Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 6

Road to Recovery Day 6

Woke at 6:30 AM
Cup of coffee this morning. Had a bowl of frozen blueberries around 2:30 PM.

100 leg lifts and stretching this morning.
100 leg lifts and stretching this afternoon. Iced both knees this afternoon, too. Right knee still giving me some anxiety.
Planning on 100 leg lifts and ice tonight before bed.
I'm also planning on beginning a dip/pull-up regimen until I can do leg work. Something like 100 dips 100 pulls (10x of 10 each) something like that. Enough to get my heart rate up and get me a little sore. I haven't gone this long without doing ANY sort of physical exercise since...I honestly can't remember. Maybe like sixth grade?  Even when I was in hospital last year I rode my indoor trainer the day I came home from the hospital. And when I had the flu in March I only had four days in a row of no exercise...I did a sprint triathlon the Sunday of that week. Yesterday was my fifth straight day of nothing. Hopefully that will change if I can squeeze in some dips/pulls this afternoon.
Flexibility is getting much better everyday but putting much weight on the bent left leg is still very painful. Hopefully I can start swimming after stitches come out next week.

Food today was some carrot juice this morning with my antibiotic. Large salad, salmon/barley stew, chips and black bean dip, cooked veggies and sprouts.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 5

Day 5

Road to Recovery Day 5

Did 100 leg lifts this morning and iced both knees.
Haven't gotten my measuring stick but the flexibility in my left knee is the length of an opened file folder. Better than yesterday.

Took a shower. Right elbow still oozing and not healing very good.
Big bruise on inside of my left leg. Took pics. Lots of swelling in my quad.

Did 100 leg lifts tonight before bed. No ice.

Jason's Deli again for dinner. 2 trips through salad bar, then some broccoli and carrots and hummus. Some wheat crackers. Had mango (dried) and cashews in my room.

Slept without anything covering stitches on leg.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Road to Recovery Day 4

Wednesday, September 28

Planning to buy a yard stick to measure my knee flexibility in left leg. Not very good right now.

Also going to ice my right knee on the inside. Really starting to get worried about the pain that's creeping up there. I can actually shower tomorrow!

Sponge baths are the devil. Ready to get these stitches out and start working on gaining some strength back in this leg.

Stitches scheduled to come out on Tuesday.

Did 50 leg lifts this afternoon. Walked up some stairs but nearly fell. Doc says that if my leg bends too much too fast it could rip out the sutures that are deep under my skin in my leg. That would be bad. Another reason I'm still on the crutch. Don't want my leg to buckle and disaster to strike again.

Had Jason's Deli tonight and some cashews and carob covered almonds. Stuffed on veggies...mmmmm.

My plan is to continue eating plant-based, whole foods diet. I'm anticipating a much faster recovery eating power foods than if I were to eat what some have suggested while "down"...a big juicy cheeseburger. Yuck.

Road to Recovery Day 3

Tuesday, September 27

Went with Jenn to her school observation this morning. Went to United and got bananas for her class. First time to be out. Really weird driving past scene of the incident. Feel sick and shaky while driving in the car. Had to put seat all the way back so my left leg could stay straight.

Went to John's office. He looked at both sets of stitches. Healing up OK. Said I could start doing some quad flexing and stretching. Quad/leg is very tight and painful. Have had to pull dried bandages off right elbow stitches TWICE. Not fun.

Took bike to Biketown. An initial glance told them the bike was a complete loss. You can't be too careful with the carbon fiber. It might look ok, but if the structural integrity has been compromised, sometimes the first time you'll know it is when it comes apart on you while you're going 40 mph, and that wouldn't be good.

I need a new helmet, too.

Made salmon, barley, split pea stew for dinner. Had it with salad, some carob cubes, blue corn chips, 1/2 frozen banana, dry oatmeal.

Slept most of the afternoon. A lot more tired than I think I am. Sat in a chair while H and Hope played outside. Frustration starting to set in every time I see someone running or biking. I'm really disappointed about missing the race this weekend and the Half IM. Been thinking about that race for more than a year. Lots of planning and training down the drain.

I want to be back up and Hate this.

Road to Recovery Day 2

Monday, September 26

Did what I could to help Jenn get girls ready for school. Not happy about not being able to play with them like usual. The slightest wrong touch (even from the 9 month old) causes me to cringe in pain.

Left leg (quad) extremely sore. Right knee is starting to hurt on the inside. Outside of right knee very sore, too. Right hip is more sore than I thought it was. Right arm (stitches) might be the worst pain just because I'm using it more than anything else. Getting around on crutches around the house. Went up to work today to get some stuff to work on at home.

I don't feel tired, but when I lay down I sleep instantly. Off the pain meds because I'd rather be in pain than sick to my stomach.

Was interviewed by KTXS this afternoon.

Had salad, cashews, mung beans, and hummus for dinner.

Road to Recovery - Day 1

Sunday, September 25

Pretty sore this morning. Didn't sleep great.
Randy was throwing up (food poisoning) so Jenn and Deb went to church with girls. I'm wearing a brace that keeps my left leg perfectly straight, goes from hip to calf. Very uncomfortable. Not much I can do but lay here.

Pain meds making me feel sick. Last dose was at 7:30 AM. Jenn's keeping me on a strict medicine schedule.
Grants and Baldridges came over tonight. Had a salad, some cooked veggies, dried mangos, carob cubes, and carob almonds.

Very frustrated at having to be so immobile.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 6 week 8 - 12 week Half IM training - DISASTER

Weighed 175.9 this morning. Elated about that.

Breakfast was bowl of oatmeal and blueberries, 1 banana.
The last thing I would eat before disaster struck at 7:05 AM.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 5 Week 8 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 4 AM
Bed at 10:15 PM
Had to eat late (9:30 PM)
Weighed 179 this morning. Usually don't weigh until Saturday or Sunday.
Had energy this morning...unlike last two Friday mornings.

SB - RPM (5:35 AM)
137 HR
consistently up in the 160s today
(45' total)

Played hoops at noon

21 deadlift with 225
50 squats
21 push press, 135#
15 DL
50 squat
15 PP
9 DL
50 squat
9 PP

Breakfast/post-workout- lots of water, handful of mixed berries, 1/2 c almond milk, hemp protein, carob powder, green tea
Lunch - 8 oz carrot juice

Dinner -large salad with sprouts, mung beans with homemade hummus

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 4 Week 8 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 5:15A
Bed around 10:15 PM
Feel much better this morning. Don't know what the deal was yesterday.

SS (6 AM)
ACU rec center
25 x 50 on 1'
Did first one in were right around 48-50.
Good swim.
(35' total)

15' rope climb
10 ring dips
20 WBS with 20# ball
substitute 7 towel pulls for rope climb
7 rounds even
(25' total)

Breakfast/post-workout - 1/2 c almond milk, handful of mixed frzn berries, tbsp hemp protein
Lunch - Subway (salad - lettuce, few tomato slices, onion, cucumber)
post-workout - same as above
Snack - 8 oz juice (carrot, apple, squash, tomato, ginger)
Dinner - large salad and soup (same as Tuesday), macadamia nuts, 2 eggs, bowl of dry oatmeal, 2 carob cubes, 2 tbsp coconut mango energy bars, Garden of Eatin' blue corn chips (no salt)
After reading first 80 pages of Warrior Diet by Ori Hofmekler, I've decided to start incorporating eggs and wild-caught Alaskan salmon back into my diet, moderately, every few days. I'm also going to start eating cooked legumes again and start cooking/steaming/sauteing broccoli, cauliflower, squash, tomatoes, and kale. And try to find some organic, unpasteurized miso soup.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 3 Week 8 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 5 AM
Bed at 10 PM
Didn't feel great this morning. Almost just slept an extra hour but got up anyway. Not sure what the deal was.

SR - CFE (6 AM)
5x800 on 3' rest
walked a 200 between intervals
2:57, 55, 51, 53, 53
Felt much better after CFE warmup
(36:29 total)

Played hoops at noon - first time in over a year

CF (5 PM)
10x2 push jerk
2x 135
2x 145
3x 155
3x 165

Breakfast - about 4 sips of almond milk, green tea
Lunch - 8 oz carrot juice
Dinner - Jason's Deli (lots of salad) - 2 trips plus broccoli/carrots and hummus. Also had about four of the organic crackers
Snack - 2 mango coconut energy bars, blue corn chips (no salt), popped amaranth, cantaloupe, macadamia nuts

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 2 Week 8 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 4:45 AM
Bed at 10:30 PM

LS (5:30 AM)
ACU rec center
WU: 400
MS: 400
       400 with paddles
       300 swim
       300 fast
       300 with paddles
       6x50 fast on 60" RBI
CD: 100
2,500 total
(57:01 total)

CF (8 PM)
7x1 snatch balance
focusing on form and technique
(20' total)

Breakfast - mango energy bar (80 cals), 1/2 c almond milk, 1/2 c frozen blueberries, 1 tbsp hemp protein (105 cals) = 185 total
Lunch - lunch appt cancelled on me, so I just stayed in office and worked
Dinner -large salad and bowl of soup (same as last night). Almond, flax burger (from Thrive book) get my fat. Celery/almond butter. Blue corn (no salt) chips with homemade bean salsa. 2 carob cubes. 2 coconut mango energy bars. Slice of cantaloupe. Slice of bread.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 1 Week 8 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 6:30 AM
Bed at 10:30 PM.
Planned rest day but I did 5th CF WOD from Week 7 this evening.

Breakfast - water, green tea
Lunch - Jason's Deli (spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, mushrooms - small amount on small plate)
Snack - 8 oz veggie juice (carrot, squash, jalapeno, lemon, ginger), small handful of almonds
Dinner - salad (spinach, romaine, tomato, squash, onion, okra, ginger tahini dressing, sprouted lentils, bell/jalapeno pepper), Barley Split Pea soup (barley, split pea, squash, onion, veggie stock/broth, ginger, garlic, celery, carrot), bowl of dry oats

Good eating day.
Day 8 of 21 until US Open. Haven't had a bad food day yet...

Day 7 Week 7 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 6:30 AM.

LB (2:00 PM)
44.58 miles
19.3 mph
When I left the house, the wind was blowing out of the illusion, no joke, when I got home it was blowing out of the NW. So basically had a head wind the whole way. That's always frustrating.
I had initially planned to ride 40 but I felt so good at the 1 hour mark and was only about 2.4 miles from the top of Old Coleman Hwy "mountain", that I decided to go to the top. Glad I did.
After researching Warrior Diet (, I didn't eat anything for breakfast and had some fresh carrot/squash/tomato juice and a handful of almonds and blueberries for lunch. I went out on my ride with only that in my stomach over the previous 18 hours. I took a couple of extra gel packs with me in case I bonked.
My legs felt a little weak right out of the gate, but I got some energy around 2 miles and felt great for the rest of  the ride. My only explanation is that I never turned off my sympathetic nervous system by eating a big meal and my body was still functioning in that realm when I took off on the bike.
So from 8 PM on Saturday night until the end of the ride (a little after 4:15), I had consumed around 200 calories...WAY LESS than I burned during the first hour of the bike ride - not to mention the calories burned to keep other bodily functions going which is around 85 an hour (85 cals/hour * 18 hours = 1,530 + what I burned on the ride: roughly 2,300 total). That proves to me that the human body can find other energy sources than what you put in your mouth prior to needing energy (aka training/working out).
I never felt exhausted or like I needed some more energy. I took one gel pack around 1 hour and had water on the ride...that was it.
Very interesting. My hope is that my body tapped into the fat energy reserves (something critical for an Ironman-distance race). I'm going to continue training my body to use those fat reserves rather than relying on quick assimilating foods like dates or other fruits immediately preceding workouts, while I'm training.

CF (8 PM - Monday night)
Row 20 calories
30 burpees
40 ground to overhead (40 lb dumbbells)
50 toes to bar
100' walking lunge with 45# plate overhead
150' sprint
Tough WOD. Enjoyed it immensely.
(25' total)

Breakfast - water
Lunch - 1/2 c almond milk, handful of berries; glass of veggie juice (carrots, tomato, squash)
Dinner - large salad (spinach, raw veggies, legume sprouts, tahini dressing), bowl of homemade soup (vegetable stock, water, celery, carrots, squash, 1 c barley, 1/2c split peas, onion, garlic, ginger...really good!!)
Dessert - carob cubes, dried mangos, unsweetened carob almonds, 2 bean/cheese burritos

Week 7 Totals
CF - 2:22:01
Swim - 1:36:51
Bike - 3:08:27
Run - 2:54:46
Total - 10:02:05

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 6 Week 7 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 6:30 AM (bed a little after midnight)
Legs pretty sore from yesterday.
Went and got adjusted yesterday morning...chiropractor.

SR - CFE (7:00 AM)
10x200 with 2' RBI
37, 35, 36, 34, 35, 32, 34, 32, 34, 32
Good run. No hip pain or other joint pain.
(33:41' total)

Post-workout/breakfast - 2 spicy banana energy bars, 1/2 c almond milk with hemp protein, water and frozen blueberries
Lunch - carrot juice
Dinner - whole foods (salad bar, carob almonds, energy cubes)
Good eating day...

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 5 Week 7 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 4 AM (bed at 10 PM)
Experimenting with warrior diet for a while...we'll see what happens

SB - RPM (5:35 AM)
Had one in class this morning.
HR averaged 129 for 50 minutes.
(50' total)

CF (5 PM)
100 pullups
100 KBS (with 53 lb)
100 double-under
100 OHS with 95#
29:41...absolute killer.
(40' total)

Breakfast/post-workout - 2 spicy banana energy bars, small tomato, 1/4 cup oatmeal with cacao, green tea
Lunch - Jason's Deli, one trip through salad bar (spinach, baby spring mix, jalapenos, onion, broccoli, mushroom, sprouts, pepperoncinis)
Post-workout - spicy banana energy bar, almond milk with water and hemp protein
Dinner - huge salad (spinach, romaine, squash, onion, bell pepper, anaheim pepper, mung sprouts, tahini dressing, carrot, tomato, okra, soaked green peas), carob cubes (5), handful of my energy bars (tbsp sized spheres), celery/almond butter, large bowl of dry oatmeal

Didn't eat anything else rest of night. Good eating day...4th in a row.

Day 4 Week 7 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 5 AM
Feel MUCH better physically. Can't believe how quickly I've recovered from Tuesday's run.

CF (6 AM)
Double Unders
6:22 (PR by 1:11...helps to have other people around pushing you)
Feel fine, also did 4x3 squat clean with 135. No knee pain.
(17' total)

SS (12 PM)
10' TI warm up
20 x 50y on 1'
Great swim. Did the 50's in the 44-48 range. Never done more than 12 of these. Swim 50 then rest to 1 minute, then swim another one. RX'd was 10-20 of them, I had planned to do 15, but when I got to 15 decided to try for 20. Feel really good.

Pre-workout - spicy banana energy bar
Breakfast - celery, oatmeal/cacao nibs, coffee
(Danessa got me looking at Warrior diet on my way back from Amarillo)
Lunch - small salad (spinach, romaine, okra, sprouted mung, tahini dressing), Lara bar, hemp protein/chlorella
Dinner - having some GI issues, felt like I needed some substance, ordered a large veggie supreme pizza from Domino's for dinner. Also had a peach and banana/blueberry ice cream for dessert (2.5 bananas, blueberries, vanilla, soy milk pureed with almonds and cacao nibs on top. Didn't feel stuffed. Felt like I needed the calories.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 3 Week 7 - 12 week Half IM training

 Woke at 5 AM. Feel like I got hit by a truck. Leg joints sore. Arms and back sore. Neck. Leg muscles. Everything. Almost went back to sleep but made a decision to go through the CF 806 warm up and see how I felt.

CF 806 (6 AM)
5 x
135# power clean x 3
20 burpees
Felt OK after warm up, went ahead with WOD. Sick of burpees.
(22:31 total)

LS (9:30 AM)
Zach's Club in Amarillo
WU: 500, 8 x 50 on 15"
MS: 2000 TT (38:57)
100 easy
CD: 200
3200 total
Great swim for me.

Pre-workout - spicy banana energy bar
Breakfast - oatmeal with cacao
Lunch - one trip through JD salad bar, then a plate of broccoli, carrots, peppers and hummus
Snack - Lara bar
Dinner - Salad from United, cashews, handful of carob energy nuggets, pumpkin seeds, sprouted mung
Snack - Lara bar, celery/almond butter, dry oatmeal

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 2 Week 7 - 12 Week Half IM training

Woke at 5:30 AM
Day 2 of 21 until US Open (tomorrow will be 19 to go)

CF (6 AM)
Reps of Pulls ups, then burpees
Absolutely brutal. I hate burpees. Could hardly shower or get my breakfast together my arms were so useless and shaking.
(37:30 total)

LR (5:00 PM)
16 miles in Amarillo down Interstate 40
Stiff wind coming out of the west and that's how I went out of the gate.
I went out first and spray painted mile markers at 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8.
Into the wind I was right at an 8 min/mile pace at the turnaround (had to have a BM in a corn field about the 7 mile mark...wonderful). 1:05 at turnaround. Finished in 1:22:05.
Stopped and walked at 8, 10, 12, 14. At 10 and 14 went looking for an outdoor water spout. Needed water.
I had 16 ounces with me and two gels (took at 8 miles and 12 miles). Started getting some right hip pain around mile 4. If I pushed the hip in right when my foot came off the ground it would go away for a bit. Weird, need an adjustment. Wore Brooks racers and Zoot calf sleeves.
HR averaged 160.
Felt feverish afterwards. Drove to dinner with the heat blaring...freezing. Not a great run but haven't run that far since Whiterock last year. We'll see what I feel like in the morning.
(2:22:05 total)

Pre-workout - spicy banana energy bar
Breakfast - spinach, mung bean sprouts, carrot, tahini dressing
Lunch - pictured below (salad bar from United in Amarillo - toppers were pumpkin seeds and balsamic vinegar and mung bean sprouts
Pre-workout (run) - 2 spicy banana energy bar
Dinner - salad from United, cashews, mango tea, coconut water, celery/almond butter, pumpkin seeds

Lunch on Tuesday - United

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 1 Week 7 - 12 week Half IM training

woke at 6:45 AM
Planned rest day
Day 1 of 21 until US Open Triathlon. I've had 8 of the last 10 days not ideal eating days (scroll down for proof)...time to buckle down. The only extra calorie days I can have are on Sundays, and those days will still be vegan. Need to get into race form.

I've got some really tough CF WODs coming up this week...I'm going to need this rest day.

Breakfast - small salad (rainbow chard, spring mix, sprouted legumes, carrot peels, tahini dressing)
Lunch - Jason's Deli (one trip through with a small scoop of hummus, then one plate with carrots, broccoli and hummus)
Dinner - salad (rainbow chard, romaine, lots of raw veggies, tahini dressing, sprouted mung beans)
Snack - celery, popped amaranth

Day 6 Week 6 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 6 AM

LS (2 PM)
WU - 300
MS -
4x 200 on 30"
8x 100 on 15"
200 kick
6x 100 on 10"
CD - 200
Felt good in the water.
(1:05:02 total)

CF (4:30 PM)
"Amanda" 9-7-5
Muscle up
135# squat snatch (I did 95#)
Did snatch on back porch. Pretty sore from yesterday (lower and upper back), but MUs weren't too difficult.
Form on snatch is getting much better and have more confidence with it
(20' total)

Breakfast - wheat toast, sprouted legumes
Lunch - Abuelo's (raw zucchini and squash with hot sauce), Jenn's leftover beans and potatoes, couple of flour tortillas
Pre-workout - energy bar
Dinner - vegan pizza with gluten free crust
Snacks - unsweetened carob almonds, dried mangos, mango puree dairy&sugar-free yogurt thingy, carob cubes (raw, vegan), banana/blueberry puree with soy milk and vanilla - almonds on top)

Week 6 Totals
Swim: 1:42:02
Bike: 2:10
Run: 1:50:24
CF: 1:25
Total: 7:07:24
Scale-back week, long bike was pretty short, and I skipped one CF plus the 4 CF that I did do were relatively short...none more than 25'

Day 5 Week 6 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 6 AM (bed past midnight)

LB (7:00 AM)
WU: 15'
15' easy spin
15' easy spin
28.84 miles
20.2 mph
130 HR
good, solid ride
(1:25:33 total)

CF (4 PM)
225# DL
27" box jump
(rx'd was 315# DL and 30")
(20' total)

Pre-workout - spicy banana energy bar
Breakfast - oatmeal with flax and hemp
Lunch - salad (sprouted legumes, raw veggies, ginger dressing)
Pre-workout - energy bar
Dinner - vegan pizza on gluten free crust, Pale, couple slices of Jenn's pizza (cheese on it)
Dessert - Nikki's (no sugar added with blueberries, kiwi on top), 2 bean burritos
not a good eating day b/c of the very end...

Day 4 Week 6 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 4 AM
Legs REALLY sore from yesterdays' run

SB - RPM (5:35 AM)
45' total
HR averaged 133

CF (5 PM)
Run 1000m
Row 1000m
Did this one after work. Jeff came out and got in my way during the run...twas funny. Then he helped me with the HSPU.
(25' total)

Pre-workout - 2 spicy banana energy bars
Breakfast - bowl of sprouted legumes with ginger tahini dressing, cacao nibs
Lunch - Bean salad bar (spinach, raw veggies, oil and vinegar)
Dinner - carob cubes and cashews (went to Natural Grocers, ate more cashews than I had planned so I didn't eat a real dinner)
Snack - carob cubes, pizza from KTXS (cheese)
definitely not a good eating day after cheese pizza at nearly midnight...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 3 Week 6 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 4:30 AM

LR (5:20 AM)
10x800 (recovery lap as long as 800 takes)
warm up: 5 laps
cool down: 5 laps
40 laps total - 10 miles
Triple workouts yesterday caused my legs to be pretty fatigued. Not as good of times as my Harvard run, but I'll take getting all 10 at or below 3:00.
I had to take about 90 seconds extra rest after intervals 1 and 5 to go to the bathroom. Stomach has been acting funny since getting back from Boston. Frustrating...but at least I didn't have to go on someone's front lawn, right?
(1:19:04 total)

skipped it. Really dragging tonight, need calories and to rest.

Pre-workout - (2) spicy banana energy bar
Breakfast - juice of rainbow chard leaf, small sweet potato, 2 jalapenos, celery, carrots, ginger, lemon. Cacao nibs, small bowl of sprouted legumes with ginger tahini dressing
Lunch - salad (romaine, spinach, pepper [bell, jalapeno, anaheim], cucumber, tomato, onion, pumpkin seed, ginger tahini dressing, sprouted legumes, eggplant).
Dinner - salad (romaine, spinach, broccoli, onion, sprouted legumes, eggplant, tomato, peppers, ginger tahini dressing, pumpkin seeds, walnuts). for dessert I had 2 frozen bananas and blueberries pureed with a little bit of honey, soy milk and vanilla (H had some and loved it!) with almonds mixed in
Snack -need calories in a big way...raisins (quite a few), blue corn chips - crunched up ones at the bottom of bag (no salt added, Garden of Eatin' brand), celery/almond butter, grapes

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 2 Week 6 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 4:45 AM.
Was going to swim at JPAC but decided to try the ACU SRWC since it was 60 degrees and swimming outside would have been cold. Rec Center was open (thought pool opened at 6, but they changed it to 5:30), started my swim at 5:45...water was really cold.

SS - CFE (5:45 AM)
3x 7:3
did 375 yards per interval
1,125 yards
(37' total)

SR - CFE (12 PM)
Half mile hill repeats
4x 1/2 mile on 7% incline, 2' RBI
HR got up to and stayed around 170 for entire work phases
(31:20 total)

CF (8 PM)
35 double unders
1 rep snatch
post time and total weight of all snatch reps
9:25, 700#
Did on the back porch at dusk.
(20' total)

Pre-workout - spicy banana energy bar
Breakfast - juiced carrot, ginger, tomato, jalapeno, anaheim peppers
Pre-workout - spicy banana energy bar (2)
Lunch - salad (rainbow chard, spinach, tomato, jalapeno, anaheim pepper, eggplant, onion, bell pepper, carrot, cucumber, sprouted legumes, ginger tahini dressing, balsamic vinegar)
Dinner -salad (rainbow chard, spinach, tomato, cucumber, peppers [jalapeno, bell, anaheim], eggplant, sprouted legumes, ginger tahini dressing, carrot), cacao nibs
Pre-workout - spicy banana energy bar
Snack - 4 stalks celery, cacao nibs, hemp protein/chorella mixed in water
...great eating day...
Three workouts today may come back and bite me tomorrow.
Bed at 10 PM

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 1 Week 6 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 7 AM
Decided to take a rest day.

Breakfast - carrot, small bowl of legume sprouts and tahini dressing (felt pretty bad after the last few days of extra salt and mucho dried fruit)
Lunch - two trips through JDeli salad bar - no hummus, all raw
Dinner - salad (spinach, tomato, bell pepper, sprouted legumes, jalapeno, broccoli, tahini dressing)
Snack -licked the spatula after I made spicy, banana energy bars; tomatoes
Good eating day...went to bed hungry.

Day 8 Week 5 - 12 week Half IM training

Yes...Day 8. Did my long bike today which counts on Week 5. Will start Week 6 tomorrow.
Woke at 7 AM...

LB - 3 hours
Rode 60 miles in 3:10
HR averaged 135
My computer kept giving me false reading so I don't trust the final numbers. I'd look down and it would say 17 mph then go to 26 mph and I hadn't changed speed.
Comp said I averaged 18.7 mph but it may have been faster than that...stupid comp.
Stiff wind blowing out of the NE, 80 degrees. I had just eaten a big lunch and probably over ate on the bike.
An accelgel at 1 and 2 hours and accelerade starting at 1.5 hours which I ended up puking up a little...body didn't need it. Some monster hills out towards Albany. Took me 1:48 to get out there and about 1:20 coming back, then had to ride the block a couple of times.
Mileage said 30.1 when I turned around and I had to ride around the block a few times to hit 60 so I KNOW the comp was off because the ride back goes a little bit out of the way (so a little farther than the ride out).
Lower back never bothered me. Felt great throughout.

Breakfast - frozen mangos and oatmeal
Lunch- sprouted legume salad, bag of honey pistachio energy cubes
During workout - 2 accels, 1/4 bottle of accelerade with 2 scoops
Dinner - end piece of H's bread, bowl of pinto beans, celery/almond butter, banana/blueberry "ice cream", dried mangos, goji berry energy cubes, Blue Corn chips and homemade salsa

Weekend of fatness is over...going all raw until pizza night on Friday.

Week 5 totals
CF: 2:09
Swim: 1:40:10
Bike: 3:40
Run: 1:35:17
Total:  9:04:27

Day 7 Week 5 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 7 AM
Went to bed at 10:30 AM

LR (8:15 AM)
Rented a bike and rode about 4 miles to McCurdy Track on Harvard Campus.
Warm up - 5 laps
8x800 (2:57, 56, 51, 51, 51, 50, 54, 50)
Really happy with this run. Not hot but very humid. Much different than the 6x800 run I had in Amarillo

Pre-workout - raw revolution bar
Breakfast - oatmeal
Lunch -carrots and green naked juice drink

Dinner - Salad (garden salad from Einstein Bros in airport in Houston)

Snack -energy cubes, dried mangos, cashews, carrots/almond butter, salsa and triscuits, bowl of grape nuts, 2 tortillas with melted cheese, frozen mangos
great eating day until the walls caved in around midnight in Georgetown ("snack")...ugh...

Day 6 Week 5 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 7 AM

CF Southie (9:00 AM)
"Running Cindy"
run 200m
5 pull
10 hand release push up
15 airsquats
10 rounds + 5 pushups (I won the WOD out of 28 people)
(30' total)

Pre-workout -raw revolution bar
Breakfast -raw revo bar (small one), coconut water, kale avocado stuff from Whole Foods, salad with raw veggies and pumpkin seeds
Lunch - kale greens with tahini and pumpkin seeds, spinach artichoke dip at the Cask'n Flaggin outside Fenway
Dinner - Salad with raw veggies, dried mangos, baguette from Trader Joe's, flax/veggie chips from Trader Joe's

Day 5 Week 5 - 12 week Half IM Training

Bed at 11:30 PM
Woke at 2:45 AM...yes 2:45 AM to catch a 6 AM flight from Austin to Boston

Planned rest day

Breakfast - sprouted legume salad at 430 AM in Austin airport parking lot
Lunch - tomato basil soup, (tomato juice on plane, too), Harpoon

Dinner - at Rangers game: bag of pistachios, three pretzels, veggie dog, 3 Harpoon before game
Snack -raw trail mix from Trader Joe's

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 4 Week 5 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 5:45 AM

CF (6:00 AM)
50 squats
25 ring dips

SB - CFE (12 PM)
90" ladder
90:60, 90:45, 90:30
90:15, 90:30, 90:45
90...done (I added a final 90" interval after a 60" RBI)
Indoor trainer
First interval HR was in 140s at end. Got up in the 150s for a few, and the last three were in the 160s.
8 intervals total. HR averaged 137 for the 30 minutes - finished at 27:00 but rode easy for three minutes.
(30' total)

Pre-workout - apple cinnamon energy bar
Breakfast - oatmeal with hemp, flax and cacao
Lunch - salad (spinach, kale, jalapeno pepper, bell pepper, tomato, cucumber, okra, broccoli, sprouted mixed beans [mung, adzuki, chick, etc], tahini dressing, onion)
Pre-workout - carob cubes
Dinner - Salad (spinach, raw-organic veggies, sprouted legumes, tahini dressing)
Snack -carob cubes, almonds (while driving to Austin)
great eating day...