Tuesday, July 31, 2012


"Running Fran"
400m run
21 thrusters 95#
21 pullups
300m run
15 thrusters
15 pulls
200m run
9 thrusters
9 pulls
Did all sets unbroken except for the 21 thrusters (15 and 6).

CFE short interval run
6x 400m with 90" rest

VBSN8 day (veggies beans seeds and no food after 8 PM)
post WOD - vega protein shake
Lunch - raw veggie salad at Cypress Street (lettuce, mushroom, tomatoes, carrots)
Dinner - black beans, spaghetti squash, small salad (raw veggies, sunflower seeds), homemade hummus and crunchy veggies

Monday, July 30, 2012


CFE short interval swim
15 x 25y TT, 25y rest
Did most of the TTs in 18-20 seconds.

Played basketball today.

Juice day.
lunch and dinner - carrots, apples, celery, beets, sweet potato, ginger, spinach, romaine

So juice today, then what I call VBSN8 tomorrow. That means only veggies, beans, seeds, and no food after 8 PM. Need to be back under 175 for sprint triathlon in 2 weeks. I have all sorts of weird little acronyms...it helps me cope with my weirdness. Or is it what makes me weird?

Sunday, July 29, 2012


OK...I'm going to start trying to shed some light on all the ridiculous food and nutrition claims that food manufacturers use to scam the masses. 
When in doubt, follow the rule "If it can make a food claim, it's probably not healthy" because that means it's in a box and probably not real, whole food.

So let's take a look at the left pic --- Made with Real Fruit//Whole Grains//Wholesome Fiber
Now the top pic (front of box) --- No High Fructose Corn Syrup//Made with Real Fruit and Whole Grains

Sounds good, right? A single mom with three kids in tow may look at that and think, "wow, that looks pretty good, real fruit, my kids could use real fruit...that's healthy right?" So she buys it, it becomes a staple in the pantry, and the kids eat it everyday. 

Now let's breakdown that ingredients list:
1 - whole grain oats...good! That's good!
2 - Enriched flour (wheat flour, niacin, reduced iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, folic acid)...OK, flour doesn't seem so bad, but it has a bunch of stuff "enriching" it. My advice is to get all of that enrichment in its natural state...aka in foods that actually have those things in them...NATURALLY.
3 - whole wheat flour...ok, that's ok.
4 - soybean and/or canola oil...not good. Oil (even canola and soybean) is 100% fat and does nothing for you nutritionally except give you lots of fat that will just sit on your mid-section in its pure, fat form. Read this for more info on "healthy" oils.
5 - soluble corn fiber - this is a trick, straight up. Manufactures put this term but what it really is is corn syrup...a sweetener. But man doesn't that sound great? soluble corn fiber...HAS to be healthy.
6 - sugar...no comment needed
7 - dextrose...another way they try and trick you. Dextrose is another term for glucose, which is sugar.
8 - fructose...another term for sugar
9 - calcium carbonate...a compound found in rocks, it's what causes "hard water" and is used MEDICINALLY as a calcium supplement.
10 - whey...animal protein, it's what's left after milk has been curdled, the liquid on top of the yogurt when you open the package
11 - wheat bran...hey that's good!
12 - salt...not good.
13 - cellulose...the structural component of the primary cell wall of green plants, well THAT sounds good, but wait - it's also the major constituent of paper, paperboard, card stock and textiles made from cotton and linen...and it's in your food.
14 - potassium bicarbonate...a colorless, odorless, "safe" (per the FDA) substance. It is also the only dry chemical fire suppression agent recognized by the National Fire Protection Association. Can also be used as a fungicide in farming.
15 - "natural" and artificial flavors...not food or anything you were ever meant to eat
16 - soy lecithin...an additive, it also helps as a rust inhibitor in your paint
17 - wheat gluten...protein found in wheat
18 - niacinamide...part of the vitamin B group
19 - vitamin A
20 - carrageenan...thickening and stabilizing agent, extracted from red seaweed
21 - zinc oxide...additive...also found in plastics, ceramics, glass, cement, lubricants, paints, ointments, adhesives, and sealants
22 - reduced iron...reduced iron
23 - guar gum...ground endosperm of guar beans, thickening agent
24 - vitamin b6
25 - vitamin b1
26 - vitamin b2

now to the "real fruit" filling...this is great
27 - invert sugar...sugar, it's a mixture of glucose and fructose
28 - corn syrup...sugar
29 - raspberry puree concentrate...the stripped down sugar of the fruit, it's another name for straight up sugar
30 - glycerin...filler and sweetener...aka sugar, also widely used in pharmaceutical formulations
31 - sugar...well, there it is...
32 - modified corn starch...thickening agent
33 - natural flavor...not natural at all, not a real food, chemical
34 - sodium alginate...salty substance that makes the "real fruit filling" feel like gel
35 - citric acid...chemical, preservative
36 - methylcellulose...chemical used as thickening agent
37 - dicalcium phosphate...chemical
38 - malic acid...food additive, to make the "raspberry fruit" taste tart
39 - caramel color...something you were never intended to eat
40 - red 40...chemical that you were never intended to eat

So...where's the "real" fruit? There is none!! 
The first five ingredients of the fruit filling are sugar! 

Manufacturers can put all these different names on sugar and trick you into thinking there's not much sugar in it because it only says sugar once in the crust and once in the filling.

And there are 40 INGREDIENTS. 

Ok...if you found this eye-opening or helpful, pass it on.

Today - CFE and "Pheezy"

CFE short interval run
10x 200m with 90"rest
Could have run these faster but legs are a bit fatigued from yesterday.

165# front squat
18 pullups
225# dead lift
18 toes to bar
165# push jerk
18 hand release pushup
I did the first round with 165 on squat and did 3 push jerk at that weight but just did not feel like I was controlling it good enough, so I dropped it down to 135 and did the last two rounds with that weight on front squat and push jerk. Still got a great workout in.

vega protein after WOD
coconut water after run
Dinner -

Tour de Gap

Rode Tour de Gap yesterday...52 mile distance.

Unofficially finished 3rd but most of the fast, strong riders do the 77.
Averaged 22.5 mph finished in around 2:18.
HR averaged 144
watts averaged 198 which I was very happy with.
Total of 52.77 miles according to my extremely accurate Power Meter.

As soon as cadencesports.com gets its act together and posts the entire results list, I'll know my specific stats.

Had a banana before race. 3 watermelon wedges after race.
Carrots and almond butter around lunchtime.

Dinner - spaghetti squash, homemade hummus and veggies, brd, blue corn chips/salsa, frozen bananas, Hollie Baldridge carob cake balls,

Dirty Trick

Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 6 of 6 day juice fast

For the record...I would not ever recommend to anyone to do a juice fast and still try and train hard.
Just not enough calories.
From now on, all my juice fasts will coincide with a period of scheduled rest...like my next scheduled 15-day fast in December.

Moving on...

no breakfast
lunch juice - beet, apples, carrots, sweet potato, kale, romaine, cucumber, pear

Dinner - jason's deli

CFE short interval swim:
10x50 on 1'
43 (choked at the 1/2 way point and had to break my flow at the turn)

Hoops at lunch

800m run
10 pullups
10 ring dips
800m run
that was tough. Did all pullups unbroken, but ended up doing 5 and 5 on dips.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 5 of 6 day juice fast

Typical breakfast:
3 carrots
green apples

carrots, romaine, kale, ginger, cucumber, sweet potato, green apples

Chest 2 Bar pullups
30" box jump
GHD sit ups
Good workout.

Meet your Meat

I don't care whether or not people eat meat. Truly I don't. Beef. Pork. Chicken. Turkey. Fish. Whatever.

The only thing I care about is that you Meet your Meat - aka know what you're putting in your mouth and where it comes from. And I believe you can Meet your Meat one of two ways:

1. kill and process it yourself
2. watch this video -

If you do one of those two things and still want to eat meat...have at it. I love when people enjoy great things in life. Just do one of the two things first.

Food Allergy Cured with Juice

Watermelon, cantaloupe, avocados and bananas.

When Chad Johnston was around 12 years old, he began having a problem. Anytime he ate those four fruits, or anything with those fruits in them, he would suffer a moderate to severe allergic reaction and his throat would begin closing up and "catching on fire" for about an hour after consumption. Nothing life threatening, but enough of a problem that it kept Chad away from those foods for the majority of the time.

Oh now, every once in a while he would pop a Benadryl and hope for the best. You see, Chad loved those foods and it was a big problem that he couldn't enjoy them whenever he wanted. Guacamole at parties, watermelon and cantaloupe in the summer...not for Chad. He would have to watch longingly as others gorged themselves on the succulent fruits while he fiddled with his paddle-ball.

Then a few months ago Chad started juicing after he watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. He began consuming 20-30 ounces of juice just about every day and started incorporating more plant-based foods into his diet via the local fruit and veggie crop share he and his wife joined.

Little by little, plants and veggies became the focus of his wife's and his daily meals. They still eat lean meats, but now the meat is the after thought, not the focus.

A few weeks ago the Johnstons received a large watermelon in their farm share allotment. Chad's wife loves watermelon and began cutting it open. Chad, not being able to resist his love for watermelon, took a bite and waited for the reaction to hit....he waited.....and waited..........and waited.

The reaction, which Chad was so used to dealing with for the last 20 years, never came. Quickly, Chad ate a few more bites. Then some more. And before he knew it, he had eaten most of the watermelon...had it been a watermelon eating contest, he would have blown the competition away.

His kids love bananas so that night he tried some bananas which had, for so long, been mocking him from the kitchen counter. No more mocking, you evil bananas - no reaction.

Jump ahead one more day - Chad is watching the all-star game at a friend's house. Guacamole is on the menu. Chad is feeling saucy. He has some.....and gets no reaction. No throat itching or burning. Giddiness is what he felt.

The next test is the best. It's Saturday. Chad picks up a cantaloupe at the Frisco Farmer's Market. He takes it to his nephew's birthday party ready to dive in...then realizes that after a lifetime of not being able to eat cantaloupe, he really doesn't know how to cut one! His mom graciously does the honors. He takes a big bite, and as you probably can guess by now, no reaction.

"I loved eating that cantaloupe, and I ate it freely," Chad says. "Several sweet refreshing pieces with no revolting reaction. My allergy test was complete. Now I can be recklessly ecstatic and LOVE enjoying these new foods!"

Just last night, Chad's wife made some guacamole and he ate with such fervor and determination that he nearly made himself sick. He has to remind himself to not try and make up for 20 years of lost time...that would be counterproductive. 

So what was the cause? The juice? Less meat? Adding in more powerful micronutrients to his diet? Cutting down on fat, saturated fat and cholesterol that comes with animal products?

I believe it was a combination of all these things. Chad's inherently powerful immune system is finally getting the fuel it needs to function properly and effectively.

Chad didn't do anything spectacular. He didn't completely change his whole lifestyle or way of living. He simply began adding in more plant-based foods in the form of juice, salads, fruits and veggies to his daily regimen....and his body responded.

It rewarded him with four things: watermelon, cantaloupe, avocados and bananas.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 4 of 6 day Juice fast

4 carrots, 2 green apples, celery, 4 romaine leaves

Lunch & Dinner:
romaine, beets, carrots, celery, green apples, kale, sweet potato, cucumber, ginger

CFE long interval bike
3 x (1/2M + 1M + 2M) work:rest 1:1
1/2M - 1:12, 336, 25.27
1M - 2:39, 286, 22.77
2M - 5:22, 275, 22.35
1/2M - 1:12, 324, 24.8
1M - 2:39, 292, 22.77
2M - 5:27, 264, 22.04
1/2M - 1:10, 339, 25.77
1M - 2:28, 316, 24.04
2M - 5:25, 274, 22.12

Really tough workout when you ride with power. Was VERY happy that I was able to match or beat all my watts on my last time through. Did this in my garage...100 degrees. Crazy hot and hard workout. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 3 Dinner juice (#9)


sweet potato
apples (green)

Felt great after the CF WOD...then about an hour after I started getting the shakes...my body saying..."um...excuse me, please give me something to burn." So I complied.

CF WOD - Tyrreble 10s

Day 3 - pre-workout juice and Training details

2 pears

Tyrreble 10s
400m run
10 reps each of:
power clean
front squat
push press
push press
front squat
power clean
400m run
used 95# and never let go of the bar either time through the cleans/press/squat

3 x 1200m, 2' rest
good run...would have gone faster but felt a slight sluggish.

Day 3 of 6 day juice fast



Day 2 of 6 day juice fast

Breakfast juice - 4 carrots, 3 celery stalks, 1 green apple
Lunch and dinner juices - beets, carrots, celery, romaine, spinach, kale, ginger, cucumber, apples, pear
Drank one at 3 PM...the other at 6:30 PM. Went to bed at 1:30 AM. Long time to be awake with no calories.

CFE long interval swim
3 x (50 + 100 + 200) work:rest = 1:1 so you rest as long as interval takes
50s - 41, 42, 41
100s - 1:31, 1:32, 1:28
200s - 3:11, 3:12, 3:04
Good swim. Energy level good.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 1 of 6 day juice fast

Didn't have anything today until my "lunch" juice.
Sweet Potato

Pretty standard juice. Next food meal will be Friday night.
My other two juice fasts have coincided with pre-determined periods of rest. Not this one. I will attempt to keep my normal workout schedule. And am planning on riding the 52 mile route in the Tour De Gap on Saturday.

CFE long interval run
3x800 with 2' rest

lunch juice detailed above
Dinner juice - same as lunch juice

Saturday - 6 day juice fast eve

Did indoor intervals on bike. Lowered handlebars to get a more aggressive aero position. Felt good.
8 x .25M with 60" rest
MPH    watts
29.23     433
30.57     431
30.85     451
31.55     461
30.99     438
30.72     449
32.64     442
32.56     465

Good ride. Hot in the garage.
Mowed the grass.

135# front squat
toes to bar

vega shake after both WODs
cashews before dinner
Dinner - fruit and wedding cake at a weeding
Snack - bean burrito, carob cubes, carob almonds, dried mangos

Friday, July 20, 2012


CFE short interval swim
6 x 75y all out, 25 y recovery

Super sore from the last few days. My ribs are tender to the touch.

Hoops at lunch.

135# front squat
toes to bar

vega protein drink and strawberries
Dinner - large salad, spaghetti squash and pinto beans
snack - cashews, bananas


CF Boom
2.5' max rep plate pushups (with 45# plates)
5': finish out to 100 with burpees
1st round: 54 pushups, 46 burpees
2nd round: 28 pushup, only made it to 42 burpees at the  5' mark, but I did 30 more burpees to finish it out.
Chest and shoulders are TOAST.

CFE short interval run
6 x 200m run, 60" rest
good run. Hot.

couple of pieces of veggie pizza at JB's house
cashews, bananas, avocado/tomato sandwich on Ezekial bread
strawberries after WOD this morning
carrots and almond butter around lunchtime

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Terrible WOD

5 x
50m walking lunges with 45# overhead
21 burpees
Horrible. Horrible. Horrible.

vega protein after WOD
strawberries mid-afternoon
Dinner - 2 trips through JD salad bar, walnut/craisin mix, celery/almond butter, chips/salsa, mangos, carob cubes

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 10 of 10 day STRICT VFBNS

Tempo Bike
30 miles
19.1 mph
watts -
HR average -
time -

JD salad at lunch (working lunch)
16 oz strawberries in the afternoon
Dinner - large salad, cooked veggies, cashews/bananas, veggies/homemade hummus

Day 9 of 10 day STRICT VFBNS

Barbara is tough.
it's 20 pulls
30 pushups
40 situps (with feet not anchored)
50 air squats
rest 3' between the five sets

CFE short interval swim
3 x (25, 50, 75) work:rest = 1:1 so if the 25 takes 18" you rest 18"
Did all 25s at 17, 50s at 39 and 75s at 1:03. Good swim.

juice for lunch
Vega this morning after WOD
Dinner - had friends over: large salad, spaghetti squash, carob cubes, frozen banana, almonds
Didn't juice today because of our company and since I'll be doing a 6 day fast next week (starting after dinner Saturday night)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 8 of 10 day STRICT VFBNS

Much like I do during a 15-day juice fast, for the next 2 days I'm going to be very specific on the blog about what I eat. Basically showing how to train and eat only VFBNS (veggies fruits beans nuts seeds) for long-term lifestyle change


CFE short interval bike
10 x 30' of work, 2' rest
(will add watts, mph, and distance when I upload data from my powertap)

vega drink after bike
leftover beans from lunch around 5 PM
Dinner - blue taco burrito (wheat tortilla not VFBNS)
vegan ice cream that a friend of mine made
couple of carob cubes
carob nut clusters that Jenn made (VFBNS except for the whey powder in the carob chips)

Day 7 of 10 day STRICT VFBNS

Much like I do during a 15-day juice fast, for the next 3 days I'm going to be very specific on the blog about what I eat. Basically showing how to train and eat only VFBNS (veggies fruits beans nuts seeds) for long-term lifestyle change


CFE tempo/tt
12 miles in 1:39:30

vega drink after run
raw veggies around lunchtime
Dinner - large salad, spaghetti squash, brd
snack - crunchy veggies and hummus, carob cubes

Day 6 of 10 day STRICT VFBNS

Much like I do during a 15-day juice fast, for the next 4 days I'm going to be very specific on the blog about what I eat. Basically showing how to train and eat only VFBNS (veggies fruits beans nuts seeds) for long-term lifestyle change

CFE short interval swim
10 x 30 on 2' rest
got to about 40 yards on all sets

Played hoops

Vega smoothie (plant protein) after swim
Strawberries around lunchtime
Dinner - large salad, spaghetti squash, 1/2 c (dry) pinto beans (cooked them in my new tiny Crockpot all day)
Snack - cashews, frozen bananas

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 5 of 10 day STRICT VFBNS

Much like I do during a 15-day juice fast, for the next 5 days I'm going to be very specific on the blog about what I eat. Basically showing how to train and eat only VFBNS (veggies fruits beans nuts seeds) for long-term lifestyle change.

CFE long interval run
100m doesn't seem like long intervals but i checked and double-checked CFE page and that's what it said to do 
10' WU
8x 100m with 2' rest
Good run. Did on Amarillo HS track.

185# back squat
50# kettlebell swing
Squats killed me. Tried it with 225 first but I'm just too fatigued from this week. 185 killed me.

coconut water after run
blueberries at lunchtime
Dinner - 2 trips through JD Salad bar
Snack - homemade hummus and crunchy veggies, carob cubes and cashews, frozen bananas

Day 4 of 10 day STRICT VFBNS

Much like I do during a 15-day juice fast, for the next 6 days I'm going to be very specific on the blog about what I eat. Basically showing how to train and eat only VFBNS (veggies fruits beans nuts seeds) for long-term lifestyle change.

CFE long interval bike
4 x 1/2M with 4' rest
1:11 - 341 watts, 25.11 mph
1:09 - 348 watts, 25.84 mph
1:11 - 360 watts, 25.33 mph
1:10 - 346 watts, 25.85 mph

Crossfit 806
10' practice handstands
50m 45# plate pinch (holding a 45# plate in each hand by pinching it - daylight coming through the palm and weight - only three people did it as prescribed the whole day)
5 x 95# power snatch
10 push up
10 box jump 24" box
9:20 (won the WOD by five minutes)

coconut water after bike
very small salad at lunch time
16 oz strawberries before WOD
Dinner - 2 trips through JD salad bar
snack - homemade hummus, crunchy veggies, 16oz strawberries
Great eating day. No food after 8 PM.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"Del" - Day 3 of 10 day STRICT VFBNS

Much like I do during a 15-day juice fast, for the next 7 days I'm going to be very specific on the blog about what I eat. Basically showing how to train and eat only VFBNS (veggies fruits beans nuts seeds) for long-term lifestyle change.


This was brutal. 20:35. Great WOD though.

post WOD - 5 oz blueberries, 3 strawberries, 1 tbsp flax seed, 2 tbsp hemp protein, juice from 1 lemon.....pudding, mmmmm
16 oz strawberries around 3:30 PM
Dinner - 2 trips through JD salad bar
snack - mangos, a vegan carob cubes, cashews, handful of cherries, crunchy veggies and homemade hummus

Monday, July 9, 2012

Alarming Facts - protect your kids

Five Worst “Healthy” Fast-Food Kids Meals
Meal Nutrition Shocker
Chick-fil-A Kids Grilled Nuggets Kids Meal Contains the same amount of cholesterol as a Big Mac.
McDonald’s Cheeseburger Happy Meal Contains more sodium than 13 orders of McDonald’s kids fries.
Sonic Kids’ Jr. Burger Meal Contains more sugar than two Twinkies.
Burger King Hamburger Kids Meal Contains almost as much cholesterol as six slices of pork bacon.
Denny's Build Your Own Jr. Grand Slam Contains almost 100 more milligrams of sodium than the government recommends children consume at breakfast. 

read whole article here

Day 2 of 10 day STRICT VFBNS

Much like I do during a 15-day juice fast, for the next 8 days I'm going to be very specific on the blog about what I eat. Basically showing how to train and eat only VFBNS (veggies fruits beans nuts seeds) for long-term lifestyle change.

Juice Monday

CFE long interval swim
10' WU
6x 100 yards on 3'
These times blew me away. 1:35 used to be fast for me. Hit anywhere from 12-14 strokes per length. Feel very fast.

Played hoops at lunch, too.

1/2 cup of coffee mid-morning
"lunch" juice - 1 green apple, 4 carrots, stalk of broccoli, 1 beet, 1 inch of ginger, 1/2 cucumber, 2 bunches of spinach

"dinner" juice - same as above

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 1 of 10 day STRICT VFBNS

Much like I do during a 15-day juice fast, for the next 10 days I'm going to be very specific about what I eat. Basically showing how to train and eat only VFBNS (veggies fruits beans nuts seeds) for long-term lifestyle change.

Tempo run
2 x 2mile with 5' rest
Hot this morning. Feel good.

CF "Josh"
10' WU
21 OHS with 95#
42 pulls
15 OHS
30 pulls
18 pulls

juice after run
(4 carrots, 1 green apple, 1 cucumber)

post WOD blueberry pudding
(5-6 ounces of frozen blueberries, spoonful of hemp protein, spoonful of flaxseed, juice of 1 lemon, all blended in a food processor)

Dinner - large salad
(bed of spinach and mixed greens, chopped bell pepper, cucumber, tomato, red onion, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, carrots, red wine vinegar)

spaghetti squash

raw veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots)
(1/2 can no salt Aduki beans, 1 tbsp tahini, juice from 1 lemon, 1.5 tsp chia seeds, 1 tsp garlic powder, all blended in a food processor)

cashews (1/2 cup)
carrots and tahini and almond butter
2 carob cubes

CFE Short interval bike - 10 bursts

CFE short interval bike
10' WU
10x .25 mile, 90" rest
38" (338 watts, 23.9 mph)
35" (353 watts, 24.73 mph)
35" (333 watts, 25.57 mph)
36" (345 watts, 24.98 mph)
33" (355 watts, 26.57 mph)
33" (357 watts, 26.64 mph)
32" (363 watts, 26.98 mph)
30" (390 watts, 29.15 mph)
29" (395 watts, 29.54 mph)
30" (422 watts, 29.53 mph)
Did in garage. Love doing intervals inside on the power meter. Makes it so much better.

juice after ride
strawberries, carrots during day
dinner - large salad, few bites of spaghetti squash, two side of raw veggies at Abuelo's (with salsa)
brd, guacamole, salsa, cashew dip, celery, blue corn chips, 2 handfuls of chocolate chips (thanks Grants)

Friday, July 6, 2012

"Diane" and CFE swim

CFE long interval swim
10' warmup
8 x 100y on 2'
Good swim. Based on how I felt after the third interval, I'm surprised I was able to get the last five under 1:29. Counting strokes helps. Tried to hit 14 per 25 yards.

225# DL
5:39 (pr)

post swim and hoops - 1/2 banana, blueberries, 2 strawberries, hemp protein, chia seeds, lemon juice all processed up
16 oz of strawberries and coconut water about 2:30
Dinner - large salad, spaghetti squash, salmon, hummus and crunchy veggies

Quote of the Day

"Toddlers can learn to enjoy hot and spicy food, bland health food, or fast food, depending upon WHAT THE PEOPLE AROUND THEM EAT. [emphasis mine]"

       Eric Schlosser
           Fast Food Nation


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fact of the Day

Want to burn fat? Don't eat before you exercise (even in the morning). Your body will quickly switch from carb burning to fat burning if there are no readily accessible carbs for it to burn.

The only time I eat anything pre-exercise is if I'm going longer than 2.5 hours.


CF and CFE

CF at lunch
3 thrusters 100#
3 chest to bar pulls
6 and 6
9 and 9
...continue moving up three reps for as many as you can get in 7 minutes.
I finished the round of 12 and was on my 10th rep of thruster when time ran out. 70 reps. My brother did 41 more reps than that...ridiculous.
Did pistol work afterward...very sweaty.

6 x 400 on 90" rest
1:24.23 (hr155)
1:23.10 (hr154)
1:23.77  (hr 157)
1:21.26 (hr 159)
1:23.33 (hr 161)
1:20.40 (hr 162)
Good run. Hot. Love my new watch. Don't have to do as much math during my intervals.

strawberries and cherries (enough to fill a large coffee mug) around lunchtime
strawberries around 3 PM
Dinner - large salad, small salmon filet (Haelyn ate most of it then dropped a bunch on the ground along with the glass bowl which shattered everywhere!), raw veggies and hummus

Fourth of July

Got up early and rode 20 miles.
Averaged 19.6.
196 watts. HR average 143
Very windy.

Was going to do another WOD this afternoon but took a nap instead.

post ride - blueberries, hemp protein, flaxseed, carob powder, lemon juice
around lunchtime - strawberries, carrots with almond butter
Dinner - brd, celery and: cashew dip, guacamole, salsa, black bean salsa; 1/2 salmon filet, blue corn chips and salsa for snack

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

CF, 9-6-3

9-6-3 reps of:
115# thruster
muscle up
rx-d was 165 but that would have crushed me. 115 was tough enough. Part of long-term CF success is knowing the difference between killing the WOD and killing yourself. That fine line between not pushing yourself hard enough and risking a slipped disk or pulled muscle.

2 carrots and some strawberries around lunch time
small juice before WOD (3 carrots, 1 green apple)
Dinner - large salad, crunchy veggies with homemade hummus

Monday, CFE swim

CFE short interval swim
10x 50 on 2' rest
10' WU
Pretty happy with these times. Feeling good in the water. 116,000 yards at a slower pace seems to have helped my short interval, speed stuff in the pool.

All I did today.

Juice monday
2 juices - sweet potato, green apples, carrots, celery, beet, kale, ginger
Love me some juice Mondays....

Sunday, July 1, 2012

CFE day

Ran 10K this morning in 42:20. Felt pretty good.
New Timex watch/HR monitor is pretty sweet.

CFE long interval bike
5' all out effort, 3 rest
Riding inside with watts is a different beast. You can't just go on "feel."
Rode in the garage...SUPER hot. Before the last interval I reminded myself that I could either coast through the finish line, or really work...that THIS is where strength and speed is gained. I told myself I was going to hit 250+ watts. Halfway through I was losing steam, about to pass out, and at 248, but somehow managed to finish just above my goal number.
I practically fell off the bike...could hardly breathe. THAT'S how an interval workout should end...with you almost dying. It does no good if you work intervals the same intensity as a longer distance phase. 

post run - blueberries, blackberries, lemon juice, carob powder, hemp protein, flaxseed, spinach processed up
lunch - couple of pieces of avocado roll, miso soup, cooked veggies (small amount of leftover from Hope)
snack - carob cubes, blue corn chips, celery/almond butter, LARA bar
Dinner - raw veggies, homemade hummus
snack - carob cubes, 1/2 of a medium cheeseless veggie pizza

Got all 10 workouts in this week.

Rest Day

took today off...

June 29, Friday (CF)

500m row
20 GHD situps
2 15' rope climb ascents (subbed 14 towel pull)

All I did today.
Rangers game tonight. Gentry's 8th inning triple won it. Great game.