like I was going to faint a dozen times. Ran on the treadmill cuz it was so dang cold this morning.
First 4 sets I did 20 squats, then 9...last three I broke them up into 3 sets.
It's about 1:40 PM and my left hand is just now getting all the feeling back into it. Think I messed up a nerve in my neck or something doing that many squats. 203 reps to be exact.  Ouch.

CFE - Short Interval Swim
4x (3x75) where 1=80%, 2=90%, 3=100%
90" RBI
All sets ranged from 1:10-1:17 depending on percentage of exertion. Kicked 25y between each rep.

Blueberry shake post workout for both workouts.
Dinner was large salad, cooked veggies (in organic pizza sauce - made kind of a stew), 3-egg omelet, and a wheat roll
Snack was tortilla and refried beans, banana and blueberries

Total calories - 1,666
P - 17%
C - 57%
F - 26%


Calories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbs (g) Fiber (g)
Blueberries, raw, edible portion
85 x g @ 7:00 AM
48 1 0 12 2
almond milk
1 x cup @ 7:00 AM
35 1 3 1 0
ground flaxseed
1 x 1 tsp @ 7:00 AM
15 1 1 1 0
Hemp powder
0.25 x 4 tbsp @ 7:00 AM
32 3 1 4 0
Total: 130 5 5 18 2


Calories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbs (g) Fiber (g)
Blueberries, raw, edible portion
85 x g @ 1:00 PM
48 1 0 12 2
almond milk
1 x cup @ 1:00 PM
35 1 3 1 0
ground flaxseed
1 x 1 tsp @ 1:00 PM
15 1 1 1 0
Total: 98 3 4 14 2


Calories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbs (g) Fiber (g)
Kale, raw, edible portion
15 x g @ 7:00 PM
8 0 0 2 0
Okra, raw, edible portion
171 x g @ 7:00 PM
53 3 0 12 5
Onions, all types, raw, edible portion
144 x g @ 7:00 PM
60 1 0 15 2
Peppers, bell or sweet, green, raw, edible portion
115 x g @ 7:00 PM
23 1 0 5 2
Spinach, raw, edible portion
43 x g @ 7:00 PM
10 1 0 2 1
Squash, summer, zucchini, raw, edible portion
294 x g @ 7:00 PM
47 4 1 10 3
Tomato, red, ripe, raw, edible portion
311 x g @ 7:00 PM
56 3 1 12 4
pumpkin seeds
0.33 x oz @ 7:00 PM
50 2 4 2 0
wild rice
1 x 46g or 1/4 c @ 7:00 PM
150 3 2 12 0
Cage Free Eggs
3 x egg @ 7:00 PM
210 18 12 0 0
Avocados, average all types, raw, edible portion
52 x g @ 7:00 PM
83 1 8 4 3
pizza sauce
2 x 1/4 c or 62g @ 7:00 PM
90 2 4 12 0
wheat rolls
1 x 43 g @ 10:00 AM
90 4 1 17 0
Total: 930 44 32 104 21

Evening Snack

Calories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbs (g) Fiber (g)
Bearitos - beans
1 x 130g @ 9:00 PM
100 6 0 17 0
tortillas (Natural Grocers)
1 x tortilla @ 9:00 PM
160 5 3 27 0
Banana, edible portion
240 x g @ 9:00 PM
214 3 1 55 6
Blueberries, raw, edible portion
60 x g @ 10:00 AM
34 0 0 9 1
Total: 508 14 4 108 8
Calories Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbs (g) Fiber (g)
Total: 1666 66 45 244 33