Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dinner on Wednesday

Day 3 Week 5 - 12 Week Half IM Training

Woke at 5:20 AM.
Picked up JB on way to JPAC to swim. Overslept but have a shorter swim this morning so it's all good.

SS - CFE - (5:45 AM)
1000y TT
(29:08 total)

CF - (8:00 - PM)
7x2 weighted pulls
all sets with 20# weight vest and 53# held with feet (73#)
(25' total)

Pre-workout - apple cinnamon energy bar

Breakfast - veggie drink (veggies used pictured below), jalapenos gave that one some kick, added some hemp protein as well
Lunch - salad (spinach, cucumber, tomato, bell pepper, jalapeno pepper, broccoli, tahini dressing, sprouted mung, okra)
Dinner - salad (spinach, kale, peppers, broccoli, okra, onion, sprouted mung, soaked quinoa, tahini dressing), slice of cantaloupe
Pre-workout - apple cinnamon energy bar
Snack - popped amaranth; bowl of raisins, grapes, walnuts; end piece of H's whole wheat bread, homemade salsa and some gross, salty chips; a handful of apple cinnamon energy spheres. Frustrating amount of food to eat right before bed...gonna try red tea at night to minimize hunger.

Two 7x2 days in a row. Have a pretty tough one in the morning..."Wilmot"

Breakfast Wednesday

Day 2 Week 5 - 12 Week Half IM Training

Woke at 4:45 AM.
Picked up JB on way to JPAC to swim.

LS - (5:30 AM)
WU: 300 easy
MS: 12x25 on 10"
400 easy, 4x 100 on 10"
4x 100 on 20"
2x 200 on 30"
8x 50 on 20"
400 easy
CD: 200 easy
(1:11:10 total))

CF - (8:00 - PM)
7x2 thrusters
6x 135
(30' total)

Pre-workout - apple cinnamon energy bar
Breakfast -oatmeal with hemp, flax and cacao, celery, almond milk
Lunch -salad at McAlister's in San Angelo (romaine, tomatoes, cucumber, red pepper, jalapenos), snacked on some raw okra on way to and from San Angelo
Snack - end piece of H's bread, celery/almond butter, raisins
Dinner - salad (spinach, kale, onion, jalapeno, tomato, cucumber, tahini dressing, sprouted mung), sesame lemon crackers (sesame seeds, coconut oil, agave nectar, dulse, lemon zest, lemon juice)
Snack - almond milk, apple cinnamon energy bar

Thought about skipping CF today. Really tired when I got home from work. Think it's just because I hadn't eaten much. After my snack and dinner, I felt much better.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 1 Week 5 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 6:00 AM.

SR- (7:30 PM)
10 x 30"
started at 9.6 mph and went up .1 every interval ending at 10.5
incline at 7%
(30' total)

CF - (6:30APM)
275# DL X 3 (I did 225#)
115# push press x7
7 rounds
(15' total)

Breakfast - veggie drink (kale, carrots, tomato, jalapeno, ginger, sweet potato, hemp protein)
Lunch -salad (kale, spinach, jalapenos, okra, onion, sprouted mung, soaked quinoa, tahini dressing)
Dinner - salad (spinach, kale, onion, jalapeno, dulse, grated sweet potato, grated carrot, tahini dressing, sprouted mung)
Pre-workout/snack - apple cinnamon energy bar
Post-workout - almond milk with hemp protein and flaxseed

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 7 Week 4 - 12 Week Half IM Training

Rest day...

Breakfast - veggie drink (kale, carrots, tomato, ginger, apple, cinnamon, agave nectar)
Lunch - salad (spinach, kale, tahini dressing, jalapeno, okra, onion, tomato, carrot, sprouted mung beans). Dessert was dried mangos, carob covered almonds, carob bar
Dinner - Chili's: chips and salsa, half of Jenn's quesadilla salad, 2 quesadillas. Dessert was carob cubes, frozen banana ice cream (bananas, vanilla, soy milk) with walnuts and raisins

Week recap:
CF - 2:30
Swim - 2:00
Bike - 2:55
Run - 1:30
Total - 8:55

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 6 Week 4 - 12 Week Half IM Training

Woke at 5:30 AM.
Weighed 180.3.
Poop. Supposed to be 178 today. No doubt because of my nutrition on Thursday and Friday...

Headed out for a 2.5 hour ride and 40 minute run at 6:30. Made it 13 minutes in and cut my back tire. Changed it in 10 minutes and made it about 200 yards before it went down...outside tire in bad shape. Ran over something. It was dawn, little dark, couldn't see. Just going to do my CF from tomorrow today and I'll have to ride from 2-5 PM tomorrow...the heat of the day. Ugh...

Change of plans...did my Brick at 4 pm today...see details below.

CF - (8:00 PM)
21 front squat 95#
40 foot hand stand walk
30 GHD
40 foot hand stand walk

I subbed shoulder touches with my foot on top of GHD for HSW. I couldn't even come close to doing shoulder touches braced up against a wall in a hand stand...ridiculously hard.
My sub was tough enough...felt it a ton in my core as I tried to keep myself elevated.
Did in 18:40.
GHD are my daddy. Felt it more in my upper quads than anywhere else.
(30' total)

Rode 47.69 in 2.5 hours averaged 19.0 HR averaged 145 over the 3:10:00.
Ran 40 minutes (including transition time of about 4.5 minutes - came in to get some ice water for run)
Ran 4+ miles.
Happy with that considering it was 103 degrees when I started and still over 100 when I got done.

Pre-workout/breakfast - banana, small bowl of oatmeal with soaked mung beans
Lunch - salad (spinach, kale, tahini dressing, jalapeno, okra, onion, tomato, carrot, soaked mung and millet and almonds)
Pre-workout/snack - apple cinnamon energy bar
Dinner - gluten free, dairy free, vegan pizza and pale ale from Cypress
Snack - had the rest of Jenn's pizza when I got home from friends house, and some chips

Day 5 Week 4 - 12 Week Half IM Training

Woke at 5:00 AM.
Supposed to wake at 4 AM but I overslept. Made it to HHC just in time to move in about 7 bikes for class. Moved the rest in after class with a little help.

SB- RPM (5:35 AM)
42' at 143 HR average
(42' total)

CF - (2:30 PM)
Supposed to do CF Total but there's no point in doing that.
Doing what CF Midland is doing instead...
3' max reps pulls (60)
3' max reps hand-release pushup (50)
3' max reps air squat (86)
That's a total of 196 reps. Divided by 30 is 6.5 so I did 7 rounds of Cindy in 7:50.
(30' total)

Pre-workout - homemade banana bread energy bar
Breakfast -  end piece of H's whole wheat bread loaf (couldn't resist) with almond butter, small bowl of soaked millet, watermelon
Lunch - spinach, kale, soaked millet, okra, jalapeno, broccoli, onion, ginger dressing
Pre-workout/snack - handful of sweet potato chips, raisins, celery/almond butter, a few carob cubes, grapes, small bowl of soaked millet
Dinner - One trip through Jason's Deli salad bar
Snack - dry oatmeal, watermelon, carob cubes, celery/almond butter

Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 4 Week 4 - 12 Week Half IM Training

Woke at 5:00 AM.

CF - (6:00 AM)
CF Midland 
150m run
bear crawl
5 ninja situps
backwards bear crawl
10 squat jumps
Team WOD.
Me and two other guys had to do 500 double-unders and 500 box jumps as fast as possible. It took us about 22 minutes. I ended up doing 200 DBUs and 170 box jumps
(30' total)

SS (2:30 PM)
10:5 x 2
2:1 x 2
Did 500 in 10:05, then 500 in 10:16
2' intervals were about 112 yards each
( 45' total)

Pre-workout - homemade banana bread energy bar
Breakfast -  green drink I got at HEB, pictured below...REALLY good, handful of cashews
Snack - had some celery and almond butter on road driving home
Lunch - salad (spinach, okra, broccoli, onion, jalapeno, tomato, sprouted mung beans, tahini dressing)
Pre-workout - banana bread energy bar
Dinner - same as lunch

Snack -watermelon, grapes, frozen mangos, walnuts

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 3 Week 4 - 12 Week Half IM Training

Woke at 5:00 AM.

CF - (6:00 AM)
CF Midland - awesome place and they have an awesome website (Traveler WOD's for folks on the road)
warm up
800m run
3 x:
10 slams with 40# ball
8 toes to rope
10 squat vertical thrusters with slam ball
4 x (untimed)
7x hand release plyo pushup
7x power clean
7x front rack lunge (each leg, so 14 total)
7x thruster
7x good morning
When you grab the bar on these sets, you weren't allowed to take your hands off the bar. Brutal.
Did 95 pounds. Toasted.
(30' total)

LS (6:00 PM)
warmup: 500 then 8x50 on 15" rest
1500y time trial(29:45). The YMCA in Midland wasn't sure if the pool was meters or yards (think it might have been meters) and I think I counted a lap twice. That is a slow time to how good I felt swimming.
100 easy
3x200 at TT effort on 15" rest
300 cool down
(1:15 total)

Pre-workout - homemade banana bread energy bar
Breakfast - oatmeal with cacao nibs, several celery stalks, 15 oz coconut water, handful cashews
Lunch - Strawberry Fields in Midland, salad (greens, celery, cauliflower, broccoli, onion, sprouts, carrots, cucumber, balsamic vinegar)
Dinner -HEB organic baby spring mix, red bell pepper, mushrooms, carrot, pumpkin seeds, sprouted mung beans, balsamic vinegar, 10 unsweetened carob covered almonds
Snack - celery/almond butter, about 3/4 cup of dried oatmeal

Day 2 Week 4 - 12 Week Half IM Training

Woke at 5:30 AM.

CF - (6:00 AM)
5 C2B pulls
10 WBS
15 KBS with 1.5 pood
10 rounds + 5 pulls
(30' total)

LR (6:00 PM)
1 mile warm up
30' TT
18 laps
HR averaged 174 over last 20' of TT
Done this workout twice before, first time did 18 laps and HR was in the 173 range. Last year, did 18.5 laps, HR 168 but it wasn't 100 degrees like it was yesterday when I ran.
Happy about this run. Did at Memorial Stadium in Midland.
(50' total)

Pre-workout - homemade banana bread energy bar
Breakfast - oatmeal with hemp, cacao nibs and flax, vegetable juice (2 carrots, 1/2 cucumber, 1/2 tomato, ginger)
Lunch - salad (chopped lettuce, 3 tomato slices, 4 pickle slices), was traveling and lunch was at a cheesburger joint in Midland. After lunch, went by HEB and got a handful of cashews, about 10 energy cubes and a small handful of dried mango. 
Dinner - HEB organic arugula/spinach/herb blend, one red bell pepper, pumpkin seeds and sprouted mung beans. Put some balsamic vinegar on top. Had a few carob covered unsweetened almonds, too.
Snack - celery/almond butter

Went to bed hungry...good. Feel like I'm leaning out, based on what I'm seeing in the mirror. Wonder if it's the emphasis on raw?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Dinner Monday

Day 1 Week 4 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 7 AM.
Planned rest day.

Thought I'd be more sore this morning but am really not sore at all. Good sign...

Breakfast - small bowl of oatmeal with hemp, cacao nibs and flax. Juiced 2 cucumbers (peeled), 3 carrots, 1 tomato, small piece of ginger. Drank 1/2 at breakfast with some green tea.
Lunch -Salad (romaine, onion, tomato, cucumber, broccoli, raw jalapeno, sprouted mung beans, ginger carrot dressing). Carrot and hummus. Nori sheet (H ate half of it, ha!!) Completely raw lunch.
Dinner - remaining half of veggie juice from this morning, salad (romaine, spinach, raw okra, jalapeno, cucumber, broccoli, sprouted mung beans, tomato, creamy tahini dressing - hemp oil, balsamic vinegar, tahini, water, dill, garlic). Salad pictured above.
Snack - popped amaranth, 1/2 banana, 1 banana bread energy bar (popped amaranth, banana, dates, walnuts, sesame seeds, cinnamon, nutmeg). I made the energy bars for the week and ate one before I put it in the freezer...super good.

Trying to eat more raw foods (after watching 'Food Matters' twice), which is the reason I had some vegetable juice at breakfast. Without that juice, my breakfast would have been all cooked.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 7 Week 3 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 7 AM.
Taught 3rd grade Sunday school by myself...J and Little H stayed home.

LS - (2:30 PM)
10' warmup (400 yards)
30' time trial
1590 yards
5' cool down
Swam at JPAC...heat wasn't an issue. Feel good.

CF (8:30 PM)
15 thruster with 95#
15 bar facing burpees
Did at dusk in backyard. Pretty beat up from last few days but feel relatively strong. Took me a little longer than I thought...was shooting for 15:00. Shoulders, traps, legs, lats particularly sore.

Breakfast - oatmeal with hemp, cacao nibs and flax
Lunch - salad (romaine, onion, jalapenos, cucumber, carrot, tomato, sprouted mung beans, ginger carrot dressing), split a bag of carob covered almonds (no sugar) with H on way home from church, had a Carob candy bar (no sugar), too. Also had a bag of energy cubes after lunch.
Dinner - sweet potato chips (sliced raw sweet potato in microwave, nothing added), piece of H's bread with almond butter
Dessert - bowl of frozen bananas, mangos and grapes with honey. Few of my homemade energy bars. Few carob cubes. Made an AWESOME new dish...two frozen bananas, a few frozen mango chunks, 1 tsp vanilla, small amount of soy milk (unsweetened, maybe a tbsp), pureed in food processor. Makes an ice cream-like dish. Really good. Going to experiment with frozen blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc, and put different toppings on it. I'm on to something!!!

Week recap:
CrossFit - 1:50
Swim - 1:20
Run - 2:13
Bike - 2:51
Total - 8:14

Feel good through three weeks of training. Haven't missed a workout yet.
Body feels good. Always a little wary of my lower right back (the last thing I injured - May 2010), but it felt fine through tonight's WOD (thrusters).
My shoulders are pretty sore - my thought is because of the big increase in my swim volume the last three weeks. Went from nothing to about 90 minutes a week. Just need to take it easy on them.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 6 Week 3 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 5:45 AM.
179.0 this morning (81.2 kg)

LB - (6:30 AM)
40.01 miles averaging 20.1 mph.
Hopped off bike and ran 2 miles. New Zoots still giving me blister...ever since CapTexTri.
Total time 2:21:03
HR averaged 148
Rode with JB...he's fast.
Out to Baird and back.
First BRICK workout in a while, felt OK but was pretty gassed off the bike.

CF (2:30 PM)
24" box jump
75# power snatch
chest to bar pulls
Legs are pretty jello-ish from this morning.

Pre-workout - ginger-pear energy bar (2)
During workout - water and Accel-gel
Post-workout - ginger-pear energy bar (2), small glass of almond milk
Breakfast - oatmeal with hemp and flax
Lunch - bowl of buckwheat with homemade hummus, salad (romaine, tomato, cucumber, raw okra, carrot, soaked arame, ginger carrot dressing), had 1/2 a slice of bread with almond butter (H's leftover)
Pre-workout - ginger-pear energy bar
Post-workout - small glass almond milk, chlorella in water
Dinner - pizza night, Pale Ale from Cypress Street
Snack - finished off the last of Jenn's chips, H's bunny crackers (whole wheat at least), and goldfish from H's birthday part (July 2...gross). Then had a Nikki's swirl shop frozen yogurt (no sugar), with blueberries and kiwis on top. Bean burrito and 2 flour tortillas from Rosa's.

Fell asleep on the floor at 9:30 tonight.
Tough day tomorrow after a tough day today...then complete rest day on Monday. I'm going to need it.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 5 Week 3 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 4:10 AM.

SB - RPM (5:30 AM)
51:00 HR averaged 140
Intense workout.

CF (5:30 PM)
OHS 95#

Did this one in the backyard. Feel stronger on OHS.

Pre-workout - ginger-pear energy bar
Breakfast - small glass of almond milk, oatmeal with hemp and flax
Lunch - bowl of buckwheat with homemade hummus, salad (meal pictured below)
Pre-workout - ginger-pear energy bar
Dinner - bowl of buckwheat with hummus, salad (greens, cucumber, onion, carrot, broccoli, ginger carrot dressing), handful of almonds, nori sheet, 
Snack - celery/almond butter, popped amaranth

Feel good about my diet/nutrition the last couple of weeks. Anxious to see what my weight is in the morning...

Lunch on Friday

Day 4 Week 3 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 4:45 AM. Picked up JB at 5:30 AM.
JPAC at 5:40 AM.

SS - CFE (6:30 AM)
4x100 on 1' RBI
3x200 on 2' RBI
100s - 1:40, 1:40, 1:40, 1:35
200s - 3:36, 3:35, 3:32
Feel great in the water.

CF (7:30 PM)
run 800
run 400 backward

Pre-workout - ginger-pear energy bar
Breakfast - celery/almond butter (just a little), oatmeal with hemp and flax
Lunch -small bowl of buckwheat, 1/2 tomato, handful of almonds
Dinner -bowl of buckwheat, salad (baby spring mix, carrots, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, ginger carrot dressing, broccoli)
Snack -popped amaranth, 1 tbsp of almond butter/2 celery stalks

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 3 Week 3 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 7 AM. Still at Great Wolf Lodge. Made it home by 4:30 PM.

CF - (7:30 PM)
5x5 front squat

Breakfast - oatmeal
Lunch - salad from Ritzy's in Dallas (spinach, chckpeas, tons of veggies and peppers)
Snack - almond butter (starving on way home, just ate the rest right out of the carton)
Dinner - bowl of buckwheat, salad (carrots, cucumbers, onions, baby spring mix, nori sheet, ginger tahini dressing)
Snack - celery/almond butter, popped amaranth

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 2 Week 3 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 8 AM

SR - CFE (9:30 PM)
1 minute ladder
If you're reading this and know Mark and want to know what monstrosity happened during this run, ask him. Ridiculous. In the GWL parking lot of all places. Idiot.

Breakfast - oatmeal, grapes
Lunch - oatmeal, blue corn chips, almond butter
Dinner - can of no salt added black beans, almond butter, blue corn chips
Snack -some gluten free chips from GWL

Have a pretty rough week lined up since I've only done one workout in two days of training this week.

Day 1 Week 3 - 12 week Half IM training

Planned rest day.

Breakfast - oatmeal
Lunch - oatmeal, grapes, celery
Dinner - 2 trips through Jason's Deli

Day 7 Week 2 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 6:30 AM

LR - 12 MILES (7:00 AM)
Give or take a few hundred yards. Measured this out with Steve last night and only marked the first and 12th mile. Took me 1:30:00. Really humid but felt good. Haven't run more than 7 miles since Whiterock last December. Legs feel fine.

CF - (9:00 PM)
Travel WOD
10 push ups (hand release)
10 sit ups
10 squats
9:48. Did in the Great Wolf Lodge Fitness Center.

Breakfast - oatmeal, coconut water
Lunch - Italian place at the Shops at Highland Village. Got a bowl of minestrone then ended up eating about five pieces of cheese pizza (what Jenn ordered).
Dinner - Jenn had the buffet at Great Wolf Lodge restaurant. I had some of Haelyn's grilled cheese. Also had some fruit chips from Sprouts. 
Snack - grapes, almond butter/celery

Week recap:
CF - 1:58
Swim - 1:42
Bike - 48 (missed long bike - rain)
Run - 1:41
Total - 5:59

Day 6 Week 2 - 12 week Half IM training

Alarm set for 5 AM to get in a 2 hour ride.
Woke at 4:30 AM by thunder and rain. Haelyn woke and didn't go back to sleep until 6 AM.
I woke at 8:46 and we had to leave town at 10 AM.

I missed my long bike. Will have to try and make it up. May sub my shorter, long bike in Week 3. Frustrating.
Weighed 180.7 this morning. I need to lose an average of 1 pound per week to be at 170 by Half IM race day.

Breakfast - oatmeal
Lunch - adzuki beans
Dinner - salad with raw veggies at Chili's. Had a piece of a mini-cheese pizza, adzuki beans
ate the rest of Haelyn's grilled cheese and a bunch of dates before bed, some cashews, too.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 5 Week 2 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 4 AM

SB - RPM (5:35AM)
Taught RPM this morning.
48 minutes, HR averaged 137.

CF - (5:00 PM)
15-foot rope climb (sub 10 towel pulls)
400m run
max reps HSPU
Record number of HSPU:
10, 8, 9, 8, 7, 5 - ran out of time on the last round.
Would do 5 or 6 HSPU, head to a folded towel, then 3-4 kipping HSPU.
Good WOD. Never done that one.

Post-workout - almond milk with hemp, flax and chorella
Breakfast - quinoa, celery/almond butter
Lunch - adzuki beans, salad (spinach, homemade tahini/dill dressing, tomatoes, onion, bell pepper, cucumbers), cooked sweet potato, carrots and broccoli (small amount - what H wouldn't eat of her lunch), walnuts, 3/4 slice of bread (H's leftover), couple of cantaloupe slices
Dinner - pizza night: had vegan pizza with lots of veggies,then two pieces with cheese on them. Also had some carob energy cubes for dessert and some cantaloupe. Have to eat it before tomorrow!!
Snack -popped amaranth and cantaloupe.

Trying to figure out my training schedule for this week, Boston and the rest of October has been like doing a calculus equation, but I got it figured out today. Done with my MBA classes until August 29.
Body feels good. Had another fast recovery after feeling pretty beat up earlier this week.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 4 Week 2 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 5 AM

CF - (CF806 6:00 AM)
Did WOD this morning to make up for last night. 
3x5 back squats (165)
135# squat clean

CFE - SS (2x8:2 3:00 PM at JPAC)
cut the warm up short because there was heavy lightning overhead...kind of spooky.
450m on first interval...about 440 on the second. Feeling better in the water.

Breakfast - oatmeal
Lunch - adzuki beans, salad (spinach, homemade tahini/dill dressing, tomatoes, onion, bell pepper, other fresh veggies)
Dinner - same as lunch and some almond butter/celery, walnuts (handful)
Snack - carob cubes, dates

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 3 Week 2 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 7:15 AM

CF - (CF806 6:30 PM)
Was supposed to get this WOD tonight but ended up not going. Scheduling conflict, plus I can hardly walk up the stairs I'm so sore.

LR (6x800m 7:45 AM)
Ran on Amarillo High track while football team was practicing.
REALLY sore from the last couple of days. Legs feel like wet noodles.
WU: 5 laps
MS: 6x800 with lap recovery in between taking as long as previous 800 took
Not happy about those times. I've done this workout with all 800s being close to 2:50. Nearly puked after fourth interval. Really toasted physically.

Breakfast - oatmeal, celery
Lunch - 2 trips through Jason's salad bar
Dinner - Jason's Deli, had some granola for dessert. 2 raw revolution bars, carob "brownie" (no sugar), carob almonds, handful of cashews, almond butter/celery.
I was STARVING after a tough couple of days of workouts (no rest day until Monday)...needed the calories.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 2 Week 2 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 7:15 AM

CF - (CF806 6:30 PM)
max overhead squat - 135#
15' AMRAP:
15 WBS
15 toes through rings
9 rounds even

LS (3200m)
Did at Zach's Club in Amarillo
WU: 300, then 3x100
MS: 4x200 on 30" rest
8x100 on 15" rest
200 kick
6x100 on 10" rest
CD: 200
Did in just under 1:15:00 but had to get out for about five minutes and use the necessary room. Darn salad.


Breakfast - oatmeal, celery

Lunch - large salad from market street, pinto beans (Eden Organic no salt added)
Pre-workout - the other half of the pinto beans and a few celery stalks
Dinner - salad from Market Street in Lubbock, pumpkin seeds, 1/2 can of pinto beans
Snack - almond butter/celery

Body feeling good. Sore from the last few days. Don't get a rest day until next week because of weird schedule this weekend (Great Wolf Lodge).

Day 1 Week 2 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 6 AM

CF - Tabata Something Else
pullup - 10
pushup - 8 (hands off floor at bottom)
situps - 14
squats - 15

CFE - SR (10x 200m with 5x rest)
Did on Amarillo High track
34, 34, 32, 32, 32, 34, 33, 35, 35, 35
Don't feel as strong as I have in the past doing this WOD.

Post workout - almond milk, hemp protein
Breakfast - wild rice, celery/almond butter
Lunch - large salad, quinoa
Dinner - salad from Market Street in Lubbock, pumpkin seeds
Snack - almond butter/celery after workout

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 7 Week 1 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 7 AM
Church this morning.

LB (2:30 PM):
24.92 miles
21.6 mph average
151 HR average
Really hot. Good ride. Rode with both HED wheels

CF - X

Breakfast - bowl of rice, celery
Lunch - Jason's Deli - two times through salad bar. Had a Carob bar and some dried mango before ride
Post-workout - frozen banana, cantaloupe, grapes, honey, dried mango, carob cubes (whole bag)
Dinner - Veggie pizza from Domino's. Coconut dates, dried mango

Week 1 in the books.

Week 1 recap:
CF - 2:22
Swim - 1:51
Bike - 1:54
Run - 58
Total - 7:05

Day 6 Week 1 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 5 AM
Weighed 181.6 - not thrilled about that.
Was 177.6 2 weeks ago and felt like I had a pretty good week of eating this week.
I MUST get down close to 170.0

LS (6:30 AM):
3200M swim at JPAC.
400 warm up
12x25 on 10" rest
400 on 20" rest
2x200 on 15"
4x100 on 10"
200 easy
4x150 with paddles on 15"
6x50 on 20"
200 cool down
Took me 1:08:58
Felt good in the water this morning.

CF (5:30 PM):
25 lunge
20 pull
50 box jump, 20" box
20 DBU
25 ring dip
20 knees to elbows
30 KBS 1.5 pood
30 sit
20 hang sqt clean with 40# DB
25 back extension
30 WBS
30 towel pullups (sub for 3 rope climbs)
16:35 - pretty tough.

Pre-workout - Mango coconut energy bar before run
Breakfast - tiny bit of oatmeal with hemp, bowl of wild rice with hummus, celery/hummus
Lunch - salad at Cypress, leftover spinach wrap with nothing on it (Jenn's)
Pre-workout - mango coconut energy bar
Dinner - got a growler at Cypress, drank some of that before dinner;Chili's (date night w/ J), split the quesadilla explosion salad, chips and salsa, Nikki's swirl ship (no sugar frozen yogurt with kiwi and blueberries), bean burrito from Rosa's - so yeah, wasn't vegan tonight
Snack - no snack...stuffed from earlier

I've got some out of town trips coming up (Great Wolf Lodge and Fenway Park) and I've been trying to figure out how to fit in all my training. I think the only thing I'm going to miss is 1 CF WOD which isn't too bad considering I missed nearly the entire first month of my Half IM training last year.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 5 Week 1 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 4 AM

SB (5:35 AM):
Taught RPM
45 minutes, HR averaged 126.

CF (7:00 PM):
Row 5K
Hate this's never ending.

Pre-workout - Mango coconut energy bar before run
Breakfast - oatmeal with hemp and flax, celery/hummus
Lunch - 1 trip through Jason's salad bar
Pre-workout - mango coconut energy bar
Dinner - pizza night, organic, whole wheat pizza crust with homemade sauce, sesame seeds, chili pepper, rosemary, oregano, spinach, tomato, bell pepper, onion...had about five pieces. Slice of cantaloupe
Snack - glass of wine, popped amaranth, celery/almond butter

Day 4 Week 1 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 5 AM

LR (5:45 AM):
Ran 5 laps for warm up, then:
5 800s - RBI was a slow lap as long as the previous interval took.
2:52, 2:51, 2:54, 2:57, 2:57
Little disappointed in those times. Typically keep these all right around 2:50.
Whole workout took about 40 minutes including 10' warm up.

CF (8:00 PM):
5x 145# hang power clean
10x toes to bar
15x WBS with 20# ball
Did 10 rounds plus 5 cleans...tough.

Pre-workout - Mango coconut energy bar before run
Breakfast - oatmeal with hemp and flax, celery/hummus
Lunch - wild rice with 1/2 avocado, tbsp hummus, salad (spinach, romaine, tomato, tomato dressing, carrot shavings, dulse)
Pre-workout - mango coconut energy bar
Dinner - Had some dates and cantaloupe before dinner. Then had a couple of bowls of wild rice with hummus. Celery and almond butter and hummus, too.
Snack - glass of wine, piece of cantaloupe.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 3 Week 1 - 12 week Half IM training

Woke at 6 AM
Have had two "good" eating days in a row. That means no salt, no sugar, no "extra" eating, as I like to call it.

CFE - SR (6:00 AM):
10x30:20 on 12.0 incline
Set speed at 8.5 mph. Brutal.

Pre-workout - Mango coconut energy bar before run
Breakfast - oatmeal with cinnamon, smoothie (juice of 3 carrots, 1/2 apple, ginger root, ice, handful of frozen berries, hemp protein, chlorella, cinnamon)
Lunch - red lentils with hemp and flax, salad (spinach, romaine, 1/2 avocado, tomato, tomato dressing, onion, dulse)
Dinner - 2 trips through Jason's salad bar (no hummus until the very end)
Snack - celery/almond butter

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 2 Week 1 - 12 Week HIM training

Woke at 4:40 AM.
Went and picked up JB and swam at JP's pool.

CFE - SS (5:30 AM):
Tosh - 3x (50, 100, 200) rest as long as interval takes
Did the 50s in the 47 second range, 100s in the 1:43 range, 200s in the 3:40 range

CF (5:30 PM):
7x1 snatch - did with 95# focusing on form and technique.

Pre-workout - Mango coconut energy bar before swim
Breakfast - oatmeal with hemp protein and flax, celery with hummus
Lunch - red lentils with hemp and flax, celery with hummus, salad (spinach, cilantro, romaine, squash, tomato, nori, dulse, tomato dressing, snap peas)
Pre-workout -mango coconut energy bar
Dinner -red lentils, celery/hummus, handful of walnuts and soaked almonds
Snack -popped amaranth, celery/almond butter

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 1 Week 1 - 12 week Half IM training

My plan consists of following CF main site (about 100 days behind) as Rx'd, doing one "traditional" workout in each discipline and one "CFE" workout in each discipline per week.
So other than the CF WODs, it'll look like this:
which stands for - short run, short bike, short swim (CFE, low volume, high intense intervals)
long run, long swim, long bike (Traditional Half IM workouts - high volume, lower intensity)

Woke at 5:18 AM.

3 x
100m run
50 pushups
50 situps
50 squats
50 back extension
Did normal pushups and back extensions on the GHD.

Post WOD - 1/2 c almond milk, 4 strawberries, handful of blackberries, ice, hemp protein, chorella
Breakfast - bowl of oatmeal with hemp protein and ground flax, cup of green tea
Lunch - red lentils with hemp protein and flax, salad (picture to follow) with homemade tomato dressing (2 tomatoes, hemp oil, oregano, agave nectar, pepper)
Dinner - romaine "burritos" (romaine leaves with hummus, tomato, bell pepper, homemade tomato dressing), red lentils
Snack - popper amaranth, celery/almond butter, mango-coconut energy bar, 2 dates