Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Week 5, Day 3 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 5:30 AM
Drove up to ACU and did my run on the Lunsford Trail.

Key Run
WU: 15' easy jogging, stretch, 4 100m accelerations/striders
MS: 1x5:2
  2x40 each of high knees, butt kicks, skipping
CD: 12' easy jogging
Total time - 1:04 (probably around 8 miles...ran around ACU 4 times which is a little less than 2 miles a pop)

post-run: blueberries, carob powder, almond meal, flaxseed, hemp protein, 1/4 banana, almond milk, all blended in food processor
Business lunch, Jason's Deli - spinach, tomatoes, mushroom, pepperoncini, broccoli, ground pepper, carrots, hot lemon water
Dinner - large salad and cooked veggies, bowl of red lentils, few carrots with homemade dressing and some with almond butter as an appetizer
Dessert - bowl of frozen bananas and mangos, almonds, raisins, small cup of dry oatmeal, dates
3rd consecutive VFBNS day with no variance

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Week 5, Day 2 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 4:29 before alarm went off at 4:35 AM.

Key bike and run
10' WU including 3x 30" SLD:30" both legs (so 6 minutes total of alternating SLD)
5' aerobic threshold (AT)
1' big gear
1' fast spin
1' recovery
4' AT
1' big gear
1' fast spin
1' recovery
3x 40" SLD: 20 both legs (6 minutes total)
3' AT
1' big gear
1' fast spin
1' recovery
2' AT
1' big gear
1' fast spin
1' recovery
10' at HR#3 (kept HR in the 140s)
10' cool down (HR in 130s)

- 2 minute transition -

33' run on treadmill
kept HR in the 140s
started out at 2.0 incline, 7.0 mph
last 10' was 0.0 incline, same speed

1:37 total
I set everything up last night in my box. A lot goes into a session like this. Had to get the bike, indoor trainer, bike shorts, shirt, HR monitor, watch, CD player, audio book CDs that I listened to, run shoes, socks, bike shoes, pump, towels, spare tire, tire changing tool (just in case my tire goes out mid-ride), water, workout folder...all in the room before I went to bed.

So when I woke up, I grabbed a swig of water, hit play on the CD player and took off. Bike part took me 62 minutes. Ran just under 4 miles but not worried about distance on the run this morning. Just moving upright after the bike. My socks and shoes were squeaking on the treadmill at the end of the run they were so wet. Feels good to actually sweat since my last two long rides have resulted in zero sweat drops.

Planning on CF WOD this afternoon. Then I'm switching Thursday and Wednesday since I have a lunch tomorrow. Run/CF tomorrow, swim/bike on Thursday. Long ride/run Saturday (4 hour bike/40 minute run), then long run (12ish miles) on Sunday.

800m run
50 back extension
50 situps
20:44...super windy so the run out to the turnaround at 400m was pretty brutal.
30' total.

post brick this morning - blueberries, almonds, almond milk, flaxseed, hemp protein, carob powder, lemon juice (1/2 lemon)
Business lunch at Lytle Land and Cattle - house salad no dressing (iceberg lettuce, 2 olives, 1 grape tomato, 1 raw onion ring...the works)
Dinner - appetizer was a few carrots with salsa, large salad and cooked veggies, red lentils, few handfuls of raisins, couple of carrots with almond butter, frozen banana/mango, almonds, small cup of dry oatmeal
VFBNS day...feeling good.

"large salad and cooked veggies"

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 5, Day 1 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 7 AM

Was planning on waking at 5:30 and doing "Michael" but decided to do it either tonight or tomorrow around lunchtime.

So this is a pretty big day. Weeks 1-4 of this plan were Weeks 5-8 of the Hybrid (CF/CFE/traditional) training plan I've done three times so it was charted territory.

The next 12 weeks will be mostly out of "Ironman: Start to Finish - 24 weeks to an endurance triathlon" by Paul Huddle and Roch Frey.

I'm taking the final 12 weeks of their 24 week plan and doing it as prescribed. The only variance I'll have is in regard to the strength/weight training. This plan prescribes weight training twice a week...your standard, single joint movements. I am going to do two CF workouts.

I follow the main site about 100 days behind. So today, February 27, I am scheduled to do the main site WOD from November 14. To find my two WODs for my current plan, I'll just look at the whole week and pick two met-cons (metabolic conditioning WODs) to complete. I won't be doing any straight, load-bearing strength WODs (like 7x1 dead lift) or anything with super heavy weight.

This week will be Michael (3x 800m run, 50 back extension, 50 situps) and 15-12-9 of 135# thruster and 45# weighted pull.

Key Swim: 3,500 yards
12x75 on 15"
8x 25 on 10"
600 on 20"
2x 300 on 20"
3x 200 on 15"
400 easy
8x 25 (drills and freestyle) easy

The WU and MS took me 1:10:11. Then I did the eight 25s real slow (kick drills, freestyle, kick underwater, etc...)
Total time was about 1:20
Feel good...pruney.

veggie juice after swim
Dinner - large salad, cooked veggies (salad and veggies pictured above), beans, handful of raisins, one carrot with almond butter
Snack - frozen fruit, almonds, handful of raisins
VFBNS deviance from that.

Week 4, Day 6 and 7 - 16 week full IM training

Sunday, February 26

Woke at 7 AM.

Long swim at 3 PM at rec center:
2,600 yards
WU: 400
400 on 8'
400 with paddles on 8'
2x300 on 6'
300 with paddles on 6'
6x50, 1' RBI
CD: easy 100
50 kick
50 kick underwater
1 hour

for time:
row 500
50 reps of,
20" box jump
push up
sit up
jumping pullup
back extension
20 x turkish get=ups with 35# kettle bell
21:21 - tough.

veggie juice for lunch. veggie juice after swim.
Dinner and snack - salad, cooked sweet potato slices, bowl of beans, frozen bananas, chips and salsa (homemade salsa), handful of carob raisins, english muffin (Ezekial) with almond butter, half a bean burrito (left over from Jenn's lunch), carrots and almond butter

Been eating too much wheat lately...feeling bloated. Need to reel that training volume is about to increase dramatically. 

Total training time for week 4:

Saturday, February 25

Woke at 7 AM.

Long brick
3.5 hour bike (60.4 miles)
4 mile run

Set out at 12 noon. Has to be one of the top five worst winds I've ever ridden in. Straight out of the south. Rode from my house to the loop to hwy 36 access road to maple (south) to clark road (west) to Iberias to Bell Plains to CR 127 to Hwy 83 and 3.5 miles south of Tuscola before I turned around. Had to stop and pee around Bell Plains road on the way out because of the no sweating factor...frustrating.
I averaged about 14.5 mph from start to turnaround...took me about 2 hours and 5 minutes. Made it back home right at the 3.5 hour mark. I can't wait to get my Shiv. The road bike probably cost me several minutes as it's not as slippery as the triathlon bike. I'm thinking of it as training for a race with weights around my ankles, so hopefully when the Shiv gets here, all the work on the Tarmac will pay off.

Took about 4 minutes to transition and ran 4 miles (1/2 mile out and back four times). Averaged a sub-8 minute mile on the run felt like I could've gone a lot farther. No sweating helps.

I had an Accel gel at the turnaround, then another one on 27th at around the 3 hour mark. 1 bottle of water the whole 4 hours and 11 minutes I was working.

1 hour pre ride - blended salad (banana, avocado, 2 dates, spinach, romaine)
post-ride - recovery pudding from Thrive (banana, frozen blueberries, 1 date, almonds, flaxseed, hemp protein, juice from 1/2 lemon).
Dinner - brown recovery drink, 2 cheese-less bean burritos, dates, chips/guacamole, a large portion of store bought Italian flavored bread, 4 raw cookies (break and bake)
Not a great eating day...

Cooked veggies

So when I say "cooked veggies" in the menu section...this is what I mean.
Friday night's was zucchini, broccoli, mushrooms, onions, brussel sprouts, can of no salt added diced tomatoes, Mrs. Dash seasoning..mmmmm....

Friday, February 24, 2012

Week 4, Day 5 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 6:30 AM.

CFE swim
short tosh
3x (25y, 50y, 100y) resting as long as interval takes.
Did 25s in 19-20 seconds
50s in 45 seconds
100s from 1:34-1:39
Good swim.

Played hoops right afterward. Played terrible...

blended salad after basketball (romaine, spinach, 1/2 avocado, 2 dates, banana)
Dinner - fruit at a 2-year old birthday party, large salad, cooked veggies, pinto beans.
Snack - frozen fruit, nuts/seeds, blue corn chips and guacamole

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Week 4, Day 4 - 16 week full IM training

was scheduled to ride 3.5 hours and run 45 minutes this afternoon, but had a scheduling conflict so I think I'm just going to take a rest day today and do that Brick on Saturday morning.

homemade hummus and carrots
3 trips through Jason's Deli salad bar. Raisin/walnut/seed mixture.
2 dates. Frozen bananas/mangos. Handful of carob raisins. Bowl of pinto beans.
Good eating day...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 4, Day 3 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 5 AM.

CF Midland at 6 AM.

Air dyne bike calories
Row calories
good WOD.

CFE run
long intervals
1:2 work to rest ratio
10' WU then...
3 laps (1200m) with twice as much rest as the interval takes.
Did on the Trinity Christian schools track in Midland. Windy. Warm. Legs sore. Good run.

had some frozen berries after WOD this morning at 7 AM.
Dinner - three trips through Jason's Deli salad bar, all raw veggies except for a little red wine vinegar, hummus, almonds and sunflower seeds.
Snack - dried mangos, cashews, trail mix (from bulk foods in HEB - no salt or sugar), a handful of carob almonds...Frozen cherries

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Week 4, Day 2 - 16 week full IM training


CF Midland tonight (pictured above).
Did 246 reps in 8 minutes. 7 rounds plus 1 front squat (had to clean the 135# up before beginning front squat).

CFE short bike
this morning
short tosh
10' WU
3 x 
That's 40 seconds on, 40 seconds off, 90 seconds on, 90 seconds off, then 3 minutes on 3 minutes off...three times. Did on indoor trainer.

blueberries around lunchtime.
Dinner - three trips through Jason's Deli salad bar, all raw veggies except for a little red wine vinegar, hummus, almonds and sunflower seeds.
Snack - dried mangos, cashews, trail mix (from bulk foods in HEB - no salt or sugar), a handful of carob almonds...I can't resist them when they're in the bulk section and I can just get a handful.
Frozen cherries - 1 banana.
Good day...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 4 day 1

Here's a link to a video of the snatch squat...

Week 4, Day 1 - 16 week full IM training

Can't believe it's already week 4.

Woke at 6:45 AM. Feel good. Normally on a day I have a no limit calorie consumption I feel bloated and puffy all night and the next morning...don't feel that way today.
And I'm not nearly as sore as I thought I'd be. Legs feel fine this morning.

30 WBS
30 75# squat snatch
pictured above...this one was tough but I feel strong on the snatch lift.

veggie juice after WOD
dinner - large salad, cooked veggies, northern beans, the rest of my carob (raw, vegan) cubes and dried mangos. Then had some blue corn chips and a couple of dates.
Good day...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week 3, Day 7 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 7:30 AM

Long bike

 58.5 miles. Averaged 18.6 mph.

Really sluggish from the last few days of intense training. Felt like I was riding on two flat tires with a parachute on my back. Took just under 3 hours 10 minutes.

pre-ride - few spoonfuls of beans from Sharon's BBQ, blended salad
post-ride - banana
Dinner - large veggie supreme cheese-less pizza from Domino's. It's actually really good without the cheese and I don't feel so dern bloated afterwards...still a lot of food though.
Mt. Evans trail mix from Natural Grocers
Carob almonds
Carob cubes (raw, vegan)
Dried mangos
Dried bananas

Lot of food today, but I didn't feel totally full when I went to bed.
For such a crummy start to the week, it ended up being a good 7 days. Got all 10 workouts in and played hoops. Have only gotten 9 workouts in the first two weeks.


Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Week 3, Day 6 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 6:45 AM
Did the above CF WOD at around 10 AM.
OHS = overhead squat
L-pull are dead hang pullups with your legs straight out in front of you (these turn into "h-pulls" for me very quickly)
Did jerk instead of split jerk...where you throw the weight up over your head and catch it in a quarter squat before opening up the hips all the way to start the next rep.
K2E, knees to elbow from the pullup bar
HC = hang clean (did power hang clean)
BE = back extension

Long run
12 miles in 1:32:20.
Was on an easy sub 7:30 pace but had to stop and relieve myself in broad daylight. Stupid intestines. 
Hips REALLY hurting towards the end of this run. Didn't think that would happen since I'd run 8.5 and 10 miles the last two weeks. Maybe because those were interval runs?? Hopefully it's just my body getting used to the volume and I'll be fine on my next long one...two weeks...another 12 miler.

blueberry/spinach "ice cream" with hemp protein and flax (both girls ate it, too!)
Blended salad before run (spinach, romaine, banana, dates, 1/2 avocado)
Post-run - celery/almond butter
President's Circle dinner at ACU (steamed veggies, salad, tuna, tea, coffee), Nikki's afterward with girls, stopped and got 2 cheese-less burritos, too. Didn't eat much at PC dinner. Blue corn chips, frozen fruit.

Week 3, Day 5 - 16 week full IM training
woke at 5:30 AM

CFE short swim
10x 50y with 2' RBI and a t-shirt on
did them all in 44-46"

35 DBUs
1 snatch
post time and total weight

about 7.5 minutes and 805 pounds (115 per round)

Hoops at lunch.

3 trips through Jason's salad bar for dinner (cranberry/walnut mix for "dessert")
crackers from Jason's. Celery and almond butter.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Week 3, Day 4 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 7 AM. Having major GI issues. Hopefully 48 hours of veggie juice will help.

Long swim at lunchtime
3,200 yards
WU: 500
MS: 8x 50 on 15" rest
2000 yards TT - 39:37, pretty bad time but such a long distance I paced myself.
CD: 200y
Took me just over an hour.

25 GHDS (glute ham developer situp)
1 MU (muscle up)
2 MU
3 MU
4 MU
5 MU

Juiced for lunch.
Waited until about 9 PM to eat. Had leftover corn tortillas and beans/salsa. Few dates and frozen fruit.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week 3, Day 3 - 16 week full IM training

PP = push press
Had to stop during this and get our barking dogs in. Probably cost me about 20 seconds.
All sets unbroken except for 20.

Woke at 7 AM.

Did the above WOD and a CFE short bike:
8x 400m with 2' rest
Did each one in about 38-40 seconds.

Supper Club - made pinto beans from scratch, whole wheat tortillas, sauteed veggies, homemade salsa, wild rice, La Popular rice...ate way too many beans and had some of the white flour tortillas that were left. So full.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Week 3, Day 2 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 7 AM. Feeling closer to normal than I have since Sunday after my ride.

short run
10x 100m with 2' rest
wearing a 20# weight vest
Did all these on Bunker Hill...first two were 17 seconds. Last 8 were all 16.
Feeling much better but my stomach is totally jacked for some reason. Went off of VFBNS a little bit over the weekend...had a few protein bars over the course of three days. And I had a stretch of 6 straight days of "bulk food snacks" of dried mangos, coconut dates, cashews, dried cherries, but I don't think that would have messed with my stomach. My guess is those stupid protein bars that I would never normally think about eating...they were just there so I ate them. Sick...

Had three little pieces of Valentine's dark chocolate that the girls received in the mail.
Juiced some carrots, apple, cinnamon around lunchtime
Dinner - large salad, cooked lentils, cooked veggies, carob cubes, cashews, blue corn chips and salsa, English muffin with Tahini

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 3, Day 1 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 7:30 AM. Bad night. Feel terrible.
Moving slow this morning. Haven't even looked at my workouts for this week. Not doing anything when I feel like this. No fever so that's good. Girls aren't sick, another good thing.

Rest day - unless I start feeling great in the next hour or so.

blended salad for lunch: spinach, romaine, 2 dates, banana, half avocado. Felt like I needed some power packed nutrition.
large salad, cooked veggies, red lentils, frozen bananas/mangos/walnuts
blue corn chips and homemade salsa

Still feeling pretty rotten tonight...don't know what the deal is.

Week 2, Day 7 - 16 week full IM training

(Sunday) Woke at 7 AM with girls.

Long ride
Snowing outside. Too cold to ride so I rode the indoor trainer in my gym while watching King Corn, a documentary on how much corn is in everything we eat...very interesting. Really nothing I didn't already know, but a good watch nonetheless.
I did intervals in 10' sets.
1 - 5:5
2 - 2x2.5:2.5
3 - 3x1:40 on, 1:40 off
4 - 4x1:15 on, 1:15 off
5 - 5x1:1
6 - 6x 50":50"
7 - 5:5
8 - 3x1:40 on, 1:40 off
9 - 5x 1:1

HR averaged 134.
Didn't feel too great after this ride. Took about an hour nap then felt feverish and achy most of the night. Could not get warm. Slept in living room with space heater blowing right on me. Wondering if it's from being so cold Saturday then getting totally drenched in a warm, humid house this afternoon? Whatever it is...I don't feel too great.

(and this probably didn't help either)
Medium pizza from Domino's (mushroom, spinach, olives, no cheese), bread sticks.
Before dinner I had blueberry/almond milk "ice cream" with flaxseed, carrots and almond butter, decaf coffee, Haelyn's leftover oatmeal.

6 hours, 51 minutes of training this week. Plus I played basketball twice.
9 workouts again...supposed to get 10.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Week 2, Day 6 - 16 week full IM training

Woke with girls at 7:30 AM.

CFE bike
short interval
29 degrees with strong north wind this morning.
Was going to ride 40 but there is no way. I didn't have the warm weather gear (aka ski jacket) for that long of a ride in this kind of cold.
12x 1:1. Rode laps around a big church parking lot.
Was so cold after ride that I could not see straight or walk in a straight line. Got in a hot shower...was laying in the tub with hot water running down on me and someone flushed the toilet. I was half asleep when burning hot scolding water started scolding me...I was snapped to attention and halfway up I slipped down and fell which continued the deluge of steaming, life-taking water. I must have been screaming obscenities because Jenn came back there and told me to shut up. That was terrible.

trail mix and blue corn chips and salsa around lunch time
Carrots and red pepper hummus before dinner.
Dinner - large salad, cooked veggies, red lentils
Snack - dried mangos, 3 coconut dates, cashews, frozen banana

Friday, February 10, 2012

Week 2, Day 5 - 16 week IM training

Alarm set for 5:20 AM. It was raining when I got up and I'm going to need to do my WOD outside so I decided to sleep and workout at lunch.

My legs are still pretty sore but not quite as bad. I wore my new Zoot compression recovery tights to sleep in but took them off in the middle of the night...they were a little tight around my feet. I had been wearing them since about 3:30 PM though. Planning on wearing those in the evenings after long rides/runs.

Tabata Fight Gone Bad
Score: 45
Wall Ball shot - 9
SDHP (75#) - 10
Box jump 20" - 10
Push press (75#) - 12
Row - 5 calories
So the tabata interval is 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Total of 40 intervals never rested more than 10 seconds.

Played hoops immediately afterward...did not play well. I was absolutely toasted after that WOD.

CFE short run
12x 1:1
Ran up to Wilson MS track and did the intervals around the track. Pretty cold tonight.

Blended salad after basketball.
Dinner - large salad with homemade dressing, 2 pounds cooked veggies (broccoli, squash, mushroom), red lentils with salsa
Frozen cherries, dried mangos, 4 coconut dates, 2 carob energy cubes, cashews
Good day...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 2, Day 4 - 16 week full IM training

Took a rest day. SUPER SORE.

blueberries (frozen).
Dinner - three trips through JD salad bar. Dried mangos. 3 dates. Some blue corn chips. Frozen fruit. 2 almond fudge squares. Stalk of celery with almond butter.
VFBNS except for the blue corn chips.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Week 2, Day 3 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 8 AM.
Pretty sore from last two days. Legs are killing me. Felt good when I woke up though...other than that.

Long Run
WU: 5 laps in roughly 10 minutes
MS: 10x800 resting as long as interval takes

Super cold this afternoon in Amarillo. Ran on Palo Duro track. Ran with long pants on for first three. Ran with just tights on legs (and compression sox) and a tight,  Nike base layer up top. Also ran first five with a thick Nike beanie on my head. Not thrilled with the five intervals just over 3' but I didn't have any GI distress and my legs are REALLY sore.

Overall, happy with the workout. I either rested as long as interval took, or (if it took 3+ minutes) I only rested 3 minutes  max. Took me 1:19:17 total. 40 laps.

3 trips through Jason's Deli - all raw veggies and nuts/seeds
Can of no salt added kidney beans.
3 coconut dates. Bowl of homemade trail mix: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, cashews, dried cherries, raisins.
Dried mangos, frozen cherries, 2 bananas.
VFBNS day...feeling good.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week 2, Day 2 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 5:15AM.
Long swim at ACU rec center.
2,900 yards
WU: 300y
MS: 4x200 on 30" rest (did all right at 3:30)
8x100 on 15" rest (did all right at 1:43-1:45)
Kick 200y (took about 6')
6x 100 on 10" rest (did in under 6')
CD: 200y
Total time in pool was 1:04

pictured above
box jumps, squat clean, front squat
Legs feel like jello
You can see my name and score in the pic (5 rounds plus 7 box jumps)

Stretched good afterwards...right knee is feeling much better.

3 trips through Jason's Deli salad bar (all raw veggies and nuts, about a tbsp of red wine vinegar on each salad), can of organic black beans.
dried mangos, coconut dates (3), handful of: macadamia nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, dried cherries, raisins.
Cashews, frozen cherries, banana
total VFBNS day...

Monday, February 6, 2012

Totally bummed...

My new bike (Specialized Shiv) was supposed to be here in January. That was fine...would be here before my training. Then it got pushed back to February. Still OK...can do the first two or three weeks on my Tarmac.

Today...found out it's "late March"

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week 2, Day 1 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 5 AM.

CFE short swim
short intervals
12x 1:1
started without a push off the wall and small push at my turns...made about 65 yards on each one
7' WU, 23' WOD = 30' total

Hoops at lunch

right arm KB snatch (53#)
left arm KB snatch

Time: 12:39
Jenn did this one with me...used the 15# KB

Large salad, cooked veggies, lentils/mung beans with salsa*, almond fudge*, 3 dates
total VFBNS day


Blended salad: spinach, romaine, dates, avocado, banana.

Creamy carrot soup: cashews, almonds, carrots, onion, potato, zucchini, garlic, Vegebase, ginger, water, almond milk

Apple walnut surprise: apples, walnuts, raisins, cinnamon, flaxseed

All three are really good. All from Disease Proof Your Child.

Week 1, Day 7 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 7 AM.
Was going to get up and do "Bradshaw" but I felt a little tweak in my lower left back last night and had flashes of week 1 of my Half IM training from 2010 when I worked out despite my back hurting and ended up in physical therapy for three weeks.

So instead of 10 workouts this week, it'll be an extra hour on the bike yesterday.

CFE short swim
6' of 25y on 30"
rest 3'
4' of 25y on 30"
rest 2'
2' of 25y on 30"
Did all 25s in the 19-21 second range.

Menu: (extra calorie day)
Blended salad* my new favorite, will be a go-to post-workout snack
Creamy carrot Soup*
Carob almonds
Nanas Cookie
Granola (gluten free)
Almond fudge*
Blue corn chips

Total weekly training volume:

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week 1, Day 6 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 7:30 AM. Lazy morning.
Don't feel nearly as bloated and full as I thought I would. Only thing not VFBNS from yesterday was a tortilla, piece of bread, chips...I think that has a lot to do with it. Normally after a night that I feel that full, I still feel bloated and cruddy the next morning.

10x2 shoulder press
60" rest between intervals...weights listed below. I need to work on my shoulder strength...I'm weak.

Long bike
3 hours - an adventure to say the least.
Took off with JB at 1 PM from my house. Planning to ride northwest (up towards Hawley) for 30 miles then turn around. Upper 40s...20 mph steady wind out of the NE. Fought against that wind for 1:42 minutes when JB's back tire went flat. We pulled over, fixed the flat, made it 2 more miles to the 30 mile mark (just a few miles south of Anson) and turned around. Five minutes later we had to stop again because JB's tire was flat again.

Of course, I didn't have my changing kit. JB found someone to come pick him up in Hawley and I rode the 25+ miles home with no cell phone, no tire changing bag, and fighting against the stupid wind which seemed to be coming more from out of the east and I was heading right back into it. Ended up being out for a total of 3:55, and rode just under 60 miles. Pretty spent when I got home. Longest I've ridden since before the bike wreck (9/24) was 35 miles back in December. Lower back never was an issue. Felt OK considering the stinking wind.

JB made it home OK. Lesson learned: don't forget your tire changing kit, and take extra CO2 cartridges b/c if I'd had mine, we could have at least gotten JB to Hawley so we didn't have to have Bobbie take him there in her mini van.

after CF - blueberries, almond milk, hemp seed, flax seed, hemp protein, apple skins...all processed.
Made apple walnut surprise from Disease Proof Your Child. Both girls had it for breakfast: apples, walnuts, raisins, cinnamon, flaxseed...super good. Planning on having it tonight after dinner.
Dinner: large salad, creamy carrot soup, beans, corn and salad (dinner at friends house), apple walnut surprise, frozen fruit, handful of blue corn chips, few handfuls of "Hole-n-Oats" cereal. Not super full when I went to bed...a much better feeling.


Friday, February 3, 2012

Week 1, Day 5 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 4:45 AM. I've missed the going to bed/waking up slightly hungry feeling of juicing.

pictured below
44:06, one of the longest I've done.
L-sit holds turned into "h" holds pretty quickly. Everything else was prescribed. I did the 1-legged squats while standing on a 45# and two 25# bumpers up against my 20" box. So I was forced to go down to nearly parallel. Sub I learned in Long Island, NY in December.
Muscle ups were easy this morning. One set I did 5 then 2.
Pretty exhausted especially since I haven't eaten solid food since the protein bar debacle. Just the one juice yesterday. Energy kicked in as soon as I started.

Long swim:
WU: 300
MS: 12x25 on 10" rest
4x100 on 10" rest
4x 100 on 20" rest
2x200 on 30" rest
8x50 on 20" rest
CD: 200
Took me 1:07:40
Good swim. May have gone faster but I'm running on limited calories over the last 36 hours.

breakfast juice: beet, carrots, apples, ginger, sweet potato, zucchini, red chard, cucumber, chlorella, cinnamon
lunch juice: beet, carrots, apples, ginger, sweet potato, cucumber, cinnamon, chlorella
Dinner: Large salad, Creamy Tomato Soup (out of Disease Proof your Child) consisting of carrots, onion, garlic, cashews, almonds, zucchini, onion, was the greatest thing ever, going to have it tomorrow too. Mung beans with salsa
Snack:  bean burrito (no cheese), frozen fruit (bananas, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, strawberries), dates, 2 squares of almond/vanilla fudge, blue corn chips, few remaining sweet potato chips in bag (no salt, just sweet potato and oil). Also had the end piece of the Ezekial bread with tahini on it.
Only thing with added salt in all of the above was the blue corn chips.

Really stuffed at bed time...

Today's WOD...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Week 1, Day 4 - 16 week full IM training

Woke at 7:30 AM. Went to visit my mom in hospital.
Major gas from the stupid protein bars.

Long run:
8x800s with rest as long as interval takes

10' warmup (5 laps)
each interval is two laps plus 1 recover lap, 3 total
10' cooldown (5 laps)
Total of 8.5 miles. Took me 1:07:40 (had to rest an extra minute in there because I had to stop and relieve myself thanks to the stupid protein bars...stomach felt terrible during run).
fastest was 2:56, slowest was 3' (did that three times). I usually build up to this workout with 5 800s, then 6, etc...jumped right in to 8.
Super forceful dry heaves when I finished the 8th one. Ran on Plano track so not a place I'm a stranger to throwing up after/during a run.
Although I didn't feel great, I'm happy that I was able to knock out this session with absolutely no build up and get them all at or under 3'.

Decided to juice today because of how bad my stomach feels.
Didn't eat anything all day until 8 PM when I made a juice: beets, carrots, apples, broccoli, cucumber, sweet potato, kale, red chard

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Week 1 Day 3 - 16 week full IM training

Taking a rest day since Jenn is out of town and I'm home with the girls.
Woke at 6:30 girls ready and to school by 8 AM.

Played hoops at lunch.

frozen blueberries around 2 PM
Dinner: large salad, cooked veggies (spaghetti squash, tomatoes, brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, mushrooms), mung beans with cashews.
Snack: frozen bananas, mangos, vanilla-almond "fudge" (almonds, honey, carob powder, vanilla, tahini), dates
Proceeded to eat a handful (yes a handful) of "protein" bars from an undisclosed location. I will pay for that.

Great day until the protein bar debacle.