Friday, June 29, 2012

Fact of the Day

Legumes (beans) are one of the most complete foods on our planet. They stabilize blood sugar, blunt desire for sweets, prevent cravings. Beans and green leafy veggies are foods most closely linked in scientific research with protection against diabetes, heart disease, stroke, dementia, and cancer.

        Joel Fuhrman, MD
               Eat to Live


Thursday, June 28, 2012

CF and CFE

HubCity CF (Lubbock)
buy in: 800m run
10 burpees
20 kettlebell swings with 45#
30 lunges with 25# overhead
buy out: 800m run

19:36...brutal. Did the first 800 in 3:10.

CFE short interval swim
10' WU
15x 25yards on 1' rest
first one was 19"...the rest of the intervals were either 18 or 17. 18 one way, 17 the other. I think there's a current going on way in the pool...very subtle, but can be only explanation. Feel good in the water.

post WOD - coconut water, 16oz strawberries, handful of pine nuts (they had spilled out of the bulk foods at United and I grabbed a handful...ha!)
Dinner - 2 trips through Jason's Deli, raw veggies and homemade hummus (the stuff I made with white kidney beans ... really good and about 50 fewer calories per 1/2 can)
Snack - dried mangos, carob nut clusters, carob almonds, fruit "cake" (Jenn threw me a little birthday get together and I was inundated with many scrumptious goodies)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Exciting Announcement

I'll be launching a new blog in the next couple of months. Getting some professional help...should be pretty sweet. We'll be tweaking and playing with until mid-late August...then we'll release it into the wild. Just wanted to give a heads up.


CF long interval run
10' WU
I made the first interval go a little long, ran a mile in 5:56 (I have a deal where I'm going to see how many years I can run a sub 6minute mile...this counts as my yearly birthday mile test).
Next interval I ran a mile in 6:13.
Next interval I ran a mile in 6:47 then ran out the remaining 13 seconds.
Feel good. Ran on track at Lubbock High.

"Nasty Girls"
same WOD I did on Friday in SF
50 squat jump
7 Muscle up
10 135# power clean
about a minute faster than a few weeks ago

2 lbs of strawberries throughout morning and before WOD
Dinner - 2 trips through JD salad bar, cashews, carob cubes, handful of dried mangos
Snack - hummus (with white kidney beans) and raw veggies, strawberries

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Today...31st birthday.

Another year checked off the ole odometer.
Woke at 6 AM.

hand stand push ups
ring dips

This one absolutely kills the chest/shoulders/tris. I've done this one before but always subbed HSPU. Not today...and it took me much longer. Much pain today.
Did pistol work after WOD.

CFE short interval bike
10' WU
6x 2:1
Lost three pounds during this 30 minute workout. Did inside garage..super hot. Love riding with watts.

post WOD - strawberries, frozen blueberries, juice from 1 lemon, 2 tbsp hemp protein, flaxseed, carob powder all processed together...mmm...
Dinner - 2 trips through Jason's Deli
snack - hummus and raw veggies
great eating day

Monday, June 25, 2012


CFE long interval swim
10' WU
300+ yards
350+ yards
400+ yards
Good swim. Traps are super sore from this weekend's WODs.

Juice Monday.
my juices will be spinach, kale, broccoli, celery, cucumber, apples, carrots, ginger. Probably have two today.

Reporter News article

Carob nut clusters

Unsweetened carob chips, almond milk, walnuts...mmmmm.
Melt chips in glass bowl in microwave, pour in milk as needed, mix in walnuts, spoon onto plate and put in freezer. Best. Snack. Ever.


CFE long interval run
3 x 800 with 3' rest
Hot. Good run. Rode my bike up to ACU track and did this one during nap time.


2 Lara bars and cherries around lunchtime
rest of the day (in no particular order): carob chips, shredded wheat, raisins, carob cubes (whole bag throughout the day), celery/almond butter, Blue Taco burrito and chips, dark chocolate bar, almond nut clusters (pictured above)

Good week. Got all 10 WODs in. Feeling stronger.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Quote/Fact of the Day

"The profits of the fast food chains have been made possible by losses imposed on the rest of society. The annual cost of obesity alone is now twice as large as the fast food industry's total revenues."

       Eric Schlosser
           Fast Food Nation


Fun Saturday

Seems like it's been a while since we haven't had anything to do on a Saturday.

Woke at 6 AM.
Rode 30 miles with Tyler Maylone. Averaged about 19.5. Wind not too bad.
Watts right at 195. HR averaged 139. Nice easy ride.

15 box jumps 24"
12 push press 115#
9 toes to bar
Did 9 rounds plus 10 box jumps...brutal. Shoulders are killing me.
Did my shoulder strength work after WOD, too.

1/2 banana before ride
4-5 small buckwheat pancakes after ride (made them for girls this morning)
leftover hummus from last night, ate with raw cauliflower and broccoli
Dinner: 2 trips thru JD salad bar, last bowl of my veggie/bean soup, raw veggies and hummus
Stopped eating at 8 PM and didn't have anything else...going to start doing that every day except Sundays. Best eating day I've had in a while. Mowed the grass today, too.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Fact of the Day

Switching from red meat to white meat does not lower cholesterol. Contrary to popular belief.

Davidson, MD, Hunninghake D, Maki KC, et al. Comparison of the effects of lean red meat vs. lean white meat on serum lipid levels among free-living persons with hypercholesterolemia: a long-term randomized clinical trial. Arch Intern Med. 1999; 159(12):1331-38


CFE long interval swim
10' wu
6x 100 on 2'
feel good about those times. Good swim.

Played hoops for an hour at lunch.

strawberries after played basketball for an hour
carrots/almond butter (small bites of Ezekial bread/almond butter sandwiches - part the girls didn't eat for lunch)
large salad, bowl of vegetable/bean soup
cruciferous veggies and homemade hummus
homemade (saltless) guacamole  and celery
small bowl of shredded wheat and almond milk - shredded wheat is just wheat, no salt or oil or anything else

Been pretty good about no chips or crackers or anything with added salt oils.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


CFE short interval run
10' WU
8 x 200m on 90" rest
Feel pretty good about those times. Calves are sore. Wore my Newtons.

38# DB squat clean - thrusters x 7
10 pullups

strawberries before WOD
large salad, veggie/bean soup
cruciferous veggies and homemade hummus
walnuts, strawberries, leftover black beans (from girls dinner), cashews, walnut/carob cluster (thank you SB), celery/almond butter
saltless, butterless popcorn

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fact of the Day

99% of our genes are programmed to keep us healthy...the only problem is, most of us don't give those genes the fuel to do their jobs.


Rest Day

Didn't sleep great last night...pretty beat up from last several days (no day off since last Monday), decided to take a rest day today.

celery and homemade guacamole, pinto beans/salsa/jalapenos
strawberries/cherries (with Jenn at Nikki's, had fruit stead of yogurt)
handfuls of:
cashews, walnuts
celery/almond butter

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Klepto WOD


Woke at 6 AM.

CF WOD pictured above.
squat clean was prescribed. I did the first rep as kind of a half squat clean...put the bar down...did another one OK...the 3rd one crushed me under the bar and I fell back onto the grass. So I did power cleans the rest of the way. Strength needs some work before it's fully back I guess. Ha.

CFE short interval bike
10' WU
6x 90:90 (90 seconds on, 90 off)
Got my HR up into the 160s on all sets
Did on the trainer in the driveway to get some Vitamin D.

post-workout: strawberries, blueberries, hemp protein, flax seed, lemon water, walnuts (in food processor)
lunch: small bowl of spinach topped with shredded carrots, tomatoes, bell pepper
Dinner: large salad and cooked veggies (pictured above)
Snack: broccoli and cauliflower and homemade hummus, frozen bananas, almonds, cashews, walnuts, raisins, celery/almond butter

Monday, June 18, 2012

Makeup WOD


Did this Monday night (WOD I was supposed to do Sunday night).
Tough. Very windy outside which made double-unders tough.

Fact of the Day

"Leafy greens such as romaine lettuce, kale, collards, Swiss chard, and spinach are the most nutrient-dense of all foods. Most vegetables contain more nutrients per calorie than any other food and are rich in all necessary amino acids. For example, romaine lettuce, which gets 18 percent of its calories from fat and almost 50 percent of its calories from protein, is a rich powerhouse with hundreds of cancer-fighting phytonutrients that protect us from a variety of threatening illnesses."

             Eat to Live
                -- Joel Fuhrman, MD



Ready to reel it back in after a major fat day Saturday.
Juicing today.

CFE short interval swim
10' WU
15x50 on 1'
Did the first 3 in 40"
then the next 11 in either 40 or 41
Last one in 38"
Maybe the best swim of my life. Awesome day in the water. Not really sure where that came from.

juice at lunch and dinner (kale, broccoli, apples, carrots, celery, cucumber, ginger)

Sunday, June 17

CFE short interval run
10' WU
10x 30" AOE, 2' RBI
did on treadmill at 9.5 mph on 12.0 incline.

juice around lunch time
coconut water after run
Dinner - raw veggies/homemade hummus, celery/almond butter, walnuts/cashews/raisins
Took it easy today. Was planning on juicing today and tomorrow, but decided to just juice tomorrow and eat light tonight.

Saturday, June 16

Woke at 10 AM. First time in a long time that has happened.

CFE short interval swim
10' WU
10x 30" AOE, 2' RBI
AOE = all out effort
RBI = rest between intervals
Swam in Lake Cisco in between some docks.

Laid outside like a bum the rest of the day.
Menu was pizza heaven, BRD, ice cream bar, chips/dips. Twas a fat day fo sho.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Interesting article

Comparing Paleo and Vegan. I've done both. I wouldn't consider myself either. I'm a micro-nutritarian, remember?


CFE tempo bike
10 miles
143 average HR
208 avg watts
20.5 mph

Not real happy with this time.
That's all I'm planning on doing today.

salad, cooked veggies, homemade hummus and raw veggies

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Woke at 5AM

CF Midland
partner "Cindy"
5 pulls
10 pushups
15 air squats
So while I'm doing pulls, partner is on pullup bar holding his chin above the bar, then he drops down and does pushups while I hold my chin above bar, then I drop down and do squats while he holds above bar, etc...
We did 16 rounds + 7 squats. We used bands after about the fourth round on the "holds". Tough.
Then I did some shoulder strength work:
2x10 shoulder press 65#
2x10 1-arm push press 35# DB
5 HSPU negatives

CFE long interval run
10' warmup
6 3/4 laps
6 1/2 laps
I've done this before and done 8 laps for both sets. I'm slow as Christmas but looking forward to increasing intensity in my training and getting some speed and explosion back.

2 trips thru JD salad bar
raw veggies, homemade hummus
4 carob cubes
cashews, garlic sesame sticks, celery/almond butter, raisins, frozen bananas


Woke at 7 AM

CFE long interval bike
10' warmup
4 x 6' AOE (all out effort), 3' recovery
43' total

Did inside in hotel room.

CF Midland
10x2 dead lift

then 3x8 glute ham raises
Also did some pistol work after WOD

JD salad (2 trips)
homemade hummus and raw veggies
cashews, LARA bar, carob almonds, dried mangos, sushi (made an HEB run)
Had strawberries around lunch time...and a coconut water

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Scott Jurek quote

"Fear is what makes you come alive, the lure of the unknown — can I do this? — that's where the growth comes from, the pain. I don't remember the running effortlessly; I remember the hard times; adversity breathes transformation."

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

So why did I do another 15-day juice fast?

I'm not any sort of amazing athlete or physical specimen of any kind. I mean, I was second team all-team for the ACU Wildcats in 2000 (1-9 that year) but that was 12 years ago (by the way that means I was a backup).

So I'd like to think I've maybe proven some sort of point: that an excellent nutritional regimen which excludes animal products can lead to faster recover times, which lead to more productive training, which allow my body to handle greater amounts of stress, which allowed me to finish an Ironman feeling great with energy to burn (yet I didn't have much more skin to burn). And that's not even getting into what cutting out animal products does for the environment and our communities...that's another blogger on another soap box.

All that being said, I did another 15 day juice fast for three reasons:
1. I wanted to give my body the most densely nutritious source of energy on the planet during my two weeks of recovery in which I did little more than ride my bike a few miles or swim a few hundred yards at a time (watch a time lapse of any plant go from dirt to bloom and you'll see what I mean),
2. To try and get people to think about what they put in their mouths everyday...and if they decide that there's room to change, to make small changes, and
3. If you've ever thought about doing a juice fast, you can just watch my progress, see how easy and beneficial juice fasts are, THEN do one of your own. Like watching someone test your parachute before you jump out of the plane, or take a sip of a drink you think might be poisonous before you partake.

Every single cell in all of our bodies are made up of exclusively what we eat and drink everyday.
So, please, go back to May 23 (or January 3) and follow my progress...and see that "extreme" nutrition may not be as extreme as you think it is.

I'm not anything special. I'm a regular guy. If I can do juice fasts, and Ironman can you. I absolutely believe that.

Today...long menu note included (new strategy)

Weird to not have some sort of count down in the title of my posts.
Been since January that my posts were all title "Today..."

I don't start doing any formal training until the end of July when I start gearing up for Half IM in October.

After SF trip I juiced yesterday. Made two relatively small juices and had an herbal tea last night.
Took a rest day yesterday, too.

Legs feel much better this morning.
CFE warmup
1 - 3:15 on 3:30
2 - 3:19 on 4
3 - 3:20 on 4
4 - 3:20 on 4
5 - 3:18 on 3:30
6 - 3:21 on 4
7 - 3:21 on 4
8 - 3:21

Good swim. Lower back is pretty tight.

300m row
20 WBS
10 pulls

Legs still pretty sore in the deep squat. Took me to the end of the WOD to finally get loose.

note: After the last juice fast, I put the scale away and basically just ate as much VFBNS (veggies fruits beans nuts seeds) that I wanted. I overdid it and ended up gaining a few pounds back that I wish I hadn't...then I was in the IM training and couldn't afford to go on a calorie reduction to lose weight, I needed calories.
That being said, I do not want to gain back unwanted weight. My goal is to stay under 175 all the time (I'm faster on my legs, in the water, on the bike, and doing CF WODs when I'm <175). I was 173.5 this morning after a couple of "fat" days in SF, so I'm happy about that.
Normally when I travel, I'll have a Jason's Deli then go get some cashews, dried fruit, LARA bars, and a bunch of other stuff which is VFBNS just TOO MUCH of it.
My plan moving forward is to have Jason's Deli for dinner, then only have raw veggies and homemade hummus in the evening for my "snack" (while still having only berries during the day - Warrior Diet). 

To prove that you can travel and still eat good, I brought my food processor and am going to make some hummus tomorrow night (no salt added chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, garlic powder, dill, Mrs. Dash fiesta seasoning, hemp seeds, avocado). A serving of that has about 350 calories...combined with nothing but raw veggies, olives, and red wine vinegar, that should keep me at around 1,500 calories for a typical day...if that. A low we'll see what happens with my weight after three straight days of doing this.  If it maintains, I'll know it's a good plan. If I lose too much, I'll have a couple of access calorie days on the weekend.  Going to limit fruit during the week, too.

When you eat a ton of raw veggies, it really fills you up but broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots have an insanely low number of calories. You literally can't overeat them.

OK...details on dinner and snack:

JD salad bar:
2 trips through - mixed greens, spinach, tomato, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, onions, red bell pepper, kalamata olives, cucumber, mushrooms, slivered almonds, ground black pepper, red wine vinegar, and Italian peppers.
Snack: broccoli, cauliflower, Italian peppers, carrots and homemade hummus
banana (1)

Monday, June 11, 2012

CF San Francisco

CF Soma

Site of Andy Potts encounter

Sunday run

Catch up...

Sunday, June 10

Ran 13+ miles from downtown San Francisco to the other side of Golden Gate Bridge...picture above.
Incredibly sore from last two days. Every time I sit down for more than 5 minutes it takes me about 10 to get going again...

Had a surreal moment with Andy Potts. Passed him on an isolated staircase at base of Golden Gate Bridge. He was leading the Escape from Alcatraz triathlon and I just happened to be running down the staircase while he was going up...just me and him. Totally quiet. Really cool moment.

mixed nuts from plane ride
cooked veggies
small bowl of ice cream
berries after run
chips and hot sauce

Saturday, June 9

CF Soma
Hope workout

3 x
power snatch 75#
box jump 24"
thruster 75#
chest to bar pulls
rest 1'

do each movement as many reps as possible in a minute with no rest between 1 minute after completing all five, then do it twice more.
Did 203 reps. Super tough.

frozen strawberries after WOD
BRD, whole foods salad and sushi, leftover avocado rolls from California Pizza kitchen. Ice cream, SF chocolate, carob cubes, cashews/walnuts

Friday, June 8

CF San Francisco

"Nasty Girls"
3 x
50 air squats
7 muscle ups
10 hang power cleans 135#

warmup was a mile run, then we did 3 x 400m runs
Did first set of MUs unbroken...happy about that.

berries after WOD
salad from whole foods
nuts, carob cubes, LARA bar

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Overdid it tonight n San Fran. I'm gonna puke.

The fast is broken

Here's what I ate yesterday (in no particular order):
2 trips thru JD salad bar (raw veggies)
Hot sauce / Alm butter & celery
Lara bars
Dried banana
Frozen banana
More Raw veggies
Homemade hummus

Sent from my iPhone

15 Day Juice Fast: COMPLETE

Check out this video on YouTube:

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Last Juice.

Final Juice...#49.

This is the juice made from the veggies pictured below.
Being patient and going the whole 15 days was definitely worth it. The waiting, anxiousness, longing for food isn't fun while you're going through it, but man is it worth it. Makes you feel strong-willed.

Really happy with the internal and external results of this fast. 
My next one is planned for December 12-26. Yes...that means Christmas.

That's a big undertaking, but I'm out to show that you can do positive things for your health ANYTIME! And why not during Christmas?!!

Juice specs...

I've had some folks ask me about the amount and ratios of veggies in my juices.
Here's a look at my "main" meal juices.

That's about three kale leaves,
a big bunch of spinach,
1/2 a large cucumber,
a sliver of broccoli,
4 pretty good sized carrots
2-3 celery stalks
small bit of ginger (under carrots)
the equivalent of 1 large beet (have several small ones from Abilene Farmers' Market
3 small apples (or 2 large green apples)

That made about 35 ounces.
If I hadn't run out, I would have added 1/2 a normal sized yellow squash, and a small sweet potato

Meal prep - hummus

Since I'm going to try and stay away from oils and added salt, and since I love the hummus at Jason's...I made my own this morning to take with me tonight.

It consists of:
1/2 can of no salt added Garbanzo beans (with 1/2 the juice)
1 tbsp of tahini
1 tbsp of hemp seeds
1 tsp garlic powder
some Mrs. Dash Fiesta seasoning
pinch of cayenne pepper
juice from 1.5 lemons

It's in the fridge now waiting to be consumed.
As are the cashews, LARA bars, dried bananas, peaches, raisins, homemade salsa (w/ celery), and almond butter. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......

Quote of the Day

"Americans are not nutrient-deficient because of our depleted soil, as some nutritional-supplement proponents claim. Americans are nutrient-deficient because they do not eat a sufficient quantity of fresh produce. Over 90% of the calories consumed by Americans come from refined foods or animal products...Since more than 40% of the calories in the American diet are derived from sugar or refined grains, both of which are nutrient-depleted, Americans are severely malnourished."

                 -- Joel Fuhrman, MD
                         Eat to Live


Last Breakfast

Juice #48

One to go. And I'll end up having 4 less juices than I did during my first juice fast.

Final Weigh-in and Before/After pics

Was 76.0 kg this morning, which is 167.5 pounds.
I started at 188.7. That's a total of 21.2 lbs in 15 days.

Now...BIG FOOTNOTE here.
I weighed 188.7 three days after the Ironman. Your body has a tendency to retain some water and other fluids for a few days after a long distance race. Same thing happens to me after Half IM or full marathon. So even if I had been eating normally after race day, I would have gained some of that weight.

On top of that, I ate whatever I wanted Sunday, Monday and Tuesday after the race. See the details here.
So that 188.7 is inflated, and I look pretty puffy. All that in mind...

If you want to see the before and after pics. Go here.
Even if you estimate that 6-8 pounds of that was fluids, which is a lot, that's still 14-16 pounds in 15 days.

Last Supper (#47)

Didn't take a pic of my last supper:

sweet potato

Feel good. Excited to eat tonight. I've been getting such good sleep lately that I think I'm all caught up. I was in bed asleep by 10:00 PM last night. Hope was stirring at 5 AM and I couldn't go back to I'm 5 AM....not working out....this feels weird.

12 hours from eating. I haven't dreamed about food at all in the last two weeks which is weird because I dreamed about food a lot last juice fast.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Lunch and Swim

Juice #46
sweet potato

Swam at lunch.
WU - 10' of drills
MS - 20 x 50yards on 1'

Haven't done a swim workout that short since January. Feel great in the water.
The first 50 I did in 40 seconds which is way fast for me. My theory is that I weigh so much less. I made most of the 50s in 44-45. Normally I'm closer to the 50 second mark.

Good swim.

Quote of the Day

"Cookies, jams, and other processed foods (even those from the health-food store) sweetened with "fruit juice" sound healthier but are just as bad as white-sugar products. When fruit juice is concentrated and used as a sweetener, the healthy nutritional components are stripped away - what's left is plain sugar.

To your body, there is not much difference between refined sugar, fruit juice sweeteners, honey, fruit juice concentrate, and any other concentrated sweetener. Our sweet tooth has been put there by nature to have us enjoy and consume real fruit, not some imitation."

                        -- Joel Fuhrman, MD
                             Eat to Live


Breakfast (#45)

pretty standard breakfast

Goal for after the fast is to stay 98% on VFBNS, small amounts of wild-caught salmon and free-range eggs (that we get on a farm north of town).

The other 2% will be Ezekial bread, BRD, and an occasional Taco Bell burrito (found out yesterday that Taco Bell burritos don't use animal lard, Taco Casa

Day 14 beginning

Last night as I went to set my alarm I realized something...the last time my alarm was set to was 4 AM, which means the last time I used my alarm was May 19, the morning of the Ironman. Now THAT'S what I call a rest period. I feel great.

Woke at 6 AM and weighed. Down another 0.9 for a total of 19.9 in 14 days.
Just heard from my dad who's lost 14.6 POUNDS IN A WEEK. That's incredible. He hasn't weighed everyday. He waited until a week to see it all at once. Amazing results.

Anyway, I did the CF Warmup then did some strengthening work to ease back in to CF.
Here are the specs:

3 x

overhead squat with PVC pipe x 10
samson stretch - 10-15 seconds each leg
glute-ham developer situps x 10
back extension x 10
dips x 10
pullups x 10
pullups and dips are much easier when you weigh 168.

Strength work:
2 x 10 assisted pistols
2 x 5 box pistols, with box raised
2 x 10 75# shoulder press
2 x 5 KB shoulder press, 35#
5 hand stand pushup negatives

I have a couple of CF goals to be able to do pistols (one-legged squats) and hand stand pushups better, so I'm going to work on those things a little bit every time I WOD.

Felt great going through movements with the exception of getting a little light headed after the HSPU negatives.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Fact of the Day

Even the leanest piece of chicken is still 30% fat and 30% saturated fat. Fine every once in while...problematic when it's an every meal thing.


Now you don't...(#43 and 44)

The incredible...disappearing juice.

I had a "pre basketball" juice (#43) of apples, pears, celery and carrots before I played noon ball today. I was planning to have a "lunch" juice after that but ended up not having anything else until dinner tonight...which was:

sweet potato

Pretty excited about dinner Wednesday night. I bought 2 LARA bars, some cashews and some dried banana for my snack on Wednesday night after Jason's. 

By the way - felt great playing basketball today. Played for 1:15 and had plenty of energy.
Tomorrow I can say..."I'm eating food tomorrow." That is exciting.


Now you see it...

Breakfast and Update

Juice #42

Weight was same as yesterday. Still down total of 19.0 pounds.
Feel good this morning.
Period of rest is officially over.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Quote of the Day and reflection

"Writing a check is the difference between a commitment and a conversation."
          -- Warren Buffett

This goes for finance and philanthropy but can also be thought of in any realm. The difference between actually committing to something and just talking about it is DOING something. Don't just talk about doing it. 

I don't really like the feeling of the middle of the juice fast (days 3-8ish). But the feeling of accomplishment I have at the end makes it worth it. 

It's like I don't necessarily enjoy the feeling of starting a bike ride that is going to last 6 hours. But at the end of it the feeling you have is completely unique...the feeling of doing something extraordinary is hard to beat, but you can only get it through major discomfort and sacrifice.


Dinner day 12 (#41) and update


same as lunch:
watermelon (just a tiny bit leftover from girls dinner)

Feeling good. Energy level is high.
Planning on playing basketball tomorrow at noon. 
Then doing "easy" CF WODs Tuesday and Wednesday...swimming Tuesday, too.

So the rest period is officially over. Weird to think that I've only ridden 40 miles and run one in the last two weeks. But my body feels great. Can't wait to eat. Jason's Deli, Wednesday at 5:30 PM.

Urban Update
He had a "sluggish" day yesterday. Energy level was low. He was expecting it though. It hit him a little later than I thought it would. He's committed to going the full 10 days. This will be the end of Day 6 for him which is a pretty big accomplishment on its own.

Snack day 12

This was juice #40.
Had it before we went and swam.
Man that was good.

Juice #38 for breakfast, the usual:

Juice #39 was the standard "meal" juice:
sweet potato

Weight update

Down 2.2 total of 19.0 since 5/23.
The visible change is striking.

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dinner Day 11 (video) #37

Here's how to make a juice...start to finish.


Weight had been steady for the past three days which I thought was interesting but knew wouldn't last.
Down 1.3 this morning for a total of 16.8 pounds in 11 days.

Energy level is high.
Rode bike when girls went down.

TIME - 59:18
MILES - 20.13
AVG MPH - 20.3

Pushed it today. Rode same route as I did on Monday and averaged 18.8 then but watts were much lower.
Also ran a mile off the bike. Just so used to doing that it would have felt weird to not run off the bike.
Took a cold shower. Drank 24 ounces on the ride. Lost 1.7 pounds from this morning to after bike and I've had lots of water and two juices so it was probably more water weight than that.

Lunch day 11


Juice #34

Juice #33

Went to farmers' market and HEB this morning.
Got peaches, beets, squash at market. Couple of big bags of green apples at HEB.

2 days worth of apples at Natural Grocers cost me $15...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Quote of the Day

"A diet centered on milk, cheese, pasta, bread, and sugar-filled snacks and drinks lays the groundwork for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune illnesses to develop later in life. It is not merely that sugar, other sweets, white flour, cheese, and butter are harmful; it is also what we are not eating that is causing the problem."

         Joel Fuhrman, MD
          -- Disease Proof Your Child


Dinner Day 10

lunch was basically the same as dinner sans the strawberries see below (#31)

Had a "pre-mow-the-lawn" juice:
2 pears
2 apples
4 carrots
Man that one was good.

Dinner (#32)
sweet potato
strawberries (left over from girls dinner - just the ends with stems)

Almost done with a book called 'Unbroken' about Louis Zamperini, a WWII POW in Japan. Guy was an olympic athlete. Came in 7th in the 1,500m in Berlin in '36 and was one of the favorites for the games in '40. Ends up in the AAF, crashes at sea at 150 pounds...after three years as a slave for Japan (and drifting 2,000 miles over 47 days in the Pacific) he weighed about 80 pounds. They survived on incredibly small amounts of rice, seaweed and putrid water.

Now THAT'S hunger. I read stuff like that and it makes a 15-day juice fast seem pretty weak.

Hummus variation

So in case you can't see it very good:
11/2 cups garbanzo beans (cooked or 1 can with juice and all - no salt added if from can)
2 tbsp tahini
4 tbsp hemp seed
I leave the oil out altogether
1 tsp garlic 
1/3 c (or basically 2 lemons worth) lemon juice
-- variation --
so then I'll put like 1/2 can of no salt added black beans or adzuki beans
throw a tomato or some cilantro or an onion in there
throw some almonds or pecans or walnuts
( want to keep cool - what movie?)
That's the beauty of a food processor. Just toss it in and watch it disappear.

Breakfast and Update

Weight was the same again...second straight day of 0.0 lbs weight loss. Interesting.
Seems like I'm nearing the "bottom" of my beneficial juice fast weight loss.

Juice #30