Saturday, December 31, 2011


woke at 8 AM

ran 1 mile to track in Astoria (astoria park)
1 mile in 5:56
rest 5'
3x600 with 90" RBI
2:12, 2:11, 2:06
good run...

feel fat though...bluh...


Friday, December 30, 2011

Last two days...

Friday, December 30

woke at 5:30 AM. 30' before alarm. Bed after midnight. Got little sleep last night, too. Guess I'm caught up on my sleep.

CF Long Island City
5x5 dead lift
last rep of last set pictured above
Happy with this considering my one rep max two weeks ago was 300

the coach of LIC helped me with my hand stand pushups, gave me some drills to do to get stronger in my shoulders, planning to start implementing during warmup every day that I do CF warmup

Ran 2.5 miles both ways to box this morning from my brothers in Astoria. So about 5 miles total plus the deadlift

probably won't be great...livin' it up in NYC before juice fast!!
had veggie juice in Queens
veggie burger at cafe in Soho, fries, lager, hummus-tomato-zucchini sandwich on whole wheat bread
some truffles late night...

Thursday, December 29

woke at 6 AM
CFE short interval run
10' warmup
7x 90:60
probably averaged little more than 400m per interval
cold...38 degrees

travel day. Left for AUS at 8:30 AM. Arrived ATL 2:15. Left for LGA at 3:40 PM.
Arrived NYC 6 PM.

L'Ecole (french culinary institute restaurant). Had butternut squash soup, halibut, lamb, dessert was chocolate walnut cake. Then I had some truffles that my sister in law made. I got extremely sick to my stomach...way to much sugar after not having dessert since December 31 of 2010. I have no desire to ever go through that again...I thought I was going to puke. Truffles were absolutely amazing but my body did not take well to the onslaught. Had red wine with dinner, too.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


"roger rogers"
10 thruster 30# DB
15 DBU
20 abmats
Did on in laws driveway with T Henley

Bike tempo
30m. Averaged 21.0. Great ride.

Blueberries. Large salad. Cooked veggies. Lentils. Frozen fruit. Cashews. Walnuts.
Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

BILS at CF Georgetown.

CF Georgetown.


CF Georgetown
WOD pictured above.
8:23. Good work.
Ryan went with me.

Long interval bike.
10' WU
5K in around 8:45, 5' RBI
3x2K (1.2 miles) on 90" RBI
about 10 miles total

Frozen mixed berries after WOD.
Sent from my iPhone

CF Richardson.


CF Richardson. 10' amrap.
10 pulls
15 ring dips
20 kbs with 53
4 rounds + 4 kbs

Long interval swim
10' WU
400 (6:44)
5' RBI
3x200 on 90" RBI
All around 3:20

Big salad. Cooked veggies (broccoli mushrooms carrots cauliflower)
Frozen fruit. Pecans. Good day.

Rested on Sunday.
Menu was cooked veggies and some protein bars my parents had. Fat day overall.

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Had a long night with Hope. Woke at 8 AM. We did Santa this morning since we're going to church tomorrow morning. Girls had fun.

tempo bike
20 miles
averaged about 18.5. ended up going about 21.5 miles.
Super cold. HR averaged 131.

blueberries before ride
dinner - cooked veggies, black eyed pea dip, beans

11 workouts this week. Rest day scheduled tomorrow.

Friday, December 23, 2011


Woke at 4:45 AM to put Hope back down...she was up crying for some reason. Couldn't go back to sleep. Lots on my mind...good stuff though.

10x2 DL with 60" rest between intervals
weights listed below

5x800 with 2' RBI
averaged 2:56 on all 800s
ran at Plano track...very cold.

veggie juice on around lunch time
dinner - large salad, cooked veggies, pinto beans
snack - frozen fruit, had some chips, and a few triscuits

opened presents and my girls all got matching Chuck Taylors (black)...really cool. Also got some stuff for my box.

Today's WOD


Thursday, 12/22

woke at 6 AM.

long interval swim
7x200 on 4'
very pleased with this swim. Hitting 13-15 strokes per length. Beard probably not helping my time!! Ha!

pictured below.
Elbow feeling weird, but didn't stop me at all.

taught RPM tonight, too
HR averaged 139

veggies juice after CF WOD
dinner - large salad, cooked veggies, lentils, 2 pieces bread, frozen fruit, carob stuff (raisins, cubes, dates)
been making sure to get 1 tbsp of ground flaxseed per day. Also a handful of walnuts per day.

Thursday WOD

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


short interval swim
10 x 25 on 1'
all were right around 20 seconds
WU was a 500 in 9:12

7x3 Thruster
Did at ACU rec center

hoops at lunch. Best I've played in a long, long time. Finally starting to get back some game...albeit "some" still means I'm terrible.

Went and saw Dr. Nick Anthony today. He moved some stuff around and straight up healed my right knee with a small "pop". Always feel great leaving his office.
Having some weird pain in my left elbow, too. Nothing too serious, but when you always feel great physically, the smallest thing makes a big difference.
Not counting getting run over, I haven't been injured enough to miss a workout since April of 2010.

veggie juice - kale leaves, celery, carrots, apple, ginger, broccoli
dinner - large salad, cooked veggies, lentils, rest of salmon (small piece)
snack - frozen fruit, popped amaranth, end piece of H's bread, some carob stuff (cubes, dates)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Pictured below
at least two minutes of that was adjusting the rings after HSPU and before I could do ring rows
Been practicing hand stand holds on my paralletes, and I'm getting much better at them. Held for about 10 seconds with no help today.

short interval bike
10x 45:60
indoor trainer
gear on Mb-1 for all 10
kept RPMs at little more than 90 during working phases

veggie juice after CF WOD - 2 kale leaves, broccoli stalk, 2 celery stalks, 2 carrots, 1 small apple, small piece of ginger...pretty good
Dinner - large salad, cooked veggies, lentils, pinto beans, salsa
snack - frozen fruit, few blue corn chips, took pepperoni off last piece of pizza from sunday and ate it.


Monday, December 19, 2011


short interval run
10x 100m sprint on 1' RBI
most were 15", some were 16"
ran outside after girls went to bed. Held my new bike light in my hand so I could see my spray paint markers on the road. That thing is bright.

blueberries around lunch time
dinner - large salad, cooked veggies (broccoli, mushrooms, bell pepper, tomato, kale, squash, onion, carrot), lentils/salmon
snack - frozen banana/mangos, walnuts


Sunday, December 18
rest day

had a few chips at lunch (Los Arcos)
rest of day was - carob almonds, carob cubes, dried pineapple, couple of LARA bars, veggie pizza from Domino's

Saturday, December 17

5x3 front squat

Rode outside for first time since accident
32 miles, averaged 20.1 mph
rode with JP and JB...they're fast. Could tell I hadn't ridden more than about five miles in three months..back hurt, struggled to keep up. But overall a great ride and it felt great to get out...NO WIND, which helped too.

blueberries/raspberries before ride
dinner was large salad, cooked veggies, lentils, salmon
snack was frozen bananas, 2 bean burritos (first store bought burritos in a while)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Fact of the day...

Broccoli has twice as much protein per 100 calories than steak...
From "Eat to Live" by Joel Fuhrman, MD


Set alarm for 5:30 AM

short interval bike
10' warm up
10x 30:90
kept RPM at 90
HR averaged 129
1 - Mb
2 - Bb-3
3 - Bb-2
4-10 - Bb-1
Good WOD.

135# power clean
bar-facing burpees
tough...did in garage since I don't have room in my box and the ground is still kind of wet (normally do bar-facing burpees in backyard).

Played hoops at lunch.
So I did bike WOD, played hoops, did CF WOD and all on about 2 cups of frozen raspberries and I feel fine. Starting to get my groove back on the court a little bit. Making some shots, more confident handling the ball. Taken a while to come back...guess cuz I only play once a week.

80 pages into Eat to Live I'm cutting out Ezekial burritos, cutting back on salmon (have been eating about 5 times a month), and eggs. Bought a ton of kale, spinach and broccoli today...even more than usual.

frozen raspberries
dinner - large salad, cooked veggies, lentils
snack - frozen fruit, raw veggies

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Woke at 5:30 AM

8x 20 seconds on, 10 off of:
75# push press for reps
jump lunge for reps
124 push press
156 lunges
8 minute WOD

swim 600y
great swim.

blueberries around lunchtime
supper club tonight...had veggie stew.
Lots of bread that was left over afterwards. Frozen fruit, oatmeal, 2 ezekial burritos.

Started reading Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman. Along the same lines as most of the other books I've read recently. Plant-based, whole foods is the way to go.

Yesterday (Wednesday)

Woke at 7:30 AM...yeah overslept.

Ran at lunch
10' warmup
4x 1200m on 1:2 work:rest ratio
times were 4:26, 4:23, 4:25, 4:25
wore new Newman shoes...felt good. Knee not really an issue at all.

two trips through JD salad bar at dinner
2 ezekial burritos
frozen fruit
blueberries around lunch time

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Woke at 6 AM

CFE bike
long intervals
1:2 ratio
4x2 miles (I did 5 minutes instead so I could do it inside)
Warmed up 5 minutes, then did first phase of work (middle gear up front, B-2 in the back), 90 rpms
rested 10' (made haelyn's lunch)
5' at 90 rpm, 10' rest
5' at 90 rpm, 10' rest
5' at 90 rpm, stretched
HR averaged 119 and stayed around 150 during phases of work. Not a huge fan of the 1:2 ratio. That's a LOT of rest.

Crossfit Total
not a big fan of doing this just because going to heavy will only lead to an injury. Planning on going moderately heavy at ACU SRWC this afternoon.
Shoulder press - 135
Squat - 250
Dead lift - 300
685 total
way less than what I've done in the past, but didn't have spotter and am not trying to injure myself.

Watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" yesterday. Planning on doing a 15 day juice fast in January before my IMTX training starts.

blueberry  milkshake before CFT
dinner - steamed salmon, wild rice, large salad, cooked veggies
snack - Ezekia burrito, frozen fruit

Monday, December 12, 2011


Woke at 7 AM.

long interval swim
4x 200y at a 1:2 work:rest ratio
My times were 3:12, 3:15, 3:13, 3:10
I've had some sort of breakthrough in the water. Felt amazingly fast yesterday and can't believe the times I posted today. All lengths ranging from 12-14 strokes. Feel great in the water...better than I've ever felt in the drink.

had a blueberry milkshake after my swim
dinner -large salad, egg "pancake" (3 eggs with 1/2 c of oatmeal mixed in), cooked veggies
snack - frozen fruit, ezekial burrito
1,500 calories total


Saturday, December 10

Time Trial run
10K in 41:13
felt great...good run

crackers at YL Christmas party
potatoes and chips

Sunday, December 11

15 WBS
7 rope pulls
7 rounds

Long Interval swim
8x 100 on 2'
times were 1:35, 35, 36, 35, 35, 34, 35, 33
Great swim...felt really fast in the water today

few chips and beans at Los Arcos at lunch
2 LARA bars
domino's pizza - spinach/tomato (medium)
carob almonds

10 WODs this week (6 CFE and 4 CF)
good week...

Friday, December 9, 2011


shown below
my legs haven't fully recovered from 1/2 marathon...feel sluggish but that was a great WOD

CFE swim
short intervals
swam a 500 in 9:18
then 8 x 20:10, open water start and stop

then I played basketball

blueberry shake after swim and hoops
dinner - egg/oatmeal "pancake", cooked veggies

Today's WOD

Warmup. CF Midland, yesterday

Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday, December 7

CF Midland
Team Bear Complex (Bear Complex is power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push press)
15' as many as you can do, alternating reps (135#)
We did 36 (18 a piece)
Then we did 1' phases of work, followed by 1' rest of
as many power cleans
as many front squat
as many push press
as many back squat
as you could do
with 65#

CFE bike
long intervals (indoor trainer)
3:30 on, 2 off
HR 151
great workout

Jason's for dinner, two trips through salad bar, no wheat
carob almonds, dried mangos, dried veggies, cashews for snack (this was my dinner Tuesday as well)
Blueberries in the morning after WOD

Thursday, December 8

CF Midland
warmup posted above...

20x25 double unders
5 back squat with 135#
Partner WOD, so I did 10 rounds.
Our time was 13:21

CFE run
short intervals
Tabata Treadmill in hotel fitness center this afternoon
9.3 mph, 12.0 incline
8 x 20:10
I continue to hate this hurts so much.

blueberries after WOD this morning
had scoop of potatoes, some green beans and a roll at Op Camp dinner.
On way home had mangos, dried veggies, carob almonds, cashews
couple of Ezekial burritos, frozen bananas/mangos, blue corn chips tonight

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


CFE bike
Long intervals on indoor trainer. (did 2 long interval bikes this week since short intervals is Tabata and I just don't get a good tabata WOD on the bike)
4 on, 4 off
HR averaged 137
middle gear up front, B-3 in back.
RPMs right at 90 RPM during working phases.


Rest day.
Pretty sore.

White Rock Half Marathon

1:28:57woke around 5 AM at Hyatt Regency in Dallas. Light rain falling outside. Stretched a little bit. Packed up what little stuff I had in room and made my way down to lobby. Bought a banana and called to get truck pulled around.

John made his way down, we hopped in truck and made our way down to Fair Park. We went a back way and ran into zero traffic. Parked SE of Cotton Bowl and sat in truck for about an hour. We put on our trash bags, throw-away sweatshirts, and made our way over to start line.

The cold wasn't too bad standing in start area waiting for the guns to go off. Rain didn't take long to soak. It hit about one mile in. From miles 2-4 my HR monitor was reading a 239 HR so I thought it was misreading or I was about to drop dead.

Here are the mile times I remember:
1 - 7:14
2 - 14:07
3 - 20:55
5 - 34:05
6 - 40: 55
8 - 54:35
10 - 1:08:25

Freezing and soaking rain throughout. Knee never started hurting though. Felt great the whole time. Missed my PR by 13 seconds. If I'd known that I would have beaten it easily.

No nutrition during race. 1 banana about 30 minutes prior. Pizza for lunch and dinner.

Last week...



Saturday, December 3

rest day
registration at Fair Park
Dinner at Salt Grass. Had a salad and some bread. Carob almonds and dried mangos for dessert. Watched end of Big 10 championship in lobby with John. Went to bad sometime between 11 and 12.